2011年12月16日 星期五

Google 出品,6隻超有趣的 Chromebook 短篇廣告

Google 出品,6隻超有趣的 Chromebook 短篇廣告: Google 一向很會拍攝創意廣告,無論是跟聲音比快的 Chrome 瀏覽器,還是用可愛動畫呈現 Google 街景圖製作方式;最近也為 Chromebook 拍了6隻超短篇廣告,廣告長度皆不超過20秒,並以詼諧的手法訴說 Chromebook 的6大優勢。







▲備份(Back Up)電腦?你只需要把電腦往後推(Back Up)。

資料來源:chrome story


Google Chrome 找 Lady Gaga 拍廣告,大搞社群行銷

Google Chrome行銷術:創意廣告影片、大打看板報紙廣告

Google Chrome行銷術(二):包裝成聖誕禮物送給朋友吧!

飛快的Google Chrome影片巄係假?


Brightwurks Debuts 'Here's to the Crazy Ones' Letterpress Poster for Charity [Mac Blog]

Brightwurks Debuts 'Here's to the Crazy Ones' Letterpress Poster for Charity [Mac Blog]: The team at Brightwurks took some time away from developing useful web-apps to create this unique piece of artwork. The letterpress poster contains a stylized version of the text from Apple's famous Think Different ad. The poster is 10" x 26" and printed on 100% cotton, handmade Arches 140# paper.

Like so many, we've been deeply inspired by this quote. With the recent passing of Steve Jobs, we decided to create something that could hang in the office, commemorating an innovator and challenging us daily to "think different".
Brightwurks promises that 100% of the profits from the poster will be donated to the Acumen Fund, which "exists to end worldwide poverty by investing in sustainable entrepreneurial projects and breakthrough ideas."

The poster is available for a limited time, $95 + $10 shipping unframed, or $195 + $25 shipping framed.

Orders will be shipped the week of December 12, but can only be shipped to addresses within the United States.


Apple打算收購NAND快閃記憶體供應商Anobit?: 根據気になる、記になる…網站轉述TechCrunch消息,Apple似乎正在與以色列NAND快閃記憶體供應商Anobit進行收購交涉,據知收購金額將達4~5億美元,現行iPhone、iPad以及MacBook Air已搭載該公司產品。

透過「Loginox」能輕鬆變更OS X Lion開機Logo與登入背景畫面

透過「Loginox」能輕鬆變更OS X Lion開機Logo與登入背景畫面: OS X Daily網站消息,雖然透過路徑圖檔更換的方式能進一步變更OS X Lion開機登入背景,不過由於考慮到圖檔仍需手動調整,過程難免複雜。 因此,對於希望能變更OS X Lion開機Logo以及登入背景畫面的使用者來說,或許可以直接考慮「Loginox」,這套軟體免費提供下載,同時亦適用Mac OS X 10.5/10.6環境。 延伸閱讀: - 能讓Mac OS X「Quick Look」支援文字選取的方式 - 「Lion Designer」能提供Launchpad、Mission Control以及Dashboard背景樣式的變更

1991年「Macintosh Portable」曾參與NASA外太空計畫

1991年「Macintosh Portable」曾參與NASA外太空計畫: 稍早OS X Daily方面刊載了一則影片,說明1991年當時Apple「Macintosh Portable」被攜上太空梭STS-43作業,同時亦為首部在外太空寄發Email的個人電腦,影片中主要展示了當時零重力環境下進行磁碟退片的情形。 (以下參考大谷和利先生著作「Macintosh名機図鑑」) Apple在1989年發表全球首款筆記型(laptop)個人電腦「Macintosh Portable」,問世當時,最讓消費者為之驚豔的不外乎體積以及重量,當時為了要以電池完整驅動一台Mac電腦,採用了盒裝豆腐般大小的鉛電池(1.3公斤),因而能提供8~12小時續航力;不過,當時Macintosh Protable的底部面積近40平方公分,最厚處達10公分,整體重量也有7.5公斤,是較為負面的評價。 不過,Macintosh Portable除了是全球首款搭載TFT液晶螢幕的電腦(提供清晰易看的黑白螢幕畫質),由於採用軌跡球(Trackball)取代滑鼠、整體外觀設計又考慮到打字的便利性,因此在當時無疑是一部劃時代的產品。 整體來說,雖然Macintosh Portable在商業市場上算是失敗的作品,不過卻屢屢在美國NASA主導的太空計劃中擔任要角,當時也曾用於於熱帶雨林的研究領域。 關於Macintosh Portable相關的照片比較,歡迎參考: MacTech Lab.「18年前の魅力的な代物「Macintosh Portable」再考(1/2)」 MacTech Lab.「18年前の魅力的な代物「Macintosh Portable」再考(1/2)」 延伸閱讀 - 大谷和利「ジョブズ流仕事術」出版紀念PARTY

Macro Shots On Smartphones Get Boost

Macro Shots On Smartphones Get Boost:

With smartphone cameras getting better by the day, it’s only a matter of time before more accessory makers start offering nifty add-ons to make your snapshots more appealing. Photojojo figured taking macro shots on your smartphones need some help, so they came up with the Macro Cell Lens Band.

Original Story Macro Shots On Smartphones Get Boost

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011

Cloak Bag 2.0 For DSLR’s Launched

Cloak Bag 2.0 For DSLR’s Launched:

We first featured the Cloak Bag for DSLR cameras back in February of last year, and the developers of this unique camera bag have just launched a new version, the Cloak Bag 2.0.

The Cloak Bag has been developed by Naranja Studio, and the Cloak Bag 2.0 has been developed over the last year, and comes with a number of design improvements over the original version which are designed to make it more user friendly.

Cloak Bag 2.0 For DSLR's(...)
Original Story Cloak Bag 2.0 For DSLR’s Launched

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011

Spring Batteries Squeeze Out Every Last Drop Of Power

Spring Batteries Squeeze Out Every Last Drop Of Power:

An innovative battery concept has been designed by Huang Kun, Meng Xun, He Ting & Liu Yuan, called the One = Two. Which is already a 2011 red dot design concept winning entry, and provides a great way to be able to use every last drop of power from each battery.

Spring battery

Original Story Spring Batteries Squeeze Out Every Last Drop Of Power

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011

Left 4 Dead Fan Film Teaser (video)

Left 4 Dead Fan Film Teaser (video):

Fans of the Left 4 Dead series of games, are sure to enjoy this teaser trailer that has been released. Promoting a new live-action fan film which will shortly be released. The fan film has been created by Airsoftgi Tim and a few of his friends over the space of just one weekend, and provides a glimpse of what you can expect when the full video is released soon!

Left 4 Dead

Original Story Left 4 Dead Fan Film Teaser (video)

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011

Tokyoflash Kisai Rogue Touch Pocket Watch

Tokyoflash Kisai Rogue Touch Pocket Watch:

The latest funky timepiece from Tokyflash is a combination of old and new, the Tokyoflash Kisai Rogue Touch Pocket Watch, and as the name suggests this pocket watch features a touchscreen LCD display.

The Tokyoflash Kisai Rogue Touch Pocket Watch comes in a range of different LCD colors, which include blue, green, red and natural, have a look at the photos below.

Tokyoflash Kisai Rogue Touch Pocket Watch

Original Story Tokyoflash Kisai Rogue Touch Pocket Watch

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011

Flex Lighting LED 薄膜將你的 E Ink 閱讀器點亮

Flex Lighting LED 薄膜將你的 E Ink 閱讀器點亮:

看來這個新技術將會大大改變 E Ink 讀者的閱讀習慣了:Flex Lighting 宣布他們開發了一款只有 0.05 mm 厚度的超薄 LED 薄膜,能不大大地改變 Kindle 等傳統 E Ink 電子閱讀器的厚度,但又為它們帶來有如彩色螢幕那樣的照明系統。據該公司所說,傳統的 LED 膜技術不單較厚,也要用上一系列的 LED 燈來將光貫穿整張膜;相反,他們的 LED 膜不但較薄,也只需要用上比傳統技術少 40% LED 燈就可以了(卻沒有說用了多少顆...)。而且他們聲稱技術的光是柔和的光,類似螢光一樣,相信對習慣在黑夜閱讀的讀者眼睛是另一個好消息呀。不知道 Amazon 等 E Ink 電子閱讀器生產商會不會對這個技術有興趣呢?繼續閱讀裡有一段短短的示範影片。

%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 Flex Lighting LED 薄膜將你的 E Ink 閱讀器點亮

Prada 3.0 還沒上伸展台,就在後台被抓個正著曝光了!

Prada 3.0 還沒上伸展台,就在後台被抓個正著曝光了!:

Prada 3.0 的正式發表會還有幾個小時才會舉行,不過看起來還沒上伸展台,就被狗仔(?)拍個正著了!目前差不多可以確定規格上它會採用 1GHz 的 OMAP 4430 處理器,並且有 8GB 的內建儲存空間,外加 microSD 擴充能力、NFC 和 8MP 的後置相機,但真正搶眼的還是它特製的黑白介面,底下是 Android 2.3.7。

主站的編輯們還在梳妝打扮(去這種 Fashion 的場子科技編輯壓力很大啊...),不過應該很快就會有更完整的資訊出來了。

Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 1

Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 1: Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 1

Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 2

Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 2: Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 2

Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 3

Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 3: Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 3

Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 4

Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 4: Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 4

Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 5

Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 5: Creative photomanipulations by LSD s.r.l. Part 5

Google Chrome 的 Native Client 技術將致力於遊戲和應用,可流暢運行大型遊戲 Bastion

Google Chrome 的 Native Client 技術將致力於遊戲和應用,可流暢運行大型遊戲 Bastion:

Google 的 Chrome 不僅僅具備簡單的網頁流覽功能,官方企圖借助 Native Client 技術讓開發者可以在 Chrome 內執行原生 X86 代碼,並且輕鬆實現跨平臺。這個技術在今年初發佈,但已經經過測試,這次 Google 正式放出相關資訊和介紹影片,能夠實現跨平臺運行大型遊戲。正如你上圖中所看到的,Bastion 已經可以跨過 Xbox Live 平臺,直接在 Mac,Linux 以及 Chrome OS 系統中呈現。Native Client 可以非常方便的實現 C, C++ 或者 C# 代碼的移植,舉個例子,Spacetime Studio 工作室的大型 MMO 遊戲 Star Legend 移植到 Native Client 平臺只花了 2 周左右的時間。同時,穀歌還提供了 Chrome 網頁商店 Chrome Web Store ,幫助開發者們將應用程式移植過來然後進行推廣,這對他們來說是個巨大的福音。

從本質上來講,Chrome 及 Native Client 技術不僅僅是提升流覽器性能,而是打造一個平臺,讓應用程式更方便的推廣。而遊戲開發者們將實現良好的跨平臺體驗,對於用戶來說,以前在 Xbox、Wii 上的一些經典遊戲,在將來我們可以在 PC 及 MAC 上和玩家朋友對戰,也是個好消息。

%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 Google Chrome 的 Native Client 技術將致力於遊戲和應用,可流暢運行大型遊戲 Bastion