2012年4月27日 星期五

Wood Stools Cast in Aluminum

Wood Stools Cast in Aluminum:

Hilla Shamia designed these sturdy stools out of wood and aluminum. The Wood is cast into the aluminum which creates a very interesting merge of materials.
Furniture combing the cast aluminium and wood.The negative factor of burnt wood is transformed into aesthetic and emotional value. Preservation of the natural form of the tree trunk within the explicit boundaries. The general,squared form intensifies the artificial feeling, and in the same time keeps the memory of the material.

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Wii U Coming With Android App Support?

Wii U Coming With Android App Support?:
Its been rumoured that the new Nintendo Wii U expected to make an appearance later this year, will come with ability to run Android applications directly out of the box.
But rather than just trying to make the system accommodate the Android apps, Nintendo is apparently building Android into their system, for real, working alongside the Wii U’s own user interface and software.
Wii U
Original Story Wii U Coming With Android App Support?

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Portal 2 Puzzle Editor DLC Arriving May 8th On PC and Mac

Portal 2 Puzzle Editor DLC Arriving May 8th On PC and Mac:
Valve has today announced their new Portal 2 Puzzle Editor DLC will be arriving on May 8th for both PC and Mac gamers. The free Portal 2 DLC titled “Perpetual Testing Initiative” will enable players to easily create, share and play Portal 2 puzzles, they have created.
Perpetual Testing Initiative
Original Story Portal 2 Puzzle Editor DLC Arriving May 8th On PC and Mac

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Panasonic And NHK Working On New 145 Inch Plasma TV With 8K Resolution

Panasonic And NHK Working On New 145 Inch Plasma TV With 8K Resolution:
Panasonic has announced that it will be working with NHK to produce a new plasma TV which will measure a massive 145 inches, and will come with a whopping 8K resolution.
The hew Panasonic 145 inch plasma TV will feature a resolution of 7680 x 4320 pixels, which is known as Super Hi-Vision in Japan, and it will be the worlds first 8K display that doesn’t need a backlight.
Panasonic Plasma(...)
Original Story Panasonic And NHK Working On New 145 Inch Plasma TV With 8K Resolution

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新書《Insanely Simple》揭露賈伯斯早年諸多秘辛與不為人知的小故事

新書《Insanely Simple》揭露賈伯斯早年諸多秘辛與不為人知的小故事:
由美國企鵝集團出版的《Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple's Success》一書已經正式上市,這本由曾任蘋果與 NeXT 高層主管的 Ken Segall 撰寫的新書,大幅度揭露早年賈伯斯 Steve Jobs 的總總秘辛與故事,並歸納出極致的簡約,就是蘋果得以堅持並制勝的法則;其實這也就是該書的名稱。
書中一些小故事已經逐漸流傳開來,這包括了老賈誇張的想抽出第 100 萬台 iMac 幸運使用者、想把曼德拉放入「Think Different」廣告人物中、 NeXT 公司名稱的由來,與老賈免費軟體得附帶廣告播映的專利:
1. 誇張的想抽出第 100 萬台 iMac 幸運使用者:老賈原本是想要如 1964 年出版的知名童書(後於 2005 年推出由提姆波頓執導並由強尼戴普所主演的電影版)「巧克力冒險工廠」(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)的主角威利旺卡(Willy Wonka)在巧克力中祕密放入金券獎(Golden Ticket)一樣,把代表第 100 萬台的 iMac 幸運卡片放在某一臺 iMac 內,然後再行公開;只要幸運得主現身,蘋果就會退回原來購買金額,並邀請幸運兒參觀蘋果公司。而且老賈還計畫要穿著如威利旺卡一樣的誇張大禮服服裝亮相,熱誠接待幸運兒。
右圖是 MacDailyNews 與 9to5Mac 的老賈版 Willy Wonka 合成想像。
2. 想把曼德拉放入「Think Different」廣告人物中:在蘋果執行「Think Different」系列廣告時,老賈曾經一度想將南非總統曼德拉(Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela)加入,以示對這位傑出人物深深致敬,也是蘋果的極致榮幸,但由於曼德拉的總統身分,在經過初步聯繫後被婉拒了。
後來老賈透過當時的美國總統克林頓(William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton)幫忙斡旋,但曼德拉還是拒絕了,說等到六個月後的總統任期結束後才會考慮,等於給了老賈一個軟釘子。不過由此發現,能夠出動美國總統幫忙向另外一國的總統說項,老賈也真不簡單。
3. NeXT 公司名稱的由來:您可知道 NeXT 公司名稱的由來,竟然是來自老賈平生中亦敵亦友的微軟創辦人 Bill Gates !因為老賈離開蘋果後想開第二間公司,原本就想叫做「Two」,但老覺得不妥,因為很像「One」不行了才有這個「Two」,老賈告訴老朋友 Tom Suiter 此事,表示傷透腦筋。
無巧不巧, Suiter 後來去西雅圖參加 Gates 的演講,發現 Gates 在介紹微軟新技術時常常用到「next」這個詞,他靈光乍現,就建議老賈把新公司按此命名,老賈歡欣地接受了,但不知道這麼巧妙的名字其實是來自 Gates ;其實 Gates 也不知道他演講中的無心插柳竟讓老賈新公司的名稱給輕鬆搞定了。
4. 免費軟體得附帶廣告播映的專利:蘋果在 2009 年獲得了作業系統內建廣告的專利,使用者只要願意查看廣告的內容,即可獲得免費商品或享受折扣,而這個專利是由老賈所提出,而且最初是在 1999 年 Mac OS 9 的時代所想的。
老賈當時想出相對於向使用者收取 99 美元的更新費,蘋果推出第二方案,就是免費更新,但使用者必須接受系統中有廣告系統內建,所以蘋果雖然無法賺到使用者的錢,但可以從廣告主處獲利;使用者也可隨時繳錢以便取消廣告系統。這個廣告系統會透過網際網路來改變內容,甚至於還可按照使用者的實際狀況來調整,例如印表機墨水沒了就會推薦 Epson 墨水廣告等。
其實這個故事展現了老賈倡導的專注力,也就是即便創意真的很棒,但專注在最重要的事情,才是真功夫。就如同他自己在 WWDC 1997 中所提及:「And you know, the hardest thing is … you think about focusing, right? You think, “well, focusing is saying yes”. No, focusing is about saying “no”. Focusing is about saying no. And you’ve got to say “no, no, no”. When you say no, you piss off people.」
2008 年老賈接受《財星》雜誌訪問時也說,人們總覺得專注就代表對需要專注的事物說 yes ,但其實專注意味著對那些在專注事物外的其他百千個好主意說 no :「People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It menas saying no to the hundred of other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done.」
以下就是「巧克力冒險工廠」的預告片與片中金券獎的特寫鏡頭、「Think Different」的經典廣告影片(正式版與老賈旁白版)、老賈 NeXT 紀錄片(片子開頭還有老賈拔蘿蔔的罕見鏡頭),與 WWDC 1997 中老賈因為終止 OpenDoc 的研發而大談 Focusing 重要性的紀錄片:

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Apple在「品牌銀行(brand bank)」裡的現金存額。

Apple 在「品牌銀行(brand bank)」裡的現金存額。:
Apple logo flickr andrew
以下文章為「Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple’s Success」一書的節錄。此書的作者為 Ken Segall,曾任職於 Apple 多年以來的廣告代理商 TBWA/Chiat/Day,並且撰寫出許多著名的文案,其中之一便是 Apple 的知名廣告系列「Think Different」


Apple 最著名的失敗之一「曲棍球滑鼠」原本是跟著初代 iMac 與 PowerMac G3 出貨的滑鼠,不過即使是死忠 Apple 粉絲都討厭它。
Apple iMacG3 hockey puck mouse為何 Apple 在正式出貨前沒有想通這點,一直是一個謎。而曲棍球滑鼠也成為許多批評者證明 Apple 重視外表超過功能的最佳辯證。
在曲棍球滑鼠上市後幾個月,同時也是紐約 Macworld 開幕之前,Steve Jobs 邀請我到它在曼哈頓的酒店房間來確認正在製作中的廣告。在看完廣告之後,我們開始討論其他事,我忍不住提到了滑鼠。這隻滑鼠一直在我的腦海中環繞著,因為媒體越來越毒辣,而身為 iMac 的使用者,我早已放棄了這隻滑鼠,買了個更實用的來代替。
我誠實地告訴 Steve 那些他會喜歡的殘酷事實。我告訴他,Apple 的品牌由於這次的冒險的確產生了很大的影響力,但是 Apple 對待專業級客戶的方式實在是讓我非常地困惑。
給 iMac 的買家(大部分是家庭用戶)這隻滑鼠已經夠糟了,而對於那些購買 PowerMac G3 的專業人士來說,這滑鼠根本不管用。一隻笨拙的滑鼠,絕對不會成為那些需要花上整天仔細修改作品的使用者們可以接受的工具。
“I think this mouse is actually an insult to the pro users,”
在那一瞬間的沉默,Steve Jobs 坐在那邊,面無表情。在當時,我以為我已經跨越了我的界線。
“Fuck ’em.”
在他讓我煎熬了幾秒鐘之後,他開始笑了起來。他喜歡他的顧客,無論是專業客戶或是其他的人,而他只是用了我不安的片刻稍稍取樂了一下。他非常了解 Apple 已經犯下了一個錯誤,同時公司內也已經立刻開始研發替代的滑鼠。在這之後,有點孩子氣又興奮的 Steve 開始告訴我新款滑鼠的一些細節。新的滑鼠非常的棒,是一隻透明的雷射滑鼠,而且超級精準。Apple 已經超越了他們所犯下的錯誤,即使解決方案尚未被公開。
Steve Jobs 曾經在一次訪談中說到:
Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.
PowerMac G4 Cube innerPowerMac G4 Cube 是另一個 Apple 經典的失敗,即使它的設計如此地巧妙,並已成為 MoMA 的永久館藏之一。Cube 的問題是──它太貴了。雖然 Apple 的工程師已經盡可能地嘗試,不過他們仍然無法壓到夠低的價格。
Steve 在與我們廣告代理商例會的前一刻接到了這消息,而他明顯地動搖了。它對 G4 Cube 注入了非常大的心血,期望消費者能夠負擔得起這台機器,然而在現實中,這台機器的售價將會更接近於專業機種。事實上,在發表後一年,他就將 G4 Cube 停產了。
這是 Apple 以極快的速度採取行動、解決問題並向前繼續邁進的另一個例子。G4 Cube 成為 Apple 史上的一個小小光點,很快地就被其他的創新填補了它所留下的缺口。


Apple 的歷史中,由於他們已同時體驗過了成功與失敗,讓 Steve Jobs 成為了「品牌銀行(brand bank)」此一概念的忠實信仰者。
Iphone4 Antennagate steve jobs他認為,公司的品牌就像是一個銀行帳戶。當公司做的好,例如推出了熱賣產品或是很棒的行銷活動時,品牌銀行裡的存款就會變多。而當公司遇到挫折,例如一個讓人尷尬滑鼠,或是標價過高的電腦時,存款就會流失。
Steve 許多次都提到 Apple 建立其強大品牌的重要性,同時。Apple 也多次由於品牌銀行中的大量餘額而受益。近年來最負面的新聞是著名的「天線門(Antennagate)」議題。當 iPhone 4 發售時,由於其天線設計被認為存在缺陷,Apple 被許多記者以及具影響力的部落客們攻擊。儘管大量的負面新聞以及深夜電視節目主持人的嘲諷,Apple 的顧客們依然不變。現在,那段故事僅僅被大家當成是過度反應的例子,而且幾乎沒有長期性的影響。
via Insanely Simple/ The Obsession That Drives Apple’s Success [Exclusive Book Excerpt] | Cult of Mac and Insanely Simple « Observatory

Apple 市值超越 Wintel。


Apple 的平板电脑发展史。

Apple 對 Cydia 的小小反抗?

Apple 更新官方網站「Apple Leadership」頁面設計與管理階層照片。


'Insanely Simple' Shares Anecdotes on Steve Jobs and Apple

'Insanely Simple' Shares Anecdotes on Steve Jobs and Apple: While Walter Isaacson's authorized biography of Steve Jobs received significant attention for its glimpse into the life of the Apple co-founder and CEO, others with recollections of Jobs have over the years stepped forward with their own accounts and anecdotes serving to provide a picture of his life.

One of those people is Ken Segall, the longtime creative advertising director who spent several stints working with Jobs at various ad firms including the famous TBWA\Chiat\Day that has been responsible for many of Apple's landmark ad campaigns. Segall's new book, Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple's Success, offers an interesting blend of business advice and anecdotes designed to help readers understand how Jobs and the culture of simplicity he fostered enabled Apple to reach the loftiest of heights.

Segall breaks his book down into ten chapters focused on different themes all centered around "the Simple Stick". Under the philosophy of Steve Jobs, the pursuit of simplicity is key in everything Apple does, and as complexity began to creep into projects he repeatedly hit them with the Simple Stick in order to bring them back to Apple's focus.
The Simple Stick symbolizes a core value within Apple. Sometimes it's held up as inspiration; other times it's wielded like a caveman's club. In all cases, it's a reminder of what sets Apple apart from other technology companies and what makes Apple stand out in a complicated world: a deep, almost religious belief in the power of Simplicity.
Having worked with Jobs at both NeXT and Apple, Segall was present for a number of Jobs' highs and lows over the years, events which led to a library of interesting and entertaining stories. Yielding a unique perspective, many of these stories come from the back room where Segall was present for discussions among Jobs, other Apple executives, engineers, and advertising professionals about the future of Apple's products and how to market them to the public.

Insanely Simple debuts tomorrow, April 26, and is available in hardcover from retailers such as Amazon, as well as in e-book format from Apple's iBookstore and other retailers.

「Insanely Simple」出版、透漏Steve Jobs原將喬裝「查理與巧克力工廠」電影主角

「Insanely Simple」出版、透漏 Steve Jobs 原將喬裝「查理與巧克力工廠」電影主角: 根據気になる、記になる…網站轉述 MacRumors 消息,長達 12 年負責 Apple 官方廣告業務(TBWA 廣告公司),同時在 90 年代末期也曾參與過「iMac」命名、提供「Think Different」行銷活動構想的 Ken Segall,稍早出版了「Insanely Simple(極盡簡潔)」一書,目前也已在美國 iBookstore 正式上架,售價 US$12.99。 書中提及 Steve Jobs 在「iMac」的行銷活動上,原本將喬裝扮演經典電影「查理與巧克力工廠(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)」主角,以及原本打算在「iMac」前一百萬台出貨中,附上金色保證書、抽獎卡,幸運中獎的消費者不但可獲全額退費,還會被邀請至 Apple 加州總公司一遊。 顛覆世人對個人電腦定義的第一代「iMac」在 1998 年問世,當時 Steve Jobs 除親自請內部 Creative Group 設計上述金色保證書外,本人也預計喬裝為「查理與巧克力工廠」電影主角,迎接幸運中獎的消費者;不過對此,加州法令規定,類似的抽獎活動操作,並不能限制消費者一定得購買「iMac」,因此這系列的活動設計草案,最後並未能正式運作。 (合成圖,引用自 9 to 5 Mac) 延伸閱讀: - 從首代「iMac」上市一窺日本協力廠商對 Apple 的熱情 - 回顧 20 年前的麥金塔生產工廠 - 1983 年、Apple 自製 Mac 行銷影片「The Macintosh Story」 - 「Think Different」お久しぶり!好久不見!

Solidoodle 3D Printer Launched For Under $500 (video)

Solidoodle 3D Printer Launched For Under $500 (video):
Makerbot’s former COO Samuel Cervantes has started his own business creating a sub $500 3D printer, with the aim to bring the new printing technology within reach of the masses.
The latest Solidoodle 3D printer which he has created, is capable of printing plastic pieces up to 6 x 6 x 6 inches in size, and requires only a power source and computer connected to start creating your designs. Watch the video after the jump to see it in action.
Original Story Solidoodle 3D Printer Launched For Under $500 (video)

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IKEA Cardboard Digital Camera

IKEA Cardboard Digital Camera:
IKEA the Swedish furniture manufacturer has created a innovative cardboard digital camera, which was included in press packs given out, during the 2012 Fuorisalone, a design expo in Milan. The cardboard digital camera is powered by 2 AA batteries, and is equipped with an internal memory card that is capable of holding up to 40 photographs.
IKEA Cardboard Digital Camera
Original Story IKEA Cardboard Digital Camera

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