2011年6月15日 星期三

Word of the Day - Bella Tokaeva

Word of the Day - Bella Tokaeva: "Word of the Day - Bella Tokaeva"

Anna La Mouton (Rastorgueva Anna)

Anna La Mouton (Rastorgueva Anna): "Anna La Mouton (Rastorgueva Anna)"

Nue York... Photographer Erica Simone

Nue York... Photographer Erica Simone: "Nue York... Photographer Erica Simone"

Casio TRYX Firmware 1.01

Casio TRYX Firmware 1.01: "

News image

Casio has released a firmware update for the Casio TRYX digital compact camera.

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DXG Rolls Out $70 3D Camera With Viewer Included

DXG Rolls Out $70 3D Camera With Viewer Included: "

3D photography now doesn’t have to break the bank with the launch of the new DXG-018 3D camera which comes complete with 3D viewer. Sure it might not be up to James Cameron’s standard of camera but if your looking for a bit of fun with 3D imagery the DXG-018 will cost you around $70.

Its equipped with a 0.3M CMOS sensor and has auto/ISO 100 sensitivity, with the ability to focus down to as little as 6-inches. It captures 1.3 megapixel images which are then saved to an SD cards, up to 16GB in size.


Original Story DXG Rolls Out $70 3D Camera With Viewer Included

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Cool Atom Watch Hardly Tells Time

Cool Atom Watch Hardly Tells Time: "

Dig this, perusing the product page for the Atom Watch  reveals the lovely sales pitch: “perfect for pondering space and time.” It’s awkward enough to convince a person to buy. As a stylish accessory, the Atom Watch is top notch. As a timepiece, uh, it kinda falls short of expectations.

Atom Watch(...)
Original Story Cool Atom Watch Hardly Tells Time

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Getac X500 Rugged Notebook Announced

Getac X500 Rugged Notebook Announced: "

Getac has added another rugged notebook to their range with the launch of the Getac X500, and it comes with Intel’s latest Core i7 2.66GHz processor, plus NVIDIA TG330m MXM graphics with 512MB of VRAM.

The Getac X500 is housed in a military grade casing, and it features a night vision mode so it can be viewed in the dark, it also comes with a range of customizable options which include USB 3.0 ports and many more.

Getac X500 Rugged Notebook(...)
Original Story Getac X500 Rugged Notebook Announced

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Greeting Cards by Carolyn Suzuki

Greeting Cards by Carolyn Suzuki: "

These greeting cards by Carolyn Suzuki, who just launched her line this May, are seriously cute! The collection is a nice mix of letterpress and flat printed cards featuring Carolyn’s fun, modern illustrations and patterns, with greetings for birthdays, love, and more. – found via @designsponge

Here’s a peek at the cuteness:

Snake Card Carolyn Suzuki

Birthday Balloons Card

Foxy Love Card

You Wild Thing Card

Faceted Card

Happy Birthday Mother Card

images from Carolyn Suzuki


Illustrated Canvas Bookmarks

Illustrated Canvas Bookmarks: "

Studio M.M.E Illustrated Bookmarks

Looking for a unique gift for the bookworm in your life? These illustrated bookmarks by Studio M.M.E. would make a great gift given as a set (8 designs are available), or you could tuck one into a book that you’re giving as a gift to add a special touch. The bookmarks feature pen and ink illustrations that evoke images of magical forests and fairytales, and they’re wonderful little pieces of artwork that you can take with you wherever you and your book may go.

Illustrated Bookmarks

Little Red Riding Hood Bookmark

Studio MME Bookmark

images from Studio M.M.E.


Steampunk Styled Colorfly Pocket HiFi C4 Pro Media Player

Steampunk Styled Colorfly Pocket HiFi C4 Pro Media Player: "

If you enjoy the look and feel of Steampunk devices and enjoy high quality audio the new Colorfly Pocket HiFi C4 Pro media player might well be worth a look. The Pocket Hifi C4 Pro media player is built using a CIRRUS Logic CS4398 DAC and CS8422 SRC chips to provide the user with a crisp and clear sound, together with a 108dB signal-to-noise ratio and a dynamic range of up to 120 dB.

The player is also equipped with headphone jack equipped with a built-in amp for 13.3 mW of power, enough to for even the most demanding headphones, and will support either a 6.3 or 3.5-mm jack size.

Colorfly Pocket HiFi C4 Pro

Original Story Steampunk Styled Colorfly Pocket HiFi C4 Pro Media Player

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Rainy day... Photographer Suren Manvelyan

Rainy day... Photographer Suren Manvelyan: "Rainy day... Photographer Suren Manvelyan"

Night Armenian Monuments... Photographer Suren Manvelyan

Night Armenian Monuments... Photographer Suren Manvelyan: "Night Armenian Monuments... Photographer Suren Manvelyan"

Your beautiful eyes... Photographer Suren Manvelyan

Your beautiful eyes... Photographer Suren Manvelyan: "Your beautiful eyes... Photographer Suren Manvelyan"


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你所不知道的Bill Gates

你所不知道的Bill Gates: "

你所不知道的Bill Gates

全球第二富有的Bill Gates,在日前接受的訪問中,揭露了許多不為人知的個人趣事,以下就是重點整理:

1. 他將和英國首相在倫敦一起推出一個為2億4300萬名孩童接種疫苗的活動,預計耗資$37億美金

2. 他認為這個世界已經對癌症有許多關注,他再出手影響也不大,因此選擇了對抗瘧疾

3. 他對疫苗討價還價,以降低價格並追蹤接種的孩子數量

4. 在第三世界中,沒有人認識他,因為他與他們的世界不相關

5. 他的餘生將奉獻給他的基金會,所以不可能再回Microsoft全職工作了,現在那只是兼差

6. 截至目前為止,他已經捐出了$280億美金在慈善事業

7. 雖然一頭栽進慈善領域,他還是對科技世界瞭如指掌,並預測下一個重點會是語音辨識技術

8. 和電子書比起來,他比較喜歡傳統的實體書,不過仍然相信電子書閱讀器遲早會佔領世界

9. 他有Twitter帳號,Facebook卻只能作罷,因為請求加他為好友的人數實在太多

10. 他的小孩會用火星人布魯諾(Bruno Mars)的「Billionaire億萬富翁」這首歌歌詞來消遣他

11. 他覺得讓三個小孩繼承太多錢不太好,所以每個孩子將'只會'得到$1000萬美金(他的財產淨值是$560億美金)

12. 如果他的小孩吵著要iPad或iPod,他會給他們相等的Windows產品

13. 他的母親在他結婚當天,寫了一封尖酸刻薄的信給他老婆

14. 他與同樣熱愛慈善的U2主唱Bono一拍即合,因此U2到西雅圖表演時,就直接把Bono請到家裡過夜了

15. 他不小心稱馬克小子的女朋友為未婚妻,不過後來看來應該是他叫錯了

出自Business Insider



咖啡的元素 - Eric Leong設計的Saab Nespresso概念車

咖啡的元素 - Eric Leong設計的Saab Nespresso概念車: "

昨天介紹過Eric Leong設計的2015第四代Toyota Prius概念車,現在來介紹他的另一個設計作品,融合Saab(紳寶)及Nestle(雀巢)兩個品牌的 - Saab Nespresso概念車

