2012年4月7日 星期六

[Inside 快訊] HTC 手機可能不會再搭Beats耳機了(美國)

[Inside 快訊] HTC 手機可能不會再搭Beats耳機了(美國): [Inside 快訊] HTC 手機可能不會再搭Beats耳機了(美國)

這似乎是個好棋,也登上彭博商業周刊報導。不過,根據CNET記者Roger Chang最新揭露的訊息,以後的HTC手機在美國市場不一定會再搭載Beats耳機了。

[Inside 快訊] TechOrange x appWORKS Demoday #4 現場實況轉播

[Inside 快訊] Twitter對五大Spammer提告,以維持內容品質

[Inside 快訊] Twitter對五大Spammer提告,

[Inside 快訊] Google 宣佈殺手級專案 - 虛擬實境 Glass計畫

[Inside 快訊] 駭客組織 Anonymous 攻擊了485個中國網站


[Inside 快訊] 駭客組織 Anonymous 攻擊了485個中國網站

[Inside 快訊] 駭客組織 Anonymous 攻擊了 485 個中國網站: [Inside 快訊] 駭客組織 Anonymous 攻擊了485個中國網站
駭客組織 Anonymous 聲稱他們癱瘓了近五百個中國網站,其中包括政府網站。除了癱瘓網站,駭客們還取得了其中一些網站管理者的帳號、電話號碼等資訊。

[Inside 快訊] Twitter 對五大 Spammer 提告,以維持內容品質

[Inside 快訊] 提升搜尋品質,Google 搜尋在三月做的五十項更新

[Inside 快訊] Yahoo! 宣布裁員 2000 人

[Inside 快訊] Yahoo! 將裁員 2000 人

[Inside 快訊] Instagram Android 版一天百萬下載!


Hacked: time limit during video recording now removed for the Nikon D3100/D5100/D7000

Hacked: time limit during video recording now removed for the Nikon D3100/D5100/D7000:
Nikon CES PMA 2012 booth1 Hacked: time limit during video recording now removed for the Nikon D3100/D5100/D7000
In addition to the Nikon D3100 and D5100, the Nikon Hacker team was able to remove the time limit restriction during video recording also for the D7000. The new firmware was tested and is now released - it allows for 25-30 minutes uninterrupted video files (up to 4GB in file size). For instruction and download links, check this post. Please note that this is not an official firmware update from Nikon - use at your own risk.

Posted by NikonRumors.com

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DIY $30 WiFi solution for Nikon D4 and other smart phone additions for your camera

DIY $30 WiFi solution for Nikon D4 and other smart phone additions for your camera:
Nikon D4 cheap wifi solution DIY $30 WiFi solution for Nikon D4 and other smart phone additions for your camera
credit: Voudas
The NR reader Voudas sent me this inexpensive alternative for controlling your NikonD4 camera through WiFi:
"The idea was to connect the small VAP11G portable WiFi bridge device (available on eBay and Amazon) to the D4's Ethernet port in order to use it through WiFi. I setup the Ethernet connection of the D4 and then used the VAP11G device to connect through my WiFi. I then used my laptop and iPhone to check the WiFi connectivity with the D4. It worked like a charm!
The limitation of the device is that it didn't act as an access point - it would always need an established WiFi network, but the important thing was to prove that the price of the WT-5 price is ridiculously high ($877) and the VAP11G does the same thing for around $30. This limitation could probably be eliminated with the Asus WL-330gE wireless access point."

iPhone flash dock for DSLR DIY $30 WiFi solution for Nikon D4 and other smart phone additions for your camera
The next gizmo is the FlashDock that lets you attach an iPhone (or any other smart phone) to your DSLR and use many of the available apps dedicated to help photographers:
FlashDock features2 DIY $30 WiFi solution for Nikon D4 and other smart phone additions for your camera
  • Sharing pictures: Imagine a DSLR with a 3G/4G connection: Bruno Rousseau says: "What if we could share a High Quality picture by E-mail, SMS or via cloud services like iCloud or DropBox? That is something users have done for years with their camera phone but never did with their DSLR. How does the Flash-Dock help doing that? Well, have you heard about the EyeFi SD Cards? EyeFi cards are SD Cards that store pictures and send them to the SmartPhone through their built-in WIFI chip. Again, it is possible to use EyeFi cards without the Flash-Dock, but it is not that easy. The SmartPhone being next to the DSLR, everything works seamlessly and without the user paying any special attention to it. Once the photo-shoot is finished, the photographer only has to share his photos with the world through the 3G/4G networks... they are all on his SmartPhone."
FlashDock features DIY $30 WiFi solution for Nikon D4 and other smart phone additions for your camera
  • Geotagging with .GPX files: SmartPhones have a built-in GPS and most DSLR don't. SmartPhones can record tracks into a file called a "GPX file". That file is then read by iPhoto, Aperture, Lightroom, Photoshop Elements, Picasa and most photo library softwares. What these softwares do is, merge this GPS data with the metadata of pictures taken during the photo-shoot. It is simple and free.
  • Geotagging with bluetooth: Some add-on devices like the BlueSLR are plugged into the DSLR GPS connector. Since SmartPhones also have a bluetooth connection, they can send in real-time location information to the camera that in turn will geotag pictures. It works the same way as if there was a GPS receiver plugged into the DSLR, only cheaper.
  • LightMeter: SmartPhones have cameras and light sensors. Both combined, some smart developers have managed to create Light Meters that perform very well. They do require a calibration with a real light meter, but passed this stage, all the photographer needs is a SmartPhone.
  • Depth Of Field calculator: These apps let the DSLR user calculate precisely the sharp area before and after the subject. These calculators take into account the lens type, the camera model and aperture to give a very precise value.
  • Level: Photographers have used levels for years on their tripods and now some DSLR feature an electronic horizontal line. However, some cameras do not have this feature and people can now monitor a level even without a tripod. Typical accelerometers inside the SmartPhones have an accuracy of 0.1°, more than enough for a level functionality.
  • Microphone: The latest DSLRs all have video functionalities. However, the sound is often not in par with the video quality. SmartPhones on the other hand are made to deliver good sound quality with ambient noise cancellation and remote recording. Another good exemple of combining DSLR and SmartPhones.
  • Vibrations monitoring: What sort of vibrations does the shutter bring on a DSLR? With Seismometers apps, photographers can visually see and record the vibrations brought by their set up and correct it until pictures are taken completely still.
The next accessory for DSLR cameras is called iCandy - it uses the front facing camera of a smart phone to entertain small children and make them look into the camera while taking portraits:
iCandy Mount for DSLR cameras DIY $30 WiFi solution for Nikon D4 and other smart phone additions for your camera
PhotoMeta iPhone app lets you see EXIF data on your iPad. It works with both JPG and NEF files from the D800:
PhotoMeta iPhone app DIY $30 WiFi solution for Nikon D4 and other smart phone additions for your camera
PhotoMeta iPhone app2 DIY $30 WiFi solution for Nikon D4 and other smart phone additions for your camera
PhotoMeta iPhone app3 DIY $30 WiFi solution for Nikon D4 and other smart phone additions for your camera
Nikon D3s mini guide for iOS. The press release can be found at PB:
 DIY $30 WiFi solution for Nikon D4 and other smart phone additions for your camera

Posted by NikonRumors.com

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468x60 borrowlensesgear DIY $30 WiFi solution for Nikon D4 and other smart phone additions for your camera DIY $30 WiFi solution for Nikon D4 and other smart phone additions for your camera
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  1. Nikon’s solution to prevent condensation in underwater camera housings
  2. Cheap Wi-Fi tethering solution for your Nikon
  3. The history of Nikon’s first digital camera (QV-1000C)

蒸氣火車頭上身! Train Wreck Bike by Colby Higgins

蒸氣火車頭上身! Train Wreck Bike by Colby Higgins:

上圖這輛名為Train Wreck Bike Concept的超凡脫俗摩托車,它的特色就是充滿著Steampunk(蒸氣龐克)風格。這位工業設計師的主要目標是要把大家帶回蒸氣工業時代。
