2011年5月26日 星期四
壯觀而夢幻的生態攝影-Ben Hall
讓相片動起來--Jamie Beck
Jamie Beck 近日的GIF動態畫面創作,引起了攝影界廣泛的討論,GIF動畫並不難,組合數張靜態畫面即可以製作成一張GIF動態畫面,但Jamie Beck的GIF動態畫面創作卻顯得如此的特別,她是在畫面中的細微處製作出動態感,別具巧思。"
反重力飛天少女-Anka Zhuravleva
Amazon發表Mac OS X軟體下載商店「Mac Download Store」。
Mac User們雖然已經有了Apple官方的Mac App Store軟體商店,不過現在Amazon也要開始跳進這個坑了。
目前Amazon的「Mac Download Store」已經正式開始營運,初期有約250種軟體。雖然看起來並不多,不過卻包含了不少Mac App Store沒有的東西,例如Microsoft Office 或是 Adobe Photoshop Elements 等,想必是因為Amazon的抽成費用比Apple低上許多的原因吧?
當然比較之下,Apple自家的Mac App Store在軟體購買與下載安裝部分想必是方便許多,而Amazon目前則是勝在有不少Mac App Store沒有的大部頭軟體。不過對一般使用者來說,也許還是會選擇比較方便的Mac App Store 吧?
via Mac Download Store from Engadget
"Amazon Launches Its Own Mac Download Store
Amazon has just unveiled its latest store within store following on from their Android store, with the launch of the new Mac Download Store. Which at launch already has some 250 plus titles to download directly from Amazon’s website.
In Celebration and to entice new customers to their newly opened store Amazon are giving away a $5 discount on any Mac game or software product purchased until the June 1, 2011.
Read the rest of Amazon Launches Its Own Mac Download Store
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SOAP is Not Dead - It's Undead, a Zombie in the Enterprise
SOAP is dead. No it's not. SOAP is undead.
And the undead still inhabit the enterprise... in a big way.
I'm at Gluecon, the kind of event where passionate developers gather. These are people who for the most part never use SOAP. They work with REST - undoubtedly the king of all APIs.
John Musser of Programmable Web set the context yesterday when he gave his address about the 'State of the API,' a discussion he also led' last year at Gluecon.
His presentation showed that 73% of the APis on Programmable Web use REST. SOAP is far behind but is still represented in 17% of the APIs.
But outside Gluecon's passionate circle of developers, SOAP is still used inside many an enterprise. So why is SOAP undead?
Clay Loveless presented 'The Failure of SOAP,' at Gluecon. Loveless is the former CTO at Mashery. He is now launching a startup called Jexy.com, which will provide integration services for developers.
He cited SOAP's complexity and the vendor wars that made tool chains a nightmare. The problem is that companies are still dependent on internal systems that have not modernized. They are dependent on SOAP. Investments have been made.
"All the tools, hires, licenses & codebase has been built around SOAP for a decade," Loveless wrote on Twitter. "Hard to turn on a dime."
SOAP's complexity also explains why many enterprises have been slow to move to Web Oriented Architectures.
I asked Michael Cote of RedMonk for his opinion about why SOAP is still used in the enterprise: 'Existing applications that use it and Enterprise Architects who still want to enforce a top-down, well, architecture with it.'
But the current APi movement is somewhat fractured. Every developer has their own way of implementing APIs. Monica Wilkinson of Socialcast said to me today that Activity Streams and authentication have standardized to some extent. That trend will continue based upon demand.
There are other issues, too, that come with REST APIs. At Gluecon, JNBridge the release of JNBridgePro 6.0, which enables developers to access both .NET-based and Java-based cloud services and APIs from ground or cloud-based clients written in the other platform. It also allows for the development of cloud-based services and APIs that incorporate both Java and .NET-based components.
Cote was quoted in the company's press release. What he says deserves notice from the most passionate of developers:
'As enterprise development teams start including cloud technologies in their applications, incompatible cloud platforms and APIs will be a huge road block,' said Michael Cote, analyst at RedMonk. 'We're already seeing a clamoring for tools and services that integrate this spaghetti bowl of end-points, and they're only going to become more important to realizing the benefits of cloud development.'
In the meantime, SOAP is not dead by any means. It's undead and will remain that way for some time to come.
Altly: Another Privacy-Focused Facebook Alternative
It was just last week when the privacy-focused Facebook alternative Diaspora posted an update on its development status, promising to 'go faster.' It may need to do just that not only to please its community and woo new users, but to help stave off the competition from yet another startup that's just announced its plans to also provide a privacy-focused social network.
This one's called Altly, and it announced its plans to build an alternative to Facebook today with a lengthy manifesto on why privacy, personal data control, and data portability should matter.
But even if those are important considerations - and even with Facebook's track record of privacy snafus - building an alternative to the social networking giant hasn't been something that anyone's been able to do successfully.
What makes Altly different then? Well, its founder, for one thing. Dmitry Shapiro is a serial entrepreneur, the founder of the online video company Veoh, and most recently an executive at that other Facebook rival, MySpace.
Despite Shapiro's credentials, building a viable Facebook alternative has so far proven to be a Herculean task. Although the points he makes about Facebook's privacy flaws do ring true, Facebook has remained wildly popular.
Altly does have funding from Draper Fisher Jurvetson, but what the site will surely need is excellent execution in order to be successful. The product isn't ready for launch, but you can sign up and reserve your name. It could be a good sign for Altly that 'Audrey' has already been taken (and not by me, I should add).
賽勒斯Farivar做同樣的事情與他的著 作“ 互聯網其他地方 :應對突發性影響的網絡世界。“
有一種傾向,認為因特網作為是一個先驗自成一格 。這是一個新的世界如此強大,所以遊戲規則的改變,它的歷史和文化的影響,無論在哪裡一站。 Farivar的論點,這是一個製作精良之一,是,像任何其他元素的人類經驗,互聯網是透過歷史和文化。如果我們忽視這一事實,如果我們讓自己相信,互聯網,而不是歷史,更是一個決定因素在我們的未來,我們有責任為它感到驚訝過分的程度。
韓國創新兩件事情:專業遊戲聯賽和公民新聞。一個塊上大部分的高科技現身日本(鑑於日本如何對待韓國在二戰中的限制很多),韓國的遊戲選擇的是星際爭霸。 Ohmynews就像一顆新的行星一旦爆破現場於2004年。
但是,面對歷史,並考慮本身的一部分,西方,是不容易消除的。當機會被再次可用,主要的障礙被拆除時,愛沙尼亞人瘋了創新的網絡工具和公司。現在有一種發病率最高的互聯網普及率在世界上,以及大量的時間來彌補。像韓國和塞內加爾,這種訪問到一個幾乎完整的國家的Wi - Fi的毯子,既是公民表達意願和表達政治意願的最高水平。
雖然中國可能已經獲得了金棕櫚網上鎮壓,伊朗是在同一個聯盟的競爭。使用相同的組合工具開創了中國 - 法律,社會和技術檢查過濾 - 伊朗的互聯網已經呈現的第三級通信網絡。伊朗領導層很早就認識到,他們有一個公民具有悠久歷史的智力和技術能力和互聯網是要證明重要的。伊朗領導層成員開始利用社會媒體宣傳他們的觀點和今天繼續這樣做。
- 歷史的問題。由於“破壞性”的網絡技術,歷史,一個國家或地區,一直到目前為止,深刻,切實影響到那個地方,它的人民將響應該中斷。 Farivar做了一個特別好的工作關係,概述了其中的每個國家的歷史和他們的關係,在有線的世界。
- 政治意願。一個國家的意志的領導很重要,但它是不夠的。創新的一個統治集團必須要么反映人民的意願,或激發他們的想像力。
- 機遇。人類是實驗和(在最廣泛的意義上)創業。如果他們的衝動使網絡向一去檢查,由於缺乏連通,負擔不起或公開的限制,它會檢查智力和金融繁榮。個人,不論在塞內加爾或應用程序程序員在伊朗持不同政見者,將向前邁進,但社會作為一個整體不會。
谷歌給每個人10元要嘗試新的谷歌的錢包 ...但有一個問題
據谷歌錢包網站 ,谷歌預付卡是一個虛擬信用卡,你可以資助你的任何現有的信用卡帳戶。資金來源並沒有被花旗,也不必須是萬事達卡。相反,你會簡單的激活預裝的充值卡在錢包的應用程序開始使用它。由於谷歌預付卡是虛擬的,你將不會收到郵件中的塑料卡,說明谷歌。
而這裡的最好的部分:谷歌會給你10元免費只是激活它的預付費卡 。這意味著免費的錢花費在谷歌的合作夥伴的商店,名單上包括皮特的咖啡,地鐵,沃爾格林,玩具反斗城,American Eagle Outfitters的,足儲物櫃,布盧明代爾的,貨櫃商店,愛因斯坦兄弟百吉餅,然巴果汁,你猜,梅西的,沃爾格林等等。另外,谷歌工程錢包在任何萬事達 PayPass功能的商人,如CVS,體育局,傑克在框中,美國太陽石油公司和可口可樂公司(選擇自動售貨機)。
隨著移動支付系統,如谷歌錢包,該公司可以跟踪所有的交易方式從第一次通過用戶點擊某個廣告在谷歌的搜索結果在結帳的時間點的銷售。它還將開闢全新形式的廣告,如地理定位的廣告根據您當前所在的位置, 提供時顯示的搜索當地企業通過谷歌的狗吠聲,像谷歌的地方服務,提供時顯示的搜索只為一業務類別(如“午餐”,“藥妝”),Groupon般的集團購買的交易,提供出現在商店的會員卡裝入電子錢包服務,提供可用的物理標識,店內展示,海報,NFC技術啟用標籤等。
谷歌希望,以配合各地的購買過程以及從初始研究(較大的採購,也許)或有關這去查詢您的手機上執行的所有方法,最終的結果 - 商家是得到你的錢。它想跟踪您的購物習慣和趨勢,因此它可以為您服務,甚至更好的廣告。更有針對性,高度個性化的廣告更容易吸引你,你一個人。
多麼少數派報告 。
在某種程度上,這是縮小目標類型是不是所有的不同從什麼趕快註冊 Facebook提供廣告主今天 - 一種直接一個信息,精心挑選和過濾成員的上網人口。例如,Facebook的廣告客戶可以直接廣告的所有25-35歲未婚女性誰住在20英里的紐約。谷歌,另一方面,就知道你不僅可以通過你的谷歌個人資料 ,並利用其眾多的其他服務 ,也會知道你的方式可能有更吸引一些廣告主:你花多少,如何通常,你現在在哪裡,什麼你試圖找到。聽起來像一個成功的公式,也許有點讓人毛骨悚然。
但是,這是谷歌為你。作為主席埃里克施密特曾說過 ,而首席執行官,“谷歌的政策是要得到正確的爬行路線,而不是過去。”
討論 "