2011年8月11日 星期四

[消息] Apple 申請地圖專利!

[消息] Apple 申請地圖專利!: "
Apple 在 2009 年收購的公司 Placebase 剛剛申請專利,這項專利是跟地圖有關的,這項專利是用來將地圖顯示的重點物件 Highlight,而非重點則自動模糊化,將最有用的訊息以更直接的方式傳送給用戶。這是由 Apple 收購回來的 Placebase 所提交,也是 Apple 新成立的「地理小組」的工作。看來,Apple 將 iOS 的 Map 視為 Client 程式來管理,而不同的 Map Services 則按其喜好選取,只要符合其 Map Client 的 API 也可以載入任何地圖。

Apple 看來不像是想自行研發另一套 Google Maps,而是隨時更換地圖供應商而自己則保留 Client 的絕對控制權,更重要的是透過 Client 將讓其地圖跟 Android 上的 Google Maps for Android 差異化。

新版 iOS 5 在地圖方面也作了提升,加入了 Google Transit 及 Walking Direction 功能,前者代你找公共交通工具,後者方便用戶走路時代你「導航」。

來源: http://www.freeapps100.com/2011/08/1...w-map-feature/


探訪 日本東京 明治100% Chocolate Café

探訪 日本東京 明治100% Chocolate Café: "還記得臉圓圓總是吐出舌頭,穿著紅色衣服的娃娃嗎?空間設計潮人片山正通在推出原宿GODIVA Café作品之前,另一個巧思之作是位於京橋明治製菓大樓這家明治100% Chocolate Café。快來瞧瞧傳說中的「巧克力實驗室」到底長什麼樣子吧!


  • 營業時間:平日8:00~20:00;週六、日及假日11:00 ∼ 19:00。

  • 交通情報:東京Metro銀座線京橋站5號出口,步行1分鐘。JR東京站八重洲南口步行8分鐘。

  • 官方網址:http://www.meiji.co.jp/sweets/choco-cafe/

  • 56種巧克力產品介紹網址:http://www.meiji.co.jp/shopping/choco-cafe/56choco/index2.php


這家為慶祝明治製菓創立90周年而開立的 100% Chocolate Café,從地鐵京橋站就可看到斗大而繽紛的巧克力廣告。設在明治製菓總公司大樓內,店內面積不大,但運用巧克力色系,搭配細白小磁磚、高亮度的招牌字,透過透明冰櫃牆及落地窗讓光線可在室內流動,空間分外明亮。

▲明治100% Chocolate Café。



最引人注目的是靠牆面的「巧克力實驗室」,將選自世界17個國家、22種種類的可可亞豆,製作成56種不同口味的巧克力,透明的巧克力盒內,各自標示著不同產地、濃度、甜度及加味料等等的說明,口味之多種,甚至連黑胡椒、起司各種想像不到的味道都在其中。在結帳櫃台旁的小小展示櫃中,56 種口味巧克力磚以繽紛彩色紙包裝,頓時讓質感風的店面活潑不少。

為了便於理解及挑選,這座「巧克力實驗室」也搬到官網上,才發現這網站製作得十分有創意,56 種口味的巧克力可依偏好快速找尋外,點選時網頁還會發出小小而急促的咔、咔聲,有如剝開長磚巧克力片的輕脆音,十分有趣。





特別的還有365天的當日限定巧克力。隨著現點的巧克力飲品一併附上當日限定巧克力,讓經常來訪的老客戶也能品嚐到不同口味的巧克力。押印上日期的巧克力,原想買來作為下個月初朋友的生日禮,詢問之下,才知這名為「365 天巧克力」只賣當日日期或是當月份的巧克力,若要做為生日限定的賀禮,還得當日親自來訪呢!

另一項最能代表甜蜜溫馨感的「Tab Letter」,讓巧克力把甜言蜜語說出口,除各種 字母巧克力外,另有以白巧克力製成的星、心型,創意、心意透過一格格巧克力傳達,誠意十足。小小的展示台,五花八門創意巧克力,讓人有些目不暇給。

但最棒的莫過在這精緻的巧克力店裏,品嚐一份道地100% Chocolate。來了幾回,秋天的日光街道和巧克力特別對味,視野穿過明亮的落地玻璃窗望去,陽光下澄黃色銀杏樹柔情卻有生氣,點上一杯當季限定的羅勒巧克力,把甜度沖淡些,卻多了幾分香氣。喝著喝著,不自覺愛上這第一口喝來有點複雜口感的羅勒巧克力,暖暖的幸福包圍著微涼早晨下冰冷的雙手。此時店內進來兩位cosplay打扮的年輕女孩,讓原先在店內濃濃的優雅氣息,泛起小小漣漪。


親子同樂的好所在: 白木屋品牌 文化館 一日遊

美食攝影 技巧教學

帶你去吃 義大利料理 餐廳: Albero

呷飽沒? 美食攝影 要吃之前先拍就對了!

帶你邊拍邊吃 創意中式料理 : 寒舍食譜



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PixelInvaders, Open Source LED Matrix Project (Video)

PixelInvaders, Open Source LED Matrix Project (Video): "

We just got an email from Michael Vogt from PixelInvaders to let us know about his new project, PixelInvaders, which is an open source hardware project for artists, and it is made from 3D RGB LED panels.

The PixelInvaders is capable of playing back real time generated video animations, the video below shows it in action, and multiple panels can be connected together to make larger displays.

Original Story PixelInvaders, Open Source LED Matrix Project (Video)

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011


Bonobo Plywood Bike

Bonobo Plywood Bike: "

A unique bike called the Bonobo has been created by  Polish designer Stanisław Płoski, and has been created using a moulded plywood frame rather than a traditional metal alloy one, that you would expect to see on a mountain bike.

The plywood frame was created by laminating strips of veneer together to create a curved lines of the upper and lower bars of the frame. The flexibility of the plywood frame would  definitely provide a very different ride sensation when compared to a rigid metal welded frame of a framed traditional bike.

Plywood Bike

Original Story Bonobo Plywood Bike

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011


Photo Stats iPhone App Creates Infographics From Your Photo Metadata

Photo Stats iPhone App Creates Infographics From Your Photo Metadata: "

If you are an avid iPhone photographer a new application has been created that will allow you to view your photo metadata in the form of lovely infographics directly on your iOS device. Photo Stats, is a native iOS app which lets you create cool infographics about how, when and where you have taken photos on iPhone.

Once installed this neat little application will provide you with easy to read graphs of when and when your photos were taken but also provide information on size, exposition, ISO and photo application used to name a few.


Original Story Photo Stats iPhone App Creates Infographics From Your Photo Metadata

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011


TeamFortress 2 Lego Figures

TeamFortress 2 Lego Figures: "

If you are thinking of dropping in on the Wizard World Comic Con this weekend and in the Chicago area, you might like to keep your eyes pealed for these amazing TeamFortress 2 characters created in Lego by Flickr member Pepa Quin. The detailing on each character is really something special, check out a gallery of the individuals in the team after the jump. Fantastic job Pepa!

TeamFortress 2 Lego Figures

Original Story TeamFortress 2 Lego Figures

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011


Valve Introduces Steam Trading And Exchange Service

Valve Introduces Steam Trading And Exchange Service: "

Valve has unveiled its new Beta Steam Trading And Exchange Service, which once enabled allows you to trade with other gamers through Group Chat, and trade with anybody in your Friends List who’s also opted in to the new Beta service.

Currently in its Beta version only Team Fortress 2 items and Steam Gifts can currently be traded , but Valve are currently looking at adding more games in the near future. The new service allows you to trade games you’ve purchased from the store as a gift, or received as an Extra Copy and can be used to trade for other Gifts, or for items within  the Team Fortress 2 game.

Steam Trading

Original Story Valve Introduces Steam Trading And Exchange Service

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011


Sifteo Cubes Interactive Fun For All Ages (video)

Sifteo Cubes Interactive Fun For All Ages (video): "

Sifteo Cubes, the computerised cubes that interact and are aware of their own and other cubes actions, and we featured back in January are now available to pre-order.

The Sifteo Cubes were showcased at CES earlier this year and consist of 1.5 inch wireless cubes fitted with 128 x 128 resolution LCD screens on one side. They have been designed to interact with each other and are an alternative game system for truly hands-on play. If you have never seen Sifteo Cubes in action before you can see them interact in the video after the jump.


Sifteo Cubes

Original Story Sifteo Cubes Interactive Fun For All Ages (video)

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011


HDI 3D Projectors Arriving Feb 2012 Starting At $55,000

HDI 3D Projectors Arriving Feb 2012 Starting At $55,000: "

HDI has unveiled a new range of 3D projectors it will be launching next year, with innovative designs that really make them stand out from the crowd, when compared to traditional projectors.

Manufacturing is already under way for the new designed which you can see after the break and HDI hopes to have the new range in stores on February 12th. But be warned only 100 hand made systems will be available from the initial production run and their prices will range from $55,000 to $85,000.

HDI 3D Projectors

Original Story HDI 3D Projectors Arriving Feb 2012 Starting At $55,000

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011


Kooky Desparkhotel Perfect For The Space-Constrained

Kooky Desparkhotel Perfect For The Space-Constrained: "

If you’re the type who’s prone to claustrophobia, then a sleepover in one of these holes is not a good idea. The Dasparkhotel in Austria and Germany are a new trend that’s recently hatched. While the novelty factor in them is high, a lot of blokes might not be too cozy with sleeping in structures destined for sewers. Yes, each ‘unit’ in the hotel is made of concrete drain pipes. Unused concrete drain pripes (fortunately).

Despark hotel

Original Story Kooky Desparkhotel Perfect For The Space-Constrained

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011


German Maverick Builds New Awesome Tesla Guitars

German Maverick Builds New Awesome Tesla Guitars: "
No relation to the equally maverick-ish Tesla Motors, however. But here at Geeky Gadgets we’ve always maintained that the world of music is long overdue serious innovation. Not to upset the purists out there, but such ubiquitous instruments as the electric guitar have hardly evolved design and engineering-wise since the 80s. It’s a good thing we just mentioned the 80s since that’s when Ulrich Teuffel started reinventing the wheel.
Tesla Guitar
Original Story German Maverick Builds New Awesome Tesla Guitars

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011


MySaver Stops Your iPhone, iPad, And iPod Cable From Breaking (Video)

MySaver Stops Your iPhone, iPad, And iPod Cable From Breaking (Video): "

We have featured quite a few different accessories for the iPhone, iPad and iPod here at Geeky Gadgets, the latest one is one of the more useful ones we have seen and definitely a great idea, it is called MySaver and is currently a Kickstarter project.

One of the major problems with the standard Apple cables that come with the iPhone, iPad and iPod is that they tend to break after a certain amount of time, this is where MySaver comes in as it is designed to stop the cables from breaking.


Original Story MySaver Stops Your iPhone, iPad, And iPod Cable From Breaking (Video)

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011


Super Slim Design Hara PC With iPhone Dock

Super Slim Design Hara PC With iPhone Dock: "

We have featured one of these cool custom PCs from Design Hara before at Geeky Gadgets, the latest one is the work of designer Chang Su Lee, and as you can see from the photos below it is designed to be an ultra slim PC.

The case of the PC is made from aluminum, and it features a wooden fascia which also comes with a built in iPhone dock for charging and syncing your iPhone 4.

Super Slim Design Hara PC With iPhone Dock(...)
Original Story Super Slim Design Hara PC With iPhone Dock

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011


Tokyoflash Kisai 3D Unlimited Watch

Tokyoflash Kisai 3D Unlimited Watch: "

The guys from Tokyoflash have just released their latest geeky timepiece, the Tokyoflash Kisai 3D Unlimited watch, which started out as a concept design and has now made it into the stores.

This is the fifth concept design that has become a real watch, and it comes in a choice of seven different colors, I think well let the guys from Tokyoflash explain how it works.

Tokyoflash Kisai 3D Unlimited Watch

Original Story Tokyoflash Kisai 3D Unlimited Watch

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011



不錯的平板與鍵盤合一概念: "



另外,我想說的是,這位設計的Roni Margolin先生,看你提的平板資料:
Keyboard: Felt
Tablet Shell: aluminum and ABS plastic
Size: 280 x 160 x 14 mm
Weight: 1 kg






「THE ALFEE」高見澤俊彥加持過的 iDevice dock 音響 / 吉他擴大器

「THE ALFEE」高見澤俊彥加持過的 iDevice dock 音響 / 吉他擴大器: "




牛奶做成的布不稀奇,木頭做成的布才叫了不起!: "




衝到未來吧 ! 這就是時間隧道阿~(誤)

衝到未來吧 ! 這就是時間隧道阿~(誤): "

這不是一個真正的時光隧道,攝影師Appura Pai,利用長時間曝光拍攝(這也算是另一種時光隧道啦)在日本 東京臨海新交通臨海線「百合鷗號」(Tokyo Waterfront New Transit 'Yurikamome')完成了 這一系列的品。攝影師利用了無人駕駛列車,前方駕駛的位置,取得了完美的攝影角度與位置(該不會他其實是被綁在列車頭跟豬豬人一樣XD)




條碼也可以很有型,10個創意加持的條碼設計: "





橡皮擦可以塗改人類歷史?: "

人類演化的過程從來就只會出現在課本或影片當中,而設計師白鳥裕之(Hiroyuki Shiratori)將他天馬行空的想法具體呈現,創造出玩具一般的演化橡皮擦。




驚~神人把電玩賽車開上大馬路: "




Tropical Island Paradise遊艇讓你宛如置身熱帶島嶼天堂!

Tropical Island Paradise遊艇讓你宛如置身熱帶島嶼天堂!: "

你能想像一艘遊艇就是一個熱帶島嶼嗎?今天的主角就是!這是一艘名為"Tropical Island Paradise(熱帶島嶼天堂)"的超級大遊艇,它船身上的簡易海灘熱帶小屋,人造火山,人造瀑布/河流和棕櫚樹己經說明了一切。



法蘭克褔車展預報:Lamborghini Gallardo Super Trofeo

法蘭克褔車展預報:Lamborghini Gallardo Super Trofeo: "




2011 Saab經典老爺車回顧展(台北南港)

2011 Saab經典老爺車回顧展(台北南港): "

上星期我們就預告了從昨天開始、為期10天的「Saab經典老爺車回顧展」(8/10~8/20),而今天我們就來為大家介紹一下,展出的這三部經典車款 - Saab 9699、及900車型。這三部車分別代表了Saab的三個演進時代,所以是他們極其重要的指標性車款。



臉書末日?駭客團體 Anonymous 將在11月5日攻擊臉書

臉書末日?駭客團體 Anonymous 將在11月5日攻擊臉書: "為了大眾的資訊隱私與安全,駭客組織 Anonymous 宣告將在11月5日對臉書進行攻擊,並且拍了一段起義影片,號召有志之士一同加入。臉書的隱私問題一向為人所詬病,也造成許多人投向 Google+ 的懷抱,但如果臉書真的出問題的話,勢必也會對很多人的生活造成不便。

駭客組織 Anonymous 於7月16日在 Youtube 張貼了下面這一段影片,本週開始廣為流傳。小編附上簡要的翻譯,讓大家先了解 Anonymous 為什麼要攻擊臉書。









駭客團體宣稱要在11月5日對臉書發動攻擊,這一天剛好是英國的煙火節(Guy Fawkes Day),這個節日是為了紀念 Guy Fawkes,他計畫在1605年11月15日以火藥暗殺英格蘭國王詹姆士一世及國會成員,後來消息走漏被補。V怪客這個人物的原型就是 Guy Fawkes 。

▲ Guy Fawkes 的畫像。

▲ 電影 V怪客的海報。V怪客臉上所戴的就是所謂的 Guy Fawkes 面具。





▲ (設計對白)什麼!有駭客要攻擊臉書!?我們也跟 Google 一樣不做壞事啊!但很多人都不相信我。

Anonymous 駭客組織的整體行動?

對於這次的臉書行動,Anonymous 在推特表示,該行動是由部份成員組織而成的,並不表示所有的成員同意這項行動。這也難怪,Anonymous 一直以來是個鬆散的組織,沒有明顯的領導中心,部份成員自行策畫行動也是很合理的。

Anonymous 要怎麼摧毀臉書?

Anonymous 最典型的攻擊做為就是發動 DDoS 以癱瘓網站的伺服器。據信這一次的臉書行動也會用同樣的手法來進行,讓大家在一段時間內無法正常使用臉書。有個問題是,這個攻擊行動是否可以號召足夠的協助來癱瘓臉書,畢竟臉書是個有7.5億會員的大型網站,在效能維持、安全防護方面有相當高明的技術。

▲ DDoS 攻擊需要用人海戰術,這也是為什麼 Anonymous 要號召大家出力的原因。(圖片來源:ddoshosting.org)

去年12月,這個駭客團體也企圖「拿下」亞馬遜網站,最後失敗收場,他們宣稱最近的例子是成功入侵敘利亞的國防部網站,在上面張貼反政府的言論以及該組織的Logo 。




資料、圖片來源:CNNBusiness InsiderReadWriteWeb



Apple在今日收盤正式超越Exxon,成為全球市值最大企業。: "



Apple EXXON mak cap 2011



via TUAW
