2011年9月26日 星期一

Arrows Z HD Android Smartphone Announced In Japan

Arrows Z HD Android Smartphone Announced In Japan:

It looks like we have our second HD smartphone announcement for today, earlier we heard about the new Samsung Galaxy S II HD LTE, and now KDDI in Japan is getting a new HD smartphone, the Arrows Z.

The Arrows Z is the work of Toshiba and Fujitsu, who have teamed up to produce smartphones together and it comes with a range of impressive specifications which include a 4.3 inch HD LCD multi-touch touchscreen display with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels.

Arrows Z HD Android Smartphone(...)
Original Story Arrows Z HD Android Smartphone Announced In Japan

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Verizon 介入蘋果與 Samsung 法庭攻防

Verizon 介入蘋果與 Samsung 法庭攻防:

打從今年四月開始的蘋果大戰 Samsung 的智慧財產權大戰可說越來越精彩,因為美國無線電話系統商龍頭 Verizon 日前竟然出人意料地扮演了程咬金的角色,殺進蘋果和 Samsung 的法庭攻防戰,因為 Verizon 向美國聯邦地方法院提交反對阻止 Samsung 銷售智慧型手機與平板電腦產品禁令的文件。據悉這份文件乃是由美國法制中的「法庭之友」(friend of the court)的方式所提出,讓 Verizon 作為原告與被告以外無利害關係的第三人正式介入相關案件。

會這麼介入蘋果與 Samsung 之間的紛爭,當然不會沒有原因。因為 Verizon 認為蘋果在今年七月所提出阻止 Samsung Galaxy S 4G 、Galaxy Tab 10.1 等產品在美國銷售的預先禁令將會妨礙 Verizon 對於下一代高速 LTE 網路的開發和部署計畫,並深深影響與該計畫相關的就業、公共政策等事項。

由於希望繼續與蘋果合作以降低對 Android 系統的依賴, Verizon 自然很小心地處理這個案件。 Verizon 宣稱其陳述只是針對蘋果用來反對 Samsung 四項智慧財產權中的一項關於軟體專利的部份,其他與設計有關的三項, Verizon 就沒有意見。因為該公司將會無條件地支持保護智慧財產權的主張,但不會認可任何妨礙智慧財產權的做法。 Verizon 很聰明的將公眾利益與公共政策給牽扯進來,好像並非為了一己之私來做出這個動作。

當然蘋果也不是省油的燈, Verizon 所提出「蘋果阻止 Samsung 某些產品在美銷售,不但會傷害 Verizon 的利益,更會傷害到美國消費者的利益,並可能影響下一代網路 4G LTE 的部署工作,進而與美國政府的目標大相逕庭」等理由,絕對會被蘋果視為具有敵意的行為。蘋果會怎麼樣反應? Verizon 的加入是否讓 Samsung 更添勝算?且讓我們等著瞧吧。

Soft Ride Bike With Tempered Steel Wheels Will Never Have A Puncture

Soft Ride Bike With Tempered Steel Wheels Will Never Have A Puncture:

Designed by Ron Arad, an Israeli industrial designer, artist, and architect, known his Well-Tempered chair series that he began in 1986. The very unique Soft Ride bike has reimagined the humble bike wheel and created a totally radical departure from tradition, using tempered steel to create a wheel with complete different characteristics.

For a start you will never get a puncture using the Soft Ride Bike wheel. Which has sprung properties of the tempered steel used which have then been bolted together in tension providing a natural yield. The 18 strips of steel are each pinned at different tension points to create one working wheel resembling a flower.

Soft Ride Bike

Original Story Soft Ride Bike With Tempered Steel Wheels Will Never Have A Puncture

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011

Magnetic Cello, Uses Magnet And Coil Rather Than Traditional Bow And Strings (video)

Magnetic Cello, Uses Magnet And Coil Rather Than Traditional Bow And Strings (video):

David Levi aka Magnetovore, a student studying electrical engineering, has created a fantastic and very innovative magnetic cello, which resembles the size, shape, and playing style of an acoustic cello. However rather than using a bow, you use a magnetic rod which takes the place of the bow to induce a voltage in a coil which replaces the traditional bridge in a cello.

By moving the magnetic rod back and forth you can control the voltage that is used to control the volume of the signal. The pitch of the instrument is controlled by resistive ribbons that have replaced the traditional strings, and are controlled by a second voltage. Watch the video after the jump to see the innovative Magnetic Cello in action.

Magnetic Cello

Original Story Magnetic Cello, Uses Magnet And Coil Rather Than Traditional Bow And Strings (video)

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011

Art Lebedev Space Invader Playing Cards

Art Lebedev Space Invader Playing Cards:

If you can’t quite afford the $1,869 price tag of the Art Lebedev Optimus Maximus keyboard, these cool Art Lebedev Space Invader playing cards might be a little easier on your wallet priced at just $11.

The pack of Space Invader playing cards include references to classic eight-bit computer games from the eighties including all your favourites and featuring pixelated aliens and spaceships in place of the usual suits and characters.

Art Lebedev Space Invader Playing Cards

Original Story Art Lebedev Space Invader Playing Cards

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