2011年8月30日 星期二

Iris Transparent Tablet Concept Looks Awesome (Video)

Iris Transparent Tablet Concept Looks Awesome (Video):

We have featured a number of prototype laptops and netbooks with transparent displays here at Geeky Gadgets, and now we have the Iris transparent tablet concept, which features a transparent OLED display.

The Iris tablet concept is the work of designers Liu-Wei, Yao Kai-Chi, Hong Ruei Hong & Cheng Ya-Fang, and whilst it is only a concept at the moment, I suspect we will see tablets similar to this in the not too distant future.

Iris Tablet Concept(...)
Original Story Iris Transparent Tablet Concept Looks Awesome (Video)

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011



Comex answer question on reddit


After your internship with Apple and after iOS 5 is officially released, will you continue to support the jailbreak community by providing exploits?

問題:在你去Apple實習後,以及iOS 5正式發表後,你會繼續提供漏洞來支持越獄社群嗎?

Comex: No.

Edit: But I’ll want to jailbreak my phone, so I hope someone finds them :p




Why an intern position though? It seems like you could carry a regular position at apple. How has the core jailbreak dev teams responded to you going to work forapple?


Comex: I don’t know if I’d want to do that- I’ve never had a job before and I don’t know what it’s like- and I intend to go back to college soon.

Mostly with congratulations.




Have you made any money from the jb scene?


Comex: I’ve made a good amount of money through donations, which is mostly being used to help pay for college. JailbreakMe 2.0 was like $40,000; 3.0 was $15,000 (not quite sure why it decreased).

我已經從大家的捐獻裡賺到不錯的金額,其中大部份用來幫我付大學學費。JailbreakMe 2.0大概有$40,000,3.0大概是$15,000(不知道為何變少)。


The jailbreak community took a huge hit when you left. Do you think the active players can outsmart you now that you’re playing for the other team, or are you Apple’s final solution to their jailbreak problem?


Comex: There are a lot of smart people working for Apple already; maybe I can help, but I doubt I can stop people from finding exploits.



Can you give any insight on how apple views the Jailbreak communities mods?


Comex: I have no idea.



As a huge open book for them to steal take ideas from.


Comex: I certainly don’t mind. Jailbreak community puts an idea in front of people with a crappy implemenation; Apple polishes it to the point where it can be an OS feature. I don’t know whether Apple actually pays attention to jailbreak apps, but see App Store, copy and paste, multitasking, etc…

我當然不介意。越獄社群用很蹩腳的完成方式,將這些點子放到人們面前,而Apple將它拋光變成亮點,成為OS內的功能。我不知道Apple是否真的有在注意越獄軟體,但是看看App Store、複製貼上、多工執行等功能……


Do you have any regrets?


Comex: I should have worked on these jailbreaks more consistently, and released them more quickly; I’ve had several exploits fixed on me that could have been used in a jailbreak if I was quicker at packaging.



What, besides money, made you flip to the other side?


Comex: It’s not about money. A large part of my motivation to jailbreak was always the challenge; the internship will be a new sort of challenge.



Will the current jailbreaks and/or the site disappear?


Comex: No, I’ll hand them over to MuscleNerd or chpwn or whoever will take care of them.




via iDownlaodBlog



JailbreakMe.com作者comex即將在今晚發佈對應iPad 2的越獄工具?



First mockups of Nikon’s mirrorless interchangeable lens camera

First mockups of Nikon’s mirrorless interchangeable lens camera:

I do not have any real images of the upcoming  Nikon mirrorless interchangeable lens camera but I received two mockups that will give you a pretty good idea of the camera’s design:

Nikon mirrorless interchangeable lens camera First mockups of Nikons mirrorless interchangeable lens camera

Nikon mirrorless interchangeable lens camera 2 First mockups of Nikons mirrorless interchangeable lens camera

Here are some details in addition to those I published earlier today:

  • Similar clean design like the Coolpix P300.
  • The camera will not have any dials on the top plate.
  • Speaker will be located on top plate.
  • There will be a pop-up flash and/or flash hot shoe for external flash.
  • The new mirrorless lenses may have electronic zoom buttons (see this patent).
  • There will be some functionality that will be introduced for the first time in a mirrorless camera.
  • The camera will probably be available in different colors.

I was told also that the mirrorless camera looks very much like the drawing filed in this patent (eventhough the camera will probably not have the patented protective mount cover):

nikon EVIL patent protective mount cover 1 First mockups of Nikons mirrorless interchangeable lens camera

Posted by NikonRumors.com
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we buy used cameras First mockups of Nikons mirrorless interchangeable lens camera

Related posts:

  1. Nikon mirrorless interchangeable lens camera
  2. Nikon’s mirrorless interchangeable lens camera will be announced on August 24th
  3. It’s a Nikon patents Friday (Nikon mirrorless, interchangeable lens camera)



OpenTTD 是一款開放原始碼的模擬遊戲運輸大亨軟體,喜歡策略經營遊戲的玩家不可錯過的遊戲,遊戲中扮演運輸公司的經營者,規劃道路、鐵路、航空、水路運輸網,建立宏偉的運輸帝國;也能上網進行連線對戰人數最多可達 255人,是一款有深度及耐玩的遊戲。

Google Release’s Android SDK Add On For Google TV

Google Release’s Android SDK Add On For Google TV:

Google has released some new software for its Google TV, in the form of the Android add on SDK for Google TV, which will allow developers to port their existing applications to Google TV and also create new ones.

When Google releases Honeycomb for Google TV, you will be able to use applications on your Google TV device just the way you do on your Android smartphone or tablet.

Google TV

Original Story Google Release’s Android SDK Add On For Google TV

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011

Wacom發表可在普通紙上素描,同時記錄數位檔案的1024階感壓電子素描筆「Wacom Inkling」。

Wacom發表可在普通紙上素描,同時記錄數位檔案的1024階感壓電子素描筆「Wacom Inkling」。:

Wacom inkling

Wacom今天閃電發表了最新的產品「Wacom Inkling」,算是一款筆記&素描用的電子筆。利用超音波與紅外線技術,來將Inkling在紙上畫出的素描,直接轉變成電子檔,匯入電腦中繼續編輯。

雖然這類的電子筆軟體其實也已經有其他廠商作過,不過Wacom Inkling除了可以記錄1024階感壓(!)之外,還具有圖層(!)的功能。只要按下接受器上的按鈕,之後畫下的部份就會儲存在另一個圖層中。

wacom Inkling ElevAngle wSketchbook 1 RGB

此外,Wacom Inkling不需要特別的紙張,只要是Inkling的1mm鋼珠筆筆頭可以畫上去的紙都ok,紙張大小最大為A4(210x297 mm)。雖然也可以使用更大的紙張,不過能記錄的面積範圍還是只限於約A4大小。

wacom Inkling Case wTools ElevAngle RGB



而檔案匯入電腦,藉由專用的「Inkling Sketch Manager」軟體(Win/Mac)來管理、轉換。輸出格式支援BMP / JPG / TIFF / PNG / SVG(有向量檔!) / PDF,並可以輸入Adobe Photoshop、Adobe Illustrator、Autodesk SketchBook Pro以及Autodesk SketchBook Designer等軟體繼續編輯

目前「Wacom Inkling」預計在2011年9月下旬發售,售價為美金$199,日幣17,980円。

wacom_inkling_MDP 123 2 ashx

via wacom us and wacom jp


(希望是)iPad觸控筆的終極解決方案「Wacom Bamboo Stylus for iPad」即將上市。

Wacom的iPad用筆記本軟體「Bamboo Paper」突破100萬次下載,並決定繼續「免費」提供!

Wacom推出的iPad用筆記本軟體「Bamboo Paper」正式在App Store登場,目前免費放送中!










主人跑路 被遺棄在中東警局的可憐Ferrari Enzo

主人跑路 被遺棄在中東警局的可憐Ferrari Enzo:

