2011年7月3日 星期日

The Verbalizer: A Fun Hack on Top of Google Voice Search

The Verbalizer: A Fun Hack on Top of Google Voice Search: "


It is always fun when developers build interesting tools on top of new innovations and products. Google released voice search for the desktop during its big search announcement on June 14 and since then a group of developers have been dreaming up new ways to make it useful and fun.

The product that emerged is called the Verbalizer out of the labs of Breakfast, a group of inventors in New York City. Verbalizer is an open source developer board that is functions as a microphone that will work with Google voice search and can be manipulated look like almost anything to perform searches.


Breakfast says that, out of the box, touching any spot on the Verbalizer device will trigger a Google voice search from up to 10 meters away. So, imagine a computer monitor hanging on a wall in your living room. A construct could be set up where to cue the Verbalizer when you walk in the room and ask it to search for anything on the Internet, without sitting down to a keyboard.

Here is how Breakfast describes the Verbalizer:

'The Verbalizer connects wirelessly to your computer via Bluetooth and when triggered, opens google.com in a new tab and activates Voice Search. An audio notification is played signaling Google is ready for your query, which is spoken into the on-board mic. The board is Arduino compatible and we left some I/O pins open, so it's easy for anyone to jump in and create something nutty with it.'

Breakfast held a working group earlier in the week so developers could put Verbalizer through the paces and create new uses for it. See the video below for what they came up with.



6 Excellent Tools For Writing Without Distractions

6 Excellent Tools For Writing Without Distractions: "

pencil-thumb.jpgJust as the Web has brought us untold advances in innovation, collaboration and productivity, it has also given us things like this Tumblr blog curating animated GIFs of Tom Hanks portraying various animals, not to mention Farmville, Twitter or the 35 hours of video that are uploaded to YouTube every minute.

With so many digital distractions, it's a wonder we can get anything done. For those of us for whom being productive means stringing words together, whether we're bloggers, marketing copy writers or aspiring novelists, the Internet can be a mixed blessing. Fortunately, there are a number of writing applications that attempt to block out the distractions so we can finally focus.


iA Writer

Platform: Mac, iPad

Cost: $17.99 for Mac; $4.99 for iPad.

Try It: http://www.iawriter.com/

iA Writer is a popular writing application with a design that's about as minimalist as they come. The interface contains very few options and preferences to tinker with. You can put it into full screen mode or FocusMode, which highlights only the sentence you're writing and greys out everything. Other than that, the only option is to write.

It's only available for Mac OS and iPad, and while it isn't cheap, it comes highly recommended by the likes of Tim O'Reilly and Web designer extraordinaire Jason Santa Maria.

It comes with solid support for Markdown syntax so you can format your test without fussing around with the mouse.


Platform: Mac, PC, iPad

Cost: Free betas for Mac & PC (or choose your own price for the premium version); $4.99 for iPad.

Try It: http://www.ommwriter.com

The experience of using OmmWriter isn't just about the distractions it blocks out, but also what it adds. Minimalist background images and subtle, ambient music aim to promote a state of mental relaxation and focus.

As the desktop client recommends when you start it up, OmmWriter is best experienced with headphones. You can choose from three ambient audio tracks or turn the sound off if you're not in the mood to go all-out Zen.

After a few years of offering a desktop client, OmmWriter more recently put out an iPad version, as have a few other providers. This seems especially appropriate, as the iPad (and tablets more generally) tend to be much more conducive to focusing than desktop computers with their browser tabs, desktop notifications

Clean Writer

Platform: Mac, iPad

Cost: $.99

Try It: http://www.alexbrie.com/archives/259


CleanWriter, as you may be able to guess from its name, is another writing app with a very minimal design. Like iA Writer and OmmWriter, it's available for both Mac OS and the iPad, but with a smaller price tag.

Some of its noted perks include the option to write on a black background and the ability to sync files with Dropbox.


Platform: Mac (via Mac App Store or Web download)

Cost: $29.99

Try It: http://www.the-soulmen.com/ulysses

Rather than a blank page with few to no buttons, Uylsses offers something closer to a full-fledged word processing app for Mac owners with some project management features built in.

It may have more buttons and features than many of these other writing apps, but Uylsses is still relatively stripped-down and maintains a focus on distraction-free, semantic text editing. It's geared more toward professionals, as the price tag would suggest.

Ulysses supports exporting documents in a variety of standard formats, including DOC, RTF and PDF.


Platform: Any (Web app)

Cost: Free

Try It: http://www.quietwrite.com


For those who would prefer a free, platform agnostic approach to focused writing, QuietWrite is a Web app that lets you get started right this minute, from your Web browser. It has a few buttons and controls across the top, but they only appear when the mouse or trackpad is in use. If you're only typing, the buttons disappear. Nice touch.

As a free product, it's pretty light on features, but for users who just need to get some simple writing done without bells and whistles, it more than does the trick. Once you start writing, QuietWrite will begin periodically auto-saving your drafts. When you're done, you have the option to export the draft directly to Wordpress.

You don't need to sign up for an account to get started, but if you want to manage and publish your drafts, you'll have to take a few seconds and set up an account, which, as we may have mentioned, is free.


Platform: Mac

Cost: $9.99

Try It: http://bywordapp.com


ByWord is a writing app that's reminiscent of iA Writer, but is available for a few bucks less and is only available on Mac OS. It supports standard text editing features and Markdown syntax, as well as the more its more complex superset called MultiMarkdown.

A Few Other Options

These are far from the only distraction-free writing apps available, but this represents some of the best. Some other options worth checking out would be WriteMonkey (free, for Windows), Q10 (free, for Windows) and PenZen (a free Web app).

Pencil photo courtesy of Flickr user orangeacid





擁有好幾件印有Andy Warhol經典絲印插畫的TEE,多年來,說我念舊也好迷戀這普普藝術也好,即使穿舊了發霉了,就是捨不得丟棄。

當日我以博客身份,與一眾文化界朋友被邀出席ELEMENTS參加「普普仲夏.Pop Art時代」的開幕酒會,我就穿上了印有Velvet Underground & Nico唱片封面的那件。

這是很多年前在紐約工作時買的,那一年,剛好在MoMA有Andy Warhol的展覽,他最有名的作品,差不多一口氣看過飽,無憾了。

香港的朋友們,看,你們現在多幸福,你只需要搭地鐵到九龍站到ELEMENTS,就可以欣賞得到Andy Warhol的真跡,其中包括了18幅絲印插畫,以及15幅家族珍藏手稿。

自少受到叔叔Andy Warhol的薰陶,James Warhola也成為了一名插畫家,今次這個「普普仲夏.Pop Art時代」展覽,同時也展出了一系列有關他與這位叔叔共處的童年回憶點滴的水彩插畫。

當中,我最喜愛那張Andy Warhol被一眾貓咪包圍的肖像,不說不知,原來Andy Warhol生前是一名貓痴,最高紀錄,就是家裡合共有25頭貓。

Andy Warhol最廣為人知的,當然就是他的Pop Art絲印插畫,但據James Warhola說,他叔叔於出名得大紅大紫前,其實主要靠繪畫大量廣告插畫為生。

他的畫技,其實也功力深厚,而且為了賺快錢,他更是摩打手,繪畫速度極快,今次展出的Andy Warhol草稿中,便有其中幾張大師的速寫作品。

不少人曾批評Andy Warhol作品過份商業化,彷彿藝術家不挨窮就是罪過,對於此說,大師有他的獨特見解。

“Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.”

由即日起至8月31日,「普普仲夏.Pop Art時代」展覽,將於ELEMENTS舉行,不用去MoMA,也可近距離欣賞到Andy Warhol真跡。




給親愛的Steve Jobs:我的iPhone 4被車輾過之後還毫髮無傷,那為何我還需要一台iPhone 5?

給親愛的Steve Jobs:我的iPhone 4被車輾過之後還毫髮無傷,那為何我還需要一台iPhone 5?: "

iPhone 4 Broken
CC-licensed, Photo by Daveonflickr.

一位女士寫信給Steve Jobs,並向他提出了一個消費哲學上的終極問題:「如果iPhone 4這麼好,為何我會需要一台iPhone 5?」

這位女士有天不小心把她的iPhone 4忘在車頂上,就這樣一路開了回家,到了家後才突然想起還有這檔事。於是她急忙地跑到外面,最後在家門外的馬路中央找到了這台iphone 4。

雖然遭到炙熱陽光的烘烤以及輪胎輾過等酷刑,讓這台穿著保護殼的iPhone 4外觀慘不忍睹。不過拆下保護殼之後,這位女士意外地發現這台iPhone完好無損──一丁點刮痕都沒有。


“This is my thank you note for making an incredible product that is also klutz-proof. If the iPhone 5 just happens to be nuclear war proof, I will have to upgrade, because I will inevitably find a nuclear war to drop it in.” And signs off: “An Apple fan for life, mostly because my iPhone will survive my hijinks.”

這封信是感謝您做出這令人難以置信,還能抵抗笨手笨腳使用者的產品。如果iPhone 5 能耐的住核爆,那我絕對會升級,因為我一定會不小心被捲入核子戰爭裡。


via Cult of Mac and Meet the Buttrams


Apple更新官方網站「Apple Leadership」頁面設計與管理階層照片。

Apple更新官方網站「Apple Leadership」頁面設計與管理階層照片。: "

Apple Leadership 2011

雖然Jobs早就已經年華不再,不過他那張年輕時代的照片在前幾天還是掛在Apple的官方網站上。現在Apple終於更新了整個「Apple Leadership」頁面,讓Apple高層在網頁上的長相能更符合實際的樣子。

Apple Leadership Steve Jobs 2011Apple Leadership Jonason Ive 2011


Apple Leadership 2005


via Apple


Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport L'Or Blanc 全球唯一柏林亮相

Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport L'Or Blanc 全球唯一柏林亮相: "

Bugatti(布卡迪)Veyron 16.4即將走入歷史,但Veyron Grand Sport目前還會繼續生產,而且Bugatti也會再推出其它限量車型。最近這家豪華超跑製造廠商就在柏林推出了一輛全球唯一的Veyron,其全名為Veyron Grand Sport L'Or Blanc



Honda Civic汽車炸彈在拆彈員面前瞬間爆炸!

Honda Civic汽車炸彈在拆彈員面前瞬間爆炸!: "

根據美國有線新聞頻道 MSNBC表示的報導表示,靠近泰國南部的 Narathiwat省裡發生了3場造成2死13傷的汽車炸彈攻擊事件;當拆彈小組趕到第3枚炸彈現場,並要進行拆除任務時,炸彈忽然瞬間爆炸!而這整段驚險的畫面也被附近的路口監視器與現場新聞攝影給拍攝下來。



教你如何在 Google Earth 裡玩跳傘遊戲

教你如何在 Google Earth 裡玩跳傘遊戲: "高空跳傘是近年頗為熱門的極限運動,不管是從飛機、直昇機還是摩天大樓上,那種從高空中一躍而下的快感,真的只有親身體驗過的人才知道。今天就來介紹一款線上跳傘遊戲,雖然無法讓你真的遨遊天際,但對活在2次元世界的邦民來說,相信已經足以刺激大量腦內啡,讓你感到快樂似神仙。


▲在遊戲網頁上,點SKYDIVER下的「Play Now」,再按「Create a New Account」。依序填入個人資料,之後到信箱收信,點完啟動碼就可進入遊戲。

▲整個遊戲建立在Google Eath模組上,必須安裝Plugin,瀏覽器才能開啟。筆者使用Chrome和Firefox 4.0執行都沒問題,不過可能必須重開一次。


說到跳傘,筆者前兩年沉迷於國軍on line時,手滑將職業選到「特戰兵」,因此非常瞭解「兩腳開開,準備投胎」的刺激感。不過和一般認知的不同,普通等級的特戰兵跳傘是不用拉的,人一噴出飛機、傘就跟著開了,而且傘呈圓狀,從地面抬頭看就像飛機從屁股噴出一陀陀綠色大便那樣。

咳...,回到正題(學宅女小紅跳一下),高空跳傘遊戲則是讓你體驗親手拉傘,傘也是呈現長方形那種滑翔傘,比起國軍on line跳死人不償命(大誤)的小圓傘,可操控性非常高,不只可以左轉、右轉,甚至能夠拉高或下收。以下就用圖片帶著大家走一遍遊戲流程,熟悉操控。



▲畫面切到起降場,你會獲得3張Ticket,顏色不一樣,不過都是半票。點下「TAKE OFF」後直昇機就會升空,這時可不要急著按「Jump」跳機啊,機長不會綁架你的~


▲實際跳過機的人都知道,空中除了風聲之外,原來是如此的安靜......筆者在此貼心提醒:跳機請記得拉傘(按下「pull chute」)(還好這個遊戲不會有忘了背傘的情況...)。





就像上面所言,這款遊戲的虛擬程度很低,基本上就是個利用Google Earth模組,讓大家可以一面體驗跳傘,一面假裝逛遍世界各大景點的小遊戲。除了跳傘,你可以玩同個網站下的「Touristo」,也是利用Google Earth模組,用來模擬直昇機飛行遊戲。




最後,如果覺得Google Earth跳傘遊戲不過癮,可參考以下「有夠嗨」的玩法。

註一:這款遊戲其實是旅遊網站Orbitz不務正業開發的,目前只提供熱門景點。由於使用Google Earth模組,筆者想過不知道能不能飛回台灣、登上101。只是猜想要花很長時間所以沒有真的嘗試...
