2012年2月7日 星期二

[閒聊] 好可愛的警車

[閒聊] 好可愛的警車:



[分享] 今天在W hotel 遇到 瑞士超跑Koenigsegg 跟 Aston Marting ~

[分享] 今天在W hotel 遇到 瑞士超跑Koenigsegg 跟 Aston Marting ~:
我拿我的4s照的 不知道清不清楚~





他的屁屁 ~

在來是 Aston Martin ~

不知道哪位大大 可以跟我說這兩台車車的型號 以及價錢阿 蠻好奇的

蘋果德國網路商店 iPhone 和 iPad 上下架大鬥法

蘋果德國網路商店 iPhone 和 iPad 上下架大鬥法:

除了 iCloud 目前仍在與摩托羅拉行動公司纏鬥外,蘋果公司在另外一項訴訟案則是有所斬獲。

德國法院去年底裁定,蘋果公司 iPad 3G 、 iPhone 3GS 與 iPhone 4 等產品侵犯摩托羅拉行動公司一項專利,該項專利乃是與 GPRS 技術相關,由於這三項產品都是使用英飛凌(Infineon Technologies)晶片與基頻(Baseband),而 iPhone 4S 改用 Qualcomm 晶片所以逃過一劫。無論如何,蘋果必須在法院設定的期限將相關產品下架。

所以蘋果曾經於日前將德國蘋果網路商店上的部分 iPhone 與 iPad 設定為暫停販售,不過沒有多久,蘋果又宣布所有在德國暫停 iPad 和 iPhone 很快就會恢復銷售,因為蘋果主張在合理的協議條款下,摩托羅拉再三拒絕將相關專利授權予蘋果,違反 FRAND 也就是公平、合理和不歧視的行規,是嚴重的反競爭行為,因此蘋果已經對此判決提起上訴,並成功獲准暫停執行先前的禁令;看來這些高科技公司真是高來高去,咱們也永遠都有看不完的法律訴訟新聞。

德國法院判決蘋果 iCloud 侵犯摩托羅拉行動公司專利

德國法院判決蘋果 iCloud 侵犯摩托羅拉行動公司專利:

德國 Mannheim 地方法院法官 Andreas Voss 日前裁定蘋果 iCloud 侵犯摩托羅拉行動公司 Motorola Mobility 的專利,同時對蘋果 iCloud 與任何可連通 iCloud 的設備下達在德國禁止銷售的判決。

摩托羅拉行動公司乃是在 2011 年四月指控蘋果 iCloud 侵權,指稱 iCloud 與可使用 iCloud 服務的相關蘋果產品都涉嫌侵犯該公司於歐洲所申請的 0847654 (B1) 號專利,該項專利乃是與電子郵件同步作業有關;蘋果雖然遭到這樣的永久禁令判決,但仍可向高等地方法院上訴。不過引發外界討論的是,蘋果法律顧問在本案審理期間,並未對該專利訴訟強力提出 FRAND(Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory)也就是尋求公平合理以及非歧視的抗辯。

目前包括蘋果、摩托羅拉行動公司、微軟、 Samsung 等公司正在德國展開法律大戰,這項判決只是這幾間公司法律攻防中的一場戰役。



蘋果向來引以為傲的客戶服務品質似乎在 2011 年有所動搖了。根據 Vocalabs 對將近五千位受訪者所進行的全美國客戶服務調查結果顯示,蘋果公司所獲得「非常滿意」的比例,從 2009 後半年的 66% ,爬升至 2010 年前半年的 73% ,隨後就一路下滑至後半年的 66% ,乃至於 2011 年的 58% 與 54% 。

當然蘋果還是領先其他競爭者,例如 Dell 與 HP 。 Dell 的高點是在 2010 年的後半年,達 49% ,隨後 2011 年下滑至 47% 與 44% 。至於 HP 則在 2009 至 2011 年大多在 51 至 53% 之間徘徊,但 2011 年後半年下滑至 49% 。雖然 Dell 與 HP 都呈現下滑態勢,但蘋果 19% 的跌幅遠大於其他同業。


即將接任蘋果零售資深副總 John Browett 客服小故事

即將接任蘋果零售資深副總 John Browett 客服小故事:

日前蘋果公司結束了大半年的前零售副總 Ron Johnson 所遺留的職缺,因為英國最大消費電子零售商 Dixons Retail 執行長 John Browett 決定於今年四月跳槽至蘋果,擔任零售資深副總。自 2007 年起,在 Browett 的領軍下表現卓越,但他將怎麼幫忙蘋果讓目前三百多家門市能夠進一步擴張並享有豐厚的營利,將會是一大挑戰。

其實這對於蘋果執行長 Tim Cook 也是一大挑戰,畢竟 Browett 是其接掌執行長後所任命的第一位挖角自其他公司的高級主管。 Cook 表示, Apple Store 乃是為了服務客戶所設,而 Browett 的想法正與蘋果相契合。而 Mac Rumors 也報導網友 Tony Hart 收到 Cook 的私人信函,針對此事表達個人意見。 Cook 認為「Browett 是目前所有針對此職缺的候選人中,最為優秀的一位」,並宣稱其不是將 Dixons 帶入蘋果,而是將蘋果目前的客戶服務與滿意度的水準繼續向上提升。該信原文為:「I talked to many people and John was the best by far. I think you will be as pleased as I am. His role isn’t to bring Dixons to Apple, [it's] to bring Apple to an even higher level of customer service and satisfaction.」

還有 Mac Rumors 網友分享其曾經遇到的經驗:名為 Paul Harmer 的網友在一年前與朋友逛街時逛到了 Dixons Retail 旗下的 PC World 3C 賣場想要買台電漿電視,結果由一位十分迷人又有見地的門市人員所接待。該位「看來比一般門市人員較老且穿得較好」的店員花了半小時為 Harmer 等人解釋電漿電視與 LCD 液晶電視之間的差異與優缺點,並告知目前有哪些優惠方案,令 Harmer 等人印象深刻。結果該位店員就是 Browett !他只是在其日常的巡店過程中剛好遇到了 Harmer ,就出手協助;其所展現對客戶服務的無比熱忱,實在令人佩服。後來 Harmer 分享此故事至 Dixon ,結果又接到了 Browett 的回信,表達對 Harmer 評論的感謝,並祝福新購的電視一切順利。

看來曾擔任 Tesco 與 Dixons Retail 執行長要職的 Browett 在客服方面所具備的無比熱忱,可真的不是蓋的,但畢竟蘋果不是 Tesco 也不是 Dixons , Browett 能否讓深為 Steve Jobs 賈柏斯所倚重的 Ron Johnson 所建立的 Apple Store 門市陣容更加堅強,為未來的蘋果再展宏圖,仍有待觀察。

Smart Headphones Aid to Switch Audio

Smart Headphones Aid to Switch Audio:

A new innovation was made for those who wanted to experience real music, and also those who wanted to hear it clearly.
Original Story Smart Headphones Aid to Switch Audio

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012

Cockroach As A New-Discovered Source of Electricity, According to Study

Cockroach As A New-Discovered Source of Electricity, According to Study:

The humble cockroach, which many consider to be a household pest, could soon be a viable electricity source.

Original Story Cockroach As A New-Discovered Source of Electricity, According to Study

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012

Vertu Constellation Quest Ferrari: A Ferrari 458 Italia-Inspired Smartphone

Vertu Constellation Quest Ferrari: A Ferrari 458 Italia-Inspired Smartphone:

Vertu, a manufacturer of luxury cellular phones, has recently announced its newest product, the Ferrari 458 Italia-inspired smartphone. The said phone is called the Constellation Quest Ferrari.
Original Story Vertu Constellation Quest Ferrari: A Ferrari 458 Italia-Inspired Smartphone

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012

Still Life Project Gives Paintings A Twist

Still Life Project Gives Paintings A Twist:

Today’s latest devices have accelerometers and other sensors built into them, and Seattle-based artist Scott Garner figures, why not combine them with art?

Original Story Still Life Project Gives Paintings A Twist

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012

Morse Code Twittering With Tworse Key (video)

Morse Code Twittering With Tworse Key (video):

Are you getting a little bored having to type out your Twitter messages? If you are and fancy giving your Twitter inputs a little bit of a refresh, a new device called the Tworse Key might be the perfect gadget for you. You will need to learn morse code first though.

The Tworse Key is an open design exercise in interface archaeology, that decodes the input from a classic Morse key to send twitter messages. Providing a fully self contained Twittering morse code sender. Watch the Tworse Key in action after the jump.

Tworse Key Morse Code Twitter

Original Story Morse Code Twittering With Tworse Key (video)

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012

Mad Catz Cyborg M.M.O. 7 Gaming Mouse Now Available To Pre-Order

Mad Catz Cyborg M.M.O. 7 Gaming Mouse Now Available To Pre-Order:

You might remember back in November last year that Mad Catz unveiled their new professional gaming mouse the Mad Catz Cyborg M.M.O. 7. If you have been patiently waiting for it to arrive your wait is now over, the Mad Catz Cyborg M.M.O. 7 gamin mouse is now available to pre-order, priced at $130.

The Cyborg M.M.O. 7 gaming mouse is equipped with an array of adjustable panels and weights to help make the mouse perfect for any individual, perfectly fitting your hand and playing style.

Mad Catz Cyborg MMO7 Gaming-Mouse

Original Story Mad Catz Cyborg M.M.O. 7 Gaming Mouse Now Available To Pre-Order

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012

Koss Porta Pro KTC Heaphones Unveiled

Koss Porta Pro KTC Heaphones Unveiled:

Koss Corporation have this week unveiled a newly updated version of their Porta Pro headphones, which are equipped with Koss Touch Control (KTC) remote and microphone technology. Which has been designed for use with Apples iPhone, iPad and iPod devices. Providing you with more control to shuffle songs and adjust volume with the flick of a switch whilst connected.

The Porta Pro KTC headphones can also be folded for easy storage and transport, and are lightweight in design, to provide comfort to users even during long hours of use.

Koss Porta Pro

Original Story Koss Porta Pro KTC Heaphones Unveiled

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012

NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

NYIGF January 2012, Part 6:

For the final post from the January 2012 NYIGF, I’m focusing in on a few interior design exhibitors at the show. I happily stumbled into the booth of Cose Nuove, which specializes in Scandinavian design – from eco-friendly dishtowels to textiles to mugs and votives. So pretty!

Cose Nuove New York International Gift Fair August 2012 28 550x439 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Cose Nuove New York International Gift Fair August 2012 5 300x374 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6 Cose Nuove New York International Gift Fair August 2012 18 300x375 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Cose Nuove New York International Gift Fair August 2012 14 550x439 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Cose Nuove New York International Gift Fair August 2012 26 300x375 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6 Cose Nuove New York International Gift Fair August 2012 19 300x375 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Cose Nuove New York International Gift Fair August 2012 13 550x439 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Cose Nuove New York International Gift Fair August 2012 11 550x439 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Cose Nuove

I can never resist the bright colors and patterns at Jonathan Adler – and while it might see random, the two things that really caught my eye this year were some new fun bath towels and shower curtains!

Jonathan Adler New York International Gift Fair August 2012 23 550x439 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Jonathan Adler New York International Gift Fair August 2012 6 550x439 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Jonathan Adler New York International Gift Fair August 2012 5 300x375 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6 Jonathan Adler New York International Gift Fair August 2012 4 300x374 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Jonathan Adler New York International Gift Fair August 2012 14 300x375 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6 Jonathan Adler New York International Gift Fair August 2012 10 300x375 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Jonathan Adler New York International Gift Fair August 2012 15 550x439 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Jonathan Adler

Designer Christen Maxwell isn’t exclusively about interior design – she creates some truly lovely tote bags and clutches – but I absolutely loved her new pillow patterns and designs. I’m particularly smitten with the watercolor houndstooth pattern and the pillows with neon piping.

Christen Maxwell New York International Gift Fair August 2012 13 550x439 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Christen Maxwell New York International Gift Fair August 2012 22 550x439 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Christen Maxwell New York International Gift Fair August 2012 20 550x439 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Christen Maxwell New York International Gift Fair August 2012 17 550x439 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Christen Maxwell New York International Gift Fair August 2012 9 300x375 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6 Christen Maxwell New York International Gift Fair August 2012 8 300x375 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Christen Maxwell New York International Gift Fair August 2012 4 550x439 NYIGF January 2012, Part 6

Christen Maxwell

Well, that’s it from the January 2012 NYIGF! Do you have any particular favorites from the show?

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

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