2013年3月4日 星期一


挑戰摩爾定律遇到什麼瓶頸?四大半導體商如何聯手追趕: 摩爾定律(Moore’s law)預測,每隔18個月晶片上電晶體數量成長一倍**。這項定律成功預測半導體產業近五十年。不過,當晶片線寬(IC 產業能製造的最小導線寬度)縮小到20nm以下,有人認為摩爾定律將無法繼續預測半導體產業,甚至有物理學家宣判摩爾定律將會完全失效



摩爾定律為 Intel 創辦人 Gordon Moore 在1965年發表,儘管他本人不認為這是一個定律,而是預測。Intel 以這項定律為發展藍圖,持續以財務優勢和技術創新,把競爭者狠狠甩在後面。

▲1965年 Gordon E. Moore 的「摩爾定律」原稿。資料來源:Intel
產業界計畫使用 193nm(ArF)光源搭配浸潤式顯影(Immersion lithography)技術製造20nm晶片。Intel 今年著手製造14nm晶片,並計畫於2015年製造10nm晶片。然而,下一代顯影技術尚未成熟,14nm效能提升或許只有以往的一半。
比利時微電子中心(Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre)總裁 Luc van den Hove 預估以193nm搭配浸潤式顯影製造14nm晶片,成本將會超過28nm技術的90%以上。成本上升主因是曝光顯影技術,在極小線寬下,需要多次曝光顯影,且誤差率也會提高,造成時間與金錢成本大幅上升。



Intel 在20年前認為自己找到夠小的筆尖了—極紫外光(Extreme Ultraviolet,"EUV",波長13.5nm),是現在光源波長的7%而已。Intel 認為 EUV 顯影技術能持續推動摩爾定律,搭配浸潤式顯影晶片尺寸可達10nm以下。
於是 Intel 大力推動各廠商組成聯盟研發 EUV,一開始還樂觀預估2007年就能以 EUV 取代深紫外光(Deep Ultraviolet,"DUV",波長193nm)。

2002年時 Intel 對顯影技術藍圖,現在看來實在太樂觀了。資料來源:Intel。
除了 EUV 外,浸潤式顯影技術的發展一般認為可持續沿用到10nm下。這個技術將水滴填滿鏡頭與晶圓間,藉由光線遇到不同介質會折射改變聚焦深度,已讓 DUV 顯影技術得以延續至今。

雖說線寬尺寸持續縮小,光源波長縮短是正面解決問題方案(愚公移山?);但 EUV 顯影設備一再延後推出,主因是光源強度太弱,導致晶圓顯影速度(throughput)只有每小時30片,不足商業化的要求至少每小時100片。
下一代 EUV 設備發展受阻,產業急著尋找替代技術,Intel 宣稱浸潤式顯影可達到 10nm 下,且製造成本依然足夠商業化。然而顯影需要更多次,光罩成本與工作流程都會大幅增加。


正當 EUV 技術看似無法追趕上摩爾定律時,顯影設備廠商龍頭艾司摩爾(ASML)(編按:愛死摩爾?)在市場投下震撼彈。2012年 ASML 宣布「客戶共同投資計畫」(Customers Co-Investment Program),由 ASML 三大客戶 — Intel、台積電與三星各買下 ASML 15%、5%以及3%的股份(台灣贏韓國耶),並在未來五年提供 ASML 約1.84億美元開發 EUV 顯影設備。此交易案改變晶圓製造商業模式,變成由設備廠與晶圓製造廠共同承擔研發風險。
緊接著 ASML 宣布併購 Cymer。Cymer 長期研發 EUV 光源技術,並正在和 ASML 共同合作開發新一代 EUV 顯影設備。
併購案底定,ASML 執行長 Eric Meurice 宣布:
  • 在客戶共同投資計畫支持下,今年研發預算大幅上升30%左右。
  • 2016年利用 EUV 顯影,將可達到每小時125片生產速率。
  • 2013年將有11台 EUV 顯影機台進行測試,預計將為 ASML 帶來9.8億美元營收。
這兩筆交易(投資案和併購案)讓 Intel、ASML 與 Cymer 執行長一起被選為2012 The Chip Insider 之星。


無論 EUV 技術是否成功推出,產業界已有推出20nm,甚至14nm的備案。這代表摩爾定律仍未錯誤嗎?不盡然是。
* 本文以 Intel 為主,針對 EUV 與浸潤式顯影技術討論。半導體產業其他技術多頭發展中,包括 Mask-less lithography,Nanoprint lithography、Directed self assembly,甚至是顛覆半導體結構的3D IC、DNA 分子、Carbon Nanotube、量子點,都是產業的未來之星。你有什麼想法嗎?歡迎留言討論。
** 摩爾當初預測為兩年,18個月據稱是 Dave House 修改

作者:Tim Chen



來自「中土世界」的里長公告,欲前往定居請先詳閱注意事項: 十年前,導演彼得.傑克森的魔戒三部曲電影,創造了奇幻史詩熱潮,而去年底上映的《哈比人:意外旅程》,則讓我們再次重回了中土世界。如果你意外置身在中土世界,該如何在那個地方安穩的存活下來呢?
魔戒電影系列的故事源頭,出自英國牛津大學教授J.R.R托爾金(John Ronald Reuel Tolkien,1892-1973)的創作,從此奇幻文學跳脫出荷馬史詩的範疇,成為一個新的創作題材,在他筆下的《哈比人歷險記》、《魔戒三部曲》,與《精靈寶鑽》等書,生動描繪出了中土世界的悠久歷史與波瀾壯闊的風土人情,彷彿在某個空間的斷面,中土世界它是真正存在的。
萬一哪天真的不小心一覺醒來,發現置身在中土世界,該如何在那個地方安穩的存活下來呢,所以就在這樣的發想之下,藝術家Julia Lepetit發揮創意,半認真半惡搞地繪製出幾款大眾公告海報(Publice Service Announcement,PSA),並由Andrew Bridgman和Caldwell Tanner撰寫公告內文,就讓我們看看,中土世界有哪些應該注意的事項吧!








因為你們一天已經吃2頓早餐,而且,把它叫做早午餐就好,沒錯,它就是早午餐!哈比人糖尿病理事會謹製。(P.S. 哈比人一天要吃7餐,分別是早餐、第二早餐、午前茶點、午餐、下午茶、晚餐及宵夜。)


iPhone 5 越獄馬上來,小心別被假網頁騙到
MD 20年歷史說再見,Sony 最後一款 MD 產品宣佈停產
超懷舊!90 年代小孩的一天








創作者部落格:Julia Lepetit

兼具行動性和美學的 Lumio 檯燈,來看看發明者的介紹影片吧

兼具行動性和美學的 Lumio 檯燈,來看看發明者的介紹影片吧:

主站的編輯剛剛拜訪了位於美國舊金山的 TechShop 發明家工作室,亦找來了 Lumio 檯燈的設計者 Max Gunawan 做一個訪問。這款光度有 500 流明的 LED 檯燈之所以這麼酷,是因為用戶只需要像平常打開書本那樣就可以啟動這檯燈,合起來就能夠關閉,內置的工業級磁鐵能使其緊緊閉合;這個設計讓到它提供檯燈功能之餘不失可攜性,集美學和實用一身。

它除了外觀反傳統之外,內涵也反傳統。有別於普通檯燈,使用它時不需要外接電線,因為裡面有一個充一次能提供 8 小時續航力的電池。Gunawan 計劃在 2 月 12 號將這款產品放上 Kickstarter 集資,目標是 US$60,000,集資期間出資者能以 US$95(約 HK$740 / NT$2,820)左右買到它,預計集資期後產品上市之時價格會是 US$125(約 HK$970 / NT$3,710)至 US$135(約 HK$1,050 / NT$4,010)左右。有興趣可到繼續閱讀看看影片。

%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 兼具行動性和美學的 Lumio 檯燈,來看看發明者的介紹影片吧

Audio Pro Allroom Air One Airplay Speaker Announced (video)

Audio Pro Allroom Air One Airplay Speaker Announced (video):
Loudspeaker specialist Audio Pro has this week announced a new addition to their range of Airplay speakers with the unveiling of the new Audio Pro Allroom Air One Airplay speaker.
The Audio Pro Allroom Air One speaker is compatible with Apple AirPlay devices, enabling users to stream their music wirelessly over a network using a Mac or PC systems via Apple’s iTunes software. Watch the video after the jump to see it in action.
Audio Pro Wireless AirPlay Allroom Air One Speaker
Original Story Audio Pro Allroom Air One Airplay Speaker Announced (video)

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Full Auto Slingshot Minigun Unveiled By Slingshot Master Joerg Sprave (video)

Full Auto Slingshot Minigun Unveiled By Slingshot Master Joerg Sprave (video):
Slingshot Master Joerg Sprave has been at it again this week weaponising hand held power tools by Black & Decker to create weird and wonderful automatic weapons.
This week Sprave has used a rechargeable handheld screw driver to create a full auto Slingshot Minigun which is capable of shooting commercial pistol crossbow bolts from its eight barrels. Watch the video after the jump to see it in action.
Full Auto Slingshot Minigun
Original Story Full Auto Slingshot Minigun Unveiled By Slingshot Master Joerg Sprave (video)

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Bayonetta 2 & Wonderful 101 Are Nintendo-Funded, Will Remain Wii U Exclusives

Bayonetta 2 & Wonderful 101 Are Nintendo-Funded, Will Remain Wii U Exclusives:
Current Wii U exclusives Bayonetta 2 and Wonderful 101 are extremely unlikely to ever grace other consoles because they’re being fully funded by Nintendo, according to Hideki Kamiya, co-founder of Platinum Games. Recent former Wii U exclusives Rayman Legends and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge are now in development for the PS3 and 360, possibly prompting Kamiya’s statements.
Original Story Bayonetta 2 & Wonderful 101 Are Nintendo-Funded, Will Remain Wii U Exclusives

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Cubify Cube 3D Printer Starts Shipping (video)

Cubify Cube 3D Printer Starts Shipping (video):
First unveiled back in CES earlier this year, the new Cubify Cube 3D Printer is now available to purchase and has started shipping. Cubify has designed their new Cube 3D Printer to be the lightest, smallest, & most affordable home 3D design system on the market, and offers a number of bundles to get you started 3D printing at home. Watch the video after the jump to see the Cubify Cube 3D Printer in action.
Cubify Cube 3D Printer
Original Story Cubify Cube 3D Printer Starts Shipping (video)

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OUYA Getting Double Fine Adventure, Words With Friends Creator’s New Game

OUYA Getting Double Fine Adventure, Words With Friends Creator’s New Game:
The Ouya is getting a boost in the form of two independent studios pledging support. Paul Bettner, of Words With Friends‘ fame, together with the peerless Double Fine are set to populate the Ouya’s store with their creations. The Cave and Reds, as Double Fine Adventure is now known, will be making an appearance, possibly the only console release for the latter.
Original Story OUYA Getting Double Fine Adventure, Words With Friends Creator’s New Game

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Dyson Airblade Tap Launches, Washing And Drying Your Hands (video)

Dyson Airblade Tap Launches, Washing And Drying Your Hands (video):
Today Dyson have taken the wraps of a new invention they have created, building on the technology used within their Airblade hand dryers, designed for use within public toilets.
The new Dyson Airblade Tap incorporates both a fawcet and hand dryer in one which drys your hands as you move them under the wing like extensions on either side of the facet. Watch the video after the jump to learn more about the Dyson Airblade Tap project, from the creator James Dyson and see it in action.
Dyson Airblade Tap
Original Story Dyson Airblade Tap Launches, Washing And Drying Your Hands (video)

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Android GameStick Console Raises Over $645,000 On Kickstarter (video)

Android GameStick Console Raises Over $645,000 On Kickstarter (video):
After launching at the beginning of January, GameStick the new Android portable games console, thats small enough to fit in your pocket has now closed it successful Kickstarter campaign, raising more than $645,000 in the process.
GameStick has been designed to be open source along similar lines to the Ouya which also raised funding from Kickstarter. Watch the video after the jump to see it in action.
Original Story Android GameStick Console Raises Over $645,000 On Kickstarter (video)

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Lynx A Camera Is The World’s First Point-and-shoot 3D Camera To Create 3D Content (video)

Lynx A Camera Is The World’s First Point-and-shoot 3D Camera To Create 3D Content (video):
If you enjoy creating 3D computer models and scenes, you might interested in a new project which has launched over on the Kickstarter crowd funding website this week called the Lynx A Camera.
The Lunx Camera has been designed to provide an easier way to create scene, object and motion capture models, and immediately output the files into formats such as PLY, OBJ, STL, XYZ, JPS, BVH, and more. Watch the video after the jump to see it in action.
Lynx Camera Kickstarter
Original Story Lynx A Camera Is The World’s First Point-and-shoot 3D Camera To Create 3D Content (video)

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