2011年10月26日 星期三

夢幻 大光圈 Voigtlander Nokton 25mm F0.95 評測報告

夢幻 大光圈 Voigtlander Nokton 25mm F0.95 評測報告: 誰說大光圈淺景深是只有 DSLR 才能辦得到,近年來隨著 Micro 4/3 與 Sony NEX 這類採用大片幅感光元件機種的問世,除了帶給消費者輕巧的機身體積與高水準的畫質表現外,最讓玩家們驚豔的則是 大光圈 淺景深 效果的呈現。而有鑑於隨身相機的市場越來越大,去年底國際鏡頭大廠 Voigtlander 便特別推出 Nokton 25mm F0.95 鏡頭,讓Micro 4/3 玩家也能輕鬆拍出迷人的夢幻散景。下面就來看看它的試拍效果吧!


Voigtlander Nokton 25mm F0.95為福倫達以Micro 4/3接環所推出的首支全手動鏡頭,採用25mm焦段,讓玩家在經過焦長轉換後能取得與135mm等效50mm視野,構圖上可更為直覺自然。在鏡身方面,採用金屬材質所打造設計,雖然拿起來有些許沉重,但實際摸起來做工卻是相當地紮實有質感,頗有過去底片時代德系老鏡所流傳下來的歲月感受。光圈使用上,本鏡特別之處在於它擁有超乎我們常見的F0.95大光圈,讓玩家在針對淺景深人像、夜間風景,與室內微光的拍攝時,能更加得心應手,輕鬆搭配高感光來捕捉純淨自然的燈光氣氛,就算是在光圈全開的情況下,此鏡依然擁有不錯的畫質表現。

▲F0.95 大光圈能夠輕易製作出美麗的夢幻散景。





▲(左F0.95) (右/F2.0) Voigtlander Nokton 25mm F0.95光圈畫質比較圖。

▲Panasonic LUMIX DMCGF2+Voigtlander Nokton 25mm F0.95。光圈F1.4,快門1/800 秒,ISO 400,AV 光圈先決,RAW轉JPEG。




Cosina Nokton 25mm F0.95,M4/3系統又多個選擇了!

回歸傳統手感 Vivitar 85mm F1.4 試玩



本文同步刊載於DIGIPHOTO雜誌 NO.49

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alfonso ruano canales: lightweight beam

alfonso ruano canales: lightweight beam:

an LED tube light is supported by a construct of typical materials to make a unique structure capable of directing illumination both downward and laterally. 

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{today I love…}

{today I love…}:

Happy Wednesday everyone!  I thought today might be a good day for another random little round up with a few of the pretty paper good­ies that have caught my eye recently.  Enjoy!

Satsuma Press Give Thanks Cards 550x385

I love these “I Give Thanks For___” cards from Satsuma Press.  Such a wonderful idea for the Thanksgiving holiday, or even to help start a new year in January.

Follow Me Whale Print Leah Duncan 550x501

Such a cute print from Leah Duncan

Cross Stitch Letterpress Cards Pistachio Press 550x437

Pretty patterned cards from Pistachio Press

Deadweight Red Pattern Card 550x412

…and Deadweight

CMYK Letterpress Card Shed Letterpress 550x368

CMYK letterpress card by Shed Letterpress

{images via their respective sources}

© 2008 — 2011, Oh So Beautiful Paper

Related posts:

  1. Leah Duncan + Satsuma Press

  2. Paper Artwork — Leah Duncan

  3. {today I love…}

Showcase of 20 Photos that Utilize Textures Well

Showcase of 20 Photos that Utilize Textures Well:

In photography today, texturing is beginning to develop into a well-used practice in photo processing. Looks can range from distressed paper to the addition of grains and even words. This can be achieved by overlaying the subject photo with a textured image. Contrast and blending is all up to the photographer or artist, and can be edited using opacity levels and blending modes. The following photographs are the result of texture processing.

As seen in the above artists’ work, the extent of a photo’s texturing can be subtle or dramatic. A single, well-adjusted overlay can be placed to produce one effect while many layers can be combined for a visually pleasing collage of textures and grains.

18 Distinctively Creative Sketches by Bastian Preussger

18 Distinctively Creative Sketches by Bastian Preussger:

There is something about being artistic and evenly good at sketching on a blank piece of paper, that turns the mountains upside down. Well, figuratively that is. Here are some hand-drawn sketches that will make your creative juices flow. The artist Bastian Preussger approaches portraiture in a totally different way and uses his mind and creative skills to turn the sketches into attention grabbing, eye-popping portraits. Check them out for yourself below.

These sketches can be viewed on the Behance Network as well.