2011年8月22日 星期一

Bloon Is The Simplest Semi-Orbital Craft Ever

Bloon Is The Simplest Semi-Orbital Craft Ever:

Or should it be suborbital? It’s basically a large helium balloon that goes up, up, up until the passengers feel they can touch the stars. The people who got the idea of the ground is a Barcelona based company called zero2infinity and they are now accepting reservations for a 2013-2015 schedule. The whole idea of this project called ‘bloon’ is to make pseudo-space flight a little more exciting adventure without the attendant hardware, i.e. Virgin Galactic.

Original Story Bloon Is The Simplest Semi-Orbital Craft Ever

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011

Tree Stump Speaker, Inspired By Nature

Tree Stump Speaker, Inspired By Nature:

This unique speaker design created by Thomas Laenner has been inspired by a tree stump and can either be wall mounted or comes in a table top version as well.

The wall mounted version of the stump speaker has been designed to appear as if it were a cut tree growing out the wall. With a small branch acting asa stand for your smartphone or music player.

Tree Stump Speaker

Original Story Tree Stump Speaker, Inspired By Nature

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011


Mac版Office將統一合併進Office部門內、MacBU部門隨之走入歷史?: 稍早由日本熊本縣主辦的「Apple User Group Meeting」會上,例行由日本市場各Apple協力廠商、Apple業界名人出席簡報,其中向來皆未缺席的Microsoft Japan MacBU(Macintosh Business Unit)部門專案經理Nakao先生,也再次帶來精采的簡報內容。 簡報中提及Mac版Outlook具有特別設計的介面,例如「功能區」的隱藏式選單對於小螢幕的MacBook Air 11吋來說,就提供了更為便捷的大螢幕工作畫面;而Microsoft也將於近期,針對OS X Lion全新功能提供相對應的支援、升級。 此外,會中Nakao先生也表示,由於現行Mac版Office的開發都將由Microsoft Office團隊統籌進行,所以就他本人的角色來說,未來將不再擔任MacBU專案經理的職位,這也意味著成立於1997年的MacBU部門將走入歷史? 延伸閱讀: - 微軟MacBU實力巨作:史上最強、最輕量化的Office for Mac 2011 (上) - 微軟MacBU實力巨作:史上最強、最輕量化的Office for Mac 2011 (下)