2013年1月11日 星期五

Asus Adopts Leap Motion Gesture Technology For New PCs (video)

Asus Adopts Leap Motion Gesture Technology For New PCs (video):
We have featured the new Leap motion technology before on Geeky Gadgets, but today Asus and Leap have announced that they will be including Leap motion sensing technology with select computer systems this year.
The Leap motion technology is 200 times more accurate than Microsoft’s Kinect motion sensing technology, and has already signed up more than 26,000 developers to create application s for its technology. Watch the video after the jump to see it in action.
Leap Motion Technology
Original Story Asus Adopts Leap Motion Gesture Technology For New PCs (video)

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Soundmatters DASH7 Bluetooth Speaker Unveiled For $250

Soundmatters DASH7 Bluetooth Speaker Unveiled For $250:
Ahead of CES 2013 next week running from Jan 8th-11th, Soundmatters has unveiled a new addition to their range in the form of the Soundmatters DASH7 Bluetooth speaker, which will be showcased at CES 2013.
The Soundmatters DASH7 Bluetooth speaker has been designed to provide “world-class sound” for iPads, smartphones, laptops, guitars and more in a slim pocket-sized device, and is 40% smaller than the foxLv2.
Soundmatters DASH7
Original Story Soundmatters DASH7 Bluetooth Speaker Unveiled For $250

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Samsung Teases New TV Design For CES 2013

Samsung Teases New TV Design For CES 2013:
The other day Samsung released a teaser video for an upcoming TV set that they are debuting at CES 2013. Just in case the teaser video wasn’t enough to get you excited, Samsung has now uploaded a picture on their blog which apparently shows off the shape of their upcoming TV.

Samsung tv(...)
Original Story Samsung Teases New TV Design For CES 2013

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Touchy Turns You Into A Camera

Touchy Turns You Into A Camera:
Touchy claims to be able to turn anyone into a human camera. It’s a bold claim. Touchy is the creation of Hong Kong new media artist Eric Siu. Just put it on your head, look silly and hope you don’t get laughed at.

Original Story Touchy Turns You Into A Camera

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Awesome Desk Computer Case Mod (Video)

Awesome Desk Computer Case Mod (Video):
We have featured a number of different custom computer cases here at Geeky Gadgets, but this latest one has to be one of the coolest, not only is the computer built into the desk, but the desk’s height can be adjusted at the touch of a button.
This cool custom desk computer was built by Pascal de Greef for the 2012 Cooler Master mod competition, have a look at the video of it in action below.
PC Desk(...)
Original Story Awesome Desk Computer Case Mod (Video)

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Leap Motion Unveil New Gesture Controlled Game, Development Tools And More (video)

Leap Motion Unveil New Gesture Controlled Game, Development Tools And More (video):
Some of our readers might remember the Leap Motion device we featured back in August of this year, which has been created to provide Kinect style gesture control to computers systems.
However the Leap Motion device is 200 times more accurate than Microsoft Kinect motion controller which was initially designed for the Xbox 360 gaming console.
Leap Motion
Original Story Leap Motion Unveil New Gesture Controlled Game, Development Tools And More (video)

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Bitcasa ‘Infinite Storage’ Service Android And Windows 8 Apps Launch

Bitcasa ‘Infinite Storage’ Service Android And Windows 8 Apps Launch:
Bitcasa the new start-up that is offering users ’Infinite Storage’ has today launched  new Android and Windows 8 / RT applications enabling users of its service to stream content including music, videos, photos, documents and from its ‘Bitcasa Infinite Drive’.
Bitcasa has already previously launched desktop apps and a Chrome browser extension to users, but the new addition will help Bitcasa spread to new devices and users.
Bitcasa Infinite Storage
Original Story Bitcasa ‘Infinite Storage’ Service Android And Windows 8 Apps Launch

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MLogic MLink Thunderbolt Expansion Chassis Launches

MLogic MLink Thunderbolt Expansion Chassis Launches:
mLogic has launched a new drive designed for Mac systems which has been created to provide a Thunderbolt expansion chassis in the form of the new mLogic mLink.
The mLogic mLink offer Mac users the ability to connect PCIe cards such as RAID controllers, 10GigE, Fibre Channel and audio/video capture cards directly to Thunderbolt connection equipped Mac desktops and laptops.
MLogic MLink Thunderbolt Expansion Chassis
Original Story MLogic MLink Thunderbolt Expansion Chassis Launches

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Mr Ghost iPhone EMF Detector, Transform You Into A Real Life Ghostbuster (video)

Mr Ghost iPhone EMF Detector, Transform You Into A Real Life Ghostbuster (video):
A new project has landed on the Kickstarter crowd funding website which has been created to allow you to use your iPhone as an EMF detector, using an adapter that plugs into your 3.5 mm headphone port, and uses a companion app to display results.
Enabling you to detect invisible EM radiation from household appliances such as your HDTV, your car, or whatever might be lurking in your closet or under your bed. Watch the video after the jump to learn more about the Mr Ghost project and see it in action.
Mr Ghost iPhone EMF Detector
Original Story Mr Ghost iPhone EMF Detector, Transform You Into A Real Life Ghostbuster (video)

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Apple I Computer Sells For $640,000

Apple I Computer Sells For $640,000:
We have heard previously of Apple I computers going for serious amounts of money at auction, although it looks like the latest one sold has raised the most money to date, as one was sold at an auction in Germany recently for a massive $640,000.
This beats the previous record for an Apple I computer which was sold back in June for $374,000 at Sotheby’s, which means that the value of the device has almost doubled in just a few months.
Original Story Apple I Computer Sells For $640,000

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破產法庭正式批准 Kodak 以 5.27 億美元價格出售旗下數位成像專利

破產法庭正式批准 Kodak 以 5.27 億美元價格出售旗下數位成像專利:

差不多一個月前代表 Apple 以及部分其它企業的 Intellectual Ventures 和代表 Google 的 RPX Corporation 曾宣佈將出資購買 Kodak 旗下的多項數位成像專利,如今這筆交易終於獲得了破產法庭的批准。據悉交易中涉及的金額達到了 5.27 億美元,Kodak 出售的專利數目則超過了 1,000 項。

最初 Kodak 對這些專利的估值超過了 20 億美元,但負責此案的 Allen Gropper 法官認為他們要價太高。最終 Kodak 的律師還是接受了 Intellectual Ventures 和 RPX Corporation 5.25 億美元的提議,承認這可能是他們目前能獲得的最好結果,並希望以此「免去專利方面的麻煩」(patent peace)。而 Intellectual Ventures 和 RPX Corporation 背後的兩大巨頭 Apple 和 Google 此番以「團購」的方式買下專利,既壓低了價格,又避免了法庭上的糾紛,實話說真可謂是一招妙棋啊。不管怎麼說,接下來祝 Kodak 好運吧。訪問來源可以閱讀 Bloomberg 更加詳細的報導。

可用於 iPad 與 iMac 螢幕的1024階感壓繪圖筆「iPen 2」即將出現

可用於 iPad 與 iMac 螢幕的1024階感壓繪圖筆「iPen 2」即將出現: 自從 iPad 出現之後,Kickstarter 上就出現了許多觸控筆的解決方案,想要解決電容式觸控螢幕先天上的障礙 — 沒有感壓、觸控筆頭太大。其中具備感壓機能的觸控筆在過去幾個月以來已經陸續進入現實,筆頭極小化這檔事倒是少有人挑戰。除了作弊的 Jot 利用透明圓盤筆頭的方案之外,就只剩下 Studio I 與 iPan 這種採用紅外線定位+超音波通信的極端方案。不過說是極端,但是也缺了感壓機能 — 直到現在。

iPen的設計公司Cregle最近開始在Kickstarter上啟動了新一代的iPen計劃「iPen 2」,除了初代iPen就有的功能之外,還包含⋯⋯
  • 1024階感壓。
  • 最低感應啟動壓力減少75%、可在各種角度下使用。 
  • 支援Mac OS 與 Windows平台。
iPen 2這次除了對應iPad之外,同時也對應了Mac OS / Windows平台。只要在螢幕上方左右兩側裝上接收器,就可以讓iMac或Apple Display變成手寫螢幕。
對應軟體方面,目前已經支援Corel Painter與Autodesk Sketchbook,不過Photoshop因為技術問題目前還在想辦法跟Adobe解決。
而在對應iPad方面,接收器的設計也變成與保護殼整合,同時也加入了收納感應筆的功能。界面上也會同時推出30pin與Lightning兩種款式來對應iPad 2 / 3/ 4。至於iPad mini方面,如果集資順利的話,官方也表示會做。
就目前的資料來看,iPen 2的確非常完美,而且比起一代來說,在外觀質感上也有非常大的進步,而零售價$119(iPad版)/ $169(iMac版)對於這樣的解決方案來說也不能說貴。
掐指算一下⋯⋯等iPen 2真的出貨的時候,五代目iPad差不多也出了,然後這次接收器又是以保護殼的形式設計⋯⋯
via iPen 2 for iPad, iMac and more! by Cregle Inc. — Kickstarter

Sharp 85 吋 8K 7,680 x 4,320 電視動眼看,是 Full HD 的 16倍,看過去比實物還要立體(影片)

Sharp 85 吋 8K 7,680 x 4,320 電視動眼看,是 Full HD 的 16倍,看過去比實物還要立體(影片):

CES 2013 的發佈會上,各廠商都在展示他們最新,即將推出的 4K 電視,只是 4K 也不過是一個中途站,因為 8K 才是真正的未來(呵呵!你看過以後就懂了)。當我們走到 Sharp 的展位,看到這台 85 吋 8K LCD 電視的時候,它前面已經有一堆人圍繞著它,只是我們站在後方,仍能很清楚的看到它出色的地方,看到它是如何的出色。轉一個角度來說吧!我們在看 4K 的時候,可以看得出它在顏色、細節上很棒,只是僅此而已,並不容易、明顯的看到它與現時流行的 Full HD 1920 x 1080 在畫質或效果上的差別。不過,這種情況並不會在 8K 電視上出現。

儘管我們剛開始的時候站在較遠的位置,仍然可以看到它有多細膩,85 吋 300cd/m2 流明的 2D 影像在 8K 上看過去就像 3D 一樣,不管是看日本祭典巡遊時的情況,或是觀看田園裡的向日葵,它們每一個細節你都可以看得很清楚,就像在你面前,活生生的出現一樣,有一種手上拿著顯微鏡在看世界的感覺,每一樣東西都很立體、很仔細。當我們看走到 8K 電視最前面,幾乎看不到 UV2A LCD 面板上的任何像素。看過這部 8K 電視以後,我們馬上對 4K 電視看不上眼,就像看過 Gaudí 的聖家堂以後,對其他教堂看不上眼的感受一樣。雖然我們很希望把這種感受帶給大家,只是我們實在無能為力。這種感受只有在現場才能得到,也許就看一下我們的圖庫與影片,試著從那些驚嘆的聲音中感受一下吧!可惜的是,Sharp 仍未有何時正式推出市場的時間表,所以我們只好多去展覽看看它吧!

Danny Mak 也為此文章作出貢獻
%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 Sharp 85 吋 8K 7,680 x 4,320 電視動眼看,是 Full HD 的 16倍,看過去比實物還要立體(影片)

JVC 在 CES 發表 Procision 系列專業級慢動作攝影機,並更新 Everio 產品線

JVC 在 CES 發表 Procision 系列專業級慢動作攝影機,並更新 Everio 產品線:

還記得 JVC去年CES 上發表專業級 4K 攝影機嗎?今年這系列則發表強調錄製慢動作與特效的 Procision GC-PX100 攝影機。這款攝影機搭載 1/2.3 吋 1,280 萬畫素背照式感光元件,具備防手震系統,可紀錄 1080p 解析度,流量達 36Mbps 的影片;鏡頭最大光圈則達 f/1.2。JVC 表示這台攝影機每秒可錄製更新率可達 600 幀,或者進行每秒 9 張的連拍,不過這兩項功能無法同時進行。錄製結束後可直接透過機身內建的 WiFi 連線功能,利用 app 將影片或照片傳輸至行動裝置上,這表示在運動場上教練可以立即獲得運動員完整的動作資訊,並馬上進行糾正。這台超強攝影機會在三月份上市,有需要的讀者大概要準備 1,000 美元(約 HK$7,800 / NT$30,000)才能擁有它。

該公司同時間也發表新的入門級攝影機 GX-E100,230 美元(約 HK$1,800 / NT$6,700)的售價提供符合日常生活使用的功能。另一台較高階的 GZ-VX815 具備 f/1.2 大光圈鏡頭、1,280 萬畫素感光元件及 WiFi 連線功能,少了超強的連拍性能可將售價降至 500 美元(約 HK$3,900 / NT$14,500),這些新產品都將在三月份上市,心動的讀者可要再等等。

E Ink CST-01,世界最薄的數碼手錶動手玩(影片)

E Ink CST-01,世界最薄的數碼手錶動手玩(影片):
E Ink demos CST01, the 'world's thinnest watch' handson video
我們在 CES 2013 上看到了 E Ink 的數位手錶 CST-01,這款 CST-01 手錶只有 0.8mm 的厚度,比我們常見的信用卡還薄,內部僅為 0.5mm 柔性元件層,而且超級苗條的腕帶也採用了柔性不銹鋼設計,所以戴上去手感還不錯。它裡面內置了 Thinergy 微能量充電電池,可以通過一個底座來充電,每次 10 分鐘即可充滿,續航時間為一個月左右,同時這個外置底座還用來充當時間設置工具,手錶本身沒有可以控制的按鍵。 戴起來的重量很輕,可惜的是現在的樣品邊緣有一些鋸齒,當然這並非最終的產品形態。這個產品的預訂價格是 US$129,約 HK$810/NT$3,775,點擊跳轉有實拍影片和圖集可以看。

%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 E Ink CST-01,世界最薄的數碼手錶動手玩(影片)