2012年3月13日 星期二

「Apple logo」設計樣式已悄悄變更?

「Apple logo」設計樣式已悄悄變更?: 根據気になる、記になる…網站消息,稍早Apple發表會實況影片尾聲,出現了一組全新的Apple logo,或許Apple正悄悄地變更logo樣式,GIZMODO方面彙整了歷代Apple官方使用的logo樣式,提供參考。

現行iOS App圖示尺寸大過1984年第一代麥金塔電腦桌布

現行iOS App圖示尺寸大過1984年第一代麥金塔電腦桌布: 根據気になる、記になる…網站消息,稍早GIZMODO方面,特別刊載了現行iOS App圖示與1984年第一代Macintosh電腦桌布的1:1比較圖,第一代Macintosh的螢幕桌布尺寸為”512×342”pixels,而現行iOS App則具有”512×512”pixels;此外,當時Macintosh黑白軟體圖示也僅僅只有”16×16”pixels。 延伸閱讀 – 支援Retina高解析顯示的iPad軟體圖示尺寸超大

Bomberman Team Fortress 2 Style Mod Created (video)

Bomberman Team Fortress 2 Style Mod Created (video):
If you enjoyed the original Bomberman game, you are sure to enjoy this Team Fortress 2 take on the original game using Demomen from Valve’s TF2.
The new TF2 Bomberman game mod has been created by a pair of industrious modders in under 24 hours and brings a fresh approach to the traditional Bomberman game. Watch the video after the jump to see it in action.
TF2 Bomberman
Original Story Bomberman Team Fortress 2 Style Mod Created (video)

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Renault Twingo變身時尚、音樂、設計、美食的藝術空間

Renault Twingo變身時尚、音樂、設計、美食的藝術空間:

有人覺得車子是自己的第二個家,一個能跟著自己勇闖天涯的行動之家,如果可以選擇的話,不知道大家會想怎樣改裝自己的第二個家呢?最近Renault Twingo就邀來橫跨時尚、音樂、設計、美食四個領域的名人,發揮創意,幫Twingo來個內部大改裝!

受光學藝術啟發的概念車 Volkswagen Optism Concept

受光學藝術啟發的概念車 Volkswagen Optism Concept:

大家看到的這輛像是由鐵架一個一個疊成的車子是由Sangwoo Lee所設計的VW(褔斯)Optism概念車,Sangwoo Lee表示這輛概念車的設計靈感來自光學概念。




白色惡魔 MP4-12C Toxique Evil by Wheelsandmore

白色惡魔 MP4-12C Toxique Evil by Wheelsandmore:

McLaren新開發的3.8升V8雙渦輪增壓引擎是不是缺少足夠的馬力,這見仁見智,但Wheelsandmore絶對認為不夠,因此,他們也對MP4-12C進行改造,推出了McLaren MP4-12C Toxique Evil

由汽車零件蛻變的時尚精品 - Lexus Fashion Workshop

由汽車零件蛻變的時尚精品 - Lexus Fashion Workshop:

嘿嘿嘿!你看得出來模特兒頭上戴的是什麼嗎?你一定沒想到,這副未來感十足的太陽眼鏡,居然是汽車的廢棄排氣管墊襯改裝而成,怎麼樣?這商品的飛炫指數應該跟天外飛來一筆的Lady Gaga裝扮,有過之而無不及吧!




德國設計師Daniel Simon設計的「Detonator」雷管概念重機

德國設計師Daniel Simon設計的「Detonator」雷管概念重機:

第一眼看到這台概念重機,超酷炫的前後大輪胎加上前軀式的車身,你一定會馬上聯想到日本經典動畫阿基拉裡頭的那部紅色「超導電重機」,這輛由德國車輛設計公司「Cosmic Motors」的設計師Daniel Simon設計的概念重機「Detonator(雷管)」,簡直就像是從阿基拉裡頭跑出來的狠角色啊!

PoiseCam Ergonomic iPhone Video Capture Grip (video)

PoiseCam Ergonomic iPhone Video Capture Grip (video):
Anyone who has used their iPhone to capture video footage over long periods of time will already know it can get a little awkward and uncomfortable after a few minutes.
This is where the new PoiseCam iPhone 4 camera grip concepts comes in. It’s been developed by Mark Johnson and is currently over on the Kickstarter website looking to make the jump from concept to production. Watch the video after the jump to see it in action.
Original Story PoiseCam Ergonomic iPhone Video Capture Grip (video)

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012

A Day In The Internet Infographic

A Day In The Internet Infographic:
A Day In The Internet infographic has been created which shows whats used in just one day in the Internet, from Facebook updates to photos uploaded.
The  Day In The Internet infographic includes the number of iPhone sales compared to births, and the staggering amount of hours streamed on the Pandora music site and applications. You can few these and more of the statistics in the infographic after the jump.
A Day In The Internet
Original Story A Day In The Internet Infographic

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012

Slanda Pen Always Remains Standing

Slanda Pen Always Remains Standing:
If you are looking for something a little different in the way of a traditional writing instrument, to sign checks and do a little of the old school communication. The Slända pen which has been designed by Gustav Widström and Marcus Heneen might be worth a look.
The pen has been named Slända after the Swedish name for dragonfly, and is a uniquely styled pen which has been designed to always be easily available to grab from your desktop.

Slanda pen
Original Story Slanda Pen Always Remains Standing

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