2011年7月12日 星期二
新角度,新嘗試 - 建築物拍攝小技巧
by {link:http://www.flickr.com/photos/wwarby/3336002874/}wwarby{/link}
- 廣角鏡-廣角鏡頭視角廣闊,適合捕捉廣闊的室內場景,例如教堂、商場等,因此大家不妨預備廣角鏡頭,這次部份示範作品就運用了11-16mm的超廣角鏡頭(配APS-C格式DSLR)。當然,要是你擁有魚眼鏡頭的話,就能拍攝視覺更誇張更震撼的影像。
- 遠攝鏡-建築物內有不少有趣的裝飾及設計,遠攝鏡能讓你為它們作特寫拍攝。
- 三腳架與快門線-部份場景的光線或會不足,拍攝時或需長時間曝光,這時一支穩健的腳架及快門線就十分有用。此外,三腳架亦能助你作較準確的構圖。
- 水平珠-安裝於相機熱靴的水平珠能讓你得知相機是否處於水平,你亦可參考部份相機內建的電子水平儀,或是使用三腳架上的水平珠。
by {link:http://www.flickr.com/photos/dynamosquito/2841755615/}dynamosquito{/link}
- 避免耀光情況-拍攝現代建築物時,記得留意建築物的反光面,如果這些光線被反射至鏡頭內,或會引致鏡頭內反射形成耀光,這時大家可稍微改變拍攝角度,或為鏡頭加設遮光罩。
- 偏光濾鏡除反光-若大家想去除建築物內不必要的反光,可為鏡頭加設偏光濾鏡,但留意偏光濾鏡有減光作用,會稍微延長曝光時間。
- 實時顯示助構圖-部份相機的實時顯示功能提供構圖網格,能有助大家作更精準的構圖,尤其是拍攝一些講求對稱的影像。
- 善用包圍曝光-部份場景的光源分布不平均,結果令影像中部份景物過度曝光或曝光不足,因此大家拍攝時曝光要拿捏得準。若想保險一些的話,大家亦可使用包圍曝光功能,拍攝不同曝光程度的影像,再於後期選擇最適合的影像。
by {link:http://www.flickr.com/photos/masochismtango/274491576/}moasochismtango{/link}
They Might Be Giants Playing at SoHo and Boylston Street Apple Stores
The SoHo show will be July 20 at 7pm, and the Boylston Street show will be the next day, July 21, at 8pm. The band advises fans to get a wristband from the stores the day before to ensure they get a seat.
The song above, 'Can't Keep Johnny Down', is from TMBG's upcoming album, Join Us.
They Might Be Giants has been around for nearly 30 years, releasing more than a dozen albums. Their most famous work is 'Boss of Me', the theme song to Malcolm in the Middle, for which they won a Grammy. The group also recorded 'Dog on Fire', the theme song to The Daily Show.
創意攝影-水滴的凝結瞬間 Markus Reugels
Iain Crawford 的潑彩霓裳
Iain Crawford 成長於非洲及馬來西亞,經常為世界頂級運動品牌進行拍攝。"
Awesome Star Wars 20ft Multi-Touchscreen Video Game: Fleet Commander (video)
A fantastic tactile touchscreen Star Wars video game has been designed and developed at the Electronic Visualisation Laboratory (EVL) by MS graduate student Arthur Nishimoto called “Fleet Commander”, which is played on a 20 foot touchscreen LCD wall.
The game has been developed to demonstrate how a complex interactive strategy game that would normally rely on complex keyboard and mouse controls can be transformed into a tactile touchscreen experience. Watch this fantastic game in action after the jump.
Original Story Awesome Star Wars 20ft Multi-Touchscreen Video Game: Fleet Commander (video)
© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011
Zoom H2n Handheld Recorder Contains 5 Studio Quality Microphones (video)
If you are looking for studio quality recording in a portable solution the new Zoom H2n handheld record might well be worth a look when it arrives in stores in September 2011.
The Zoom H2n is equipped with not one but 5 studio-quality internal microphones and offers four unique recording modes: Mid-Side (MS) stereo, 90° X/Y stereo, 2-channel and 4-channel surround sound. Watch a promotional video of the new Zoom H2n handheld recorder after the jump.
Original Story Zoom H2n Handheld Recorder Contains 5 Studio Quality Microphones (video)
© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011
Star Trek Official PADD iPad App
If you are a Star Trek fan an own an iPad you might be pleased to know that a new iPad App has been released this week, the Official Star Trek PADD (Personal Access Display Device). The iPad application provides users with an interactive database of Star Trek information and photos using an authentic reproduction of the LCARS style interface, first introduced in the The Next Generation series of Star Trek.
Original Story Star Trek Official PADD iPad App
© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011
Paper Craft Retro Gadget Selection
We have featured a number of paper craft projects here on Geeky Gadgets including a few of our own but these highly detailed paper craft retro gadgets are definitely in a league of their own. The paper gadgets have been created by Zim and Zou and you can view a time lapse video of their creation after the jump.
The paper craft creations include a Leica camera, Sony Walkmans from the 80′s together with a Polaroid instant camera together with a other 80-90′s gadgets all recreated in fantastically high detail.
Original Story Paper Craft Retro Gadget Selection
© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011
Propellerhead Announces Reason 6 Together With Essentials & Balance Audio Interface (video)
Propellerhead software has today launched its latest Reason 6 software together with Reason Essentials & Balance Audio Interface providing the complete audio recording and editing solution.
Reason 6 has been redesigned to provide an “easy to grasp” interface for independent-minded musicians and allows them to customise and build there own virtual rack adding drum machines, loop players, samplers, synths, reverb, delay, distortion, mastering effects and more to create the perfect sound. Watch a promotional video for Reason 6 after the jump.
Original Story Propellerhead Announces Reason 6 Together With Essentials & Balance Audio Interface (video)
© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011
未來派風帆飛行遊艇 by Yelken Octuri 酷!
顧名思義飛行遊艇就是一個可在天上飛可在水上遊的行動工具,這是由法國設計師Yelken Octuri設計的一個創新遊艇。這個三體Octuri飛行遊艇長47英尺,有二個主要的甲板,遊艇內分為上下二層,下層設有一個主臥室,洗手間,廚房外加一個儲藏室,上層有三間臥室和一個豪華舒適的浴室。
世界最速電動遙控車 Schumacher Mi3:衝出 260 km/h驚人記錄!
美國遙控車達人 Nic Case所打造的 Schumacher Mi3電動遙控車於美國北卡州的 Rockingham Dragway賽道上,以每小時161.76英哩 (約260 公里)的時速,締造出世界最速電動遙控車的新記錄。