2013年3月19日 星期二

MakerBot Replicator 2 Limited Edition 3D Printer Package Created With Adafruit

MakerBot Replicator 2 Limited Edition 3D Printer Package Created With Adafruit:
Makerbot and Adafruit have announced a new collaboration which has created a limited edition MakerBot Replicator 2 3D printer, which offer accustom build plate and three Adafruit MakerBot Replicator 2 kits to enjoy.
The Limited Edition MakerBot Replicator 2 3D printer comes supplied with the three kits which including Tiimesquare DIY Watch Kit ($29.95), MintyBoost Kit ($19.50), and the Raspberry Pi ($39.95) kit for users to enjoy.
MakerBot Replicator 2
Original Story MakerBot Replicator 2 Limited Edition 3D Printer Package Created With Adafruit

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Philips DesignLine TV Range Unveiled With Seamless Glass Pane Design (video)

Philips DesignLine TV Range Unveiled With Seamless Glass Pane Design (video):
Phillips has this week unveiled a new range of HD TVs in the form of the Philips DesignLine TV range, which have been designed to provide users with a slightly more innovative way to display their TV.
Phillips has incorporated a seamless glass panel design in to their new Philips DesignLine TV range, which gives the appearance that the TVs are simply propped up against a wall, when installed. Watch the video after the jump to learn more about the Philips DesignLine TV project and see the final results.
Philips DesignLine TV
Original Story Philips DesignLine TV Range Unveiled With Seamless Glass Pane Design (video)

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Equinox Modular Camera Concept Provides A Range Of Camera Options In One

Equinox Modular Camera Concept Provides A Range Of Camera Options In One:
A new innovative Equinox modular camera concept has been unveiled this week, which has been created by designers Dae jin Ahn & Chun hyun Park.
The Equinox modular camera concept has been created to provide users with a number of camera options to suit their style of photography and location, and also provide a much easier watt o upgrade just individual parts of the camera technology when required.
Modular Camera Concept
Original Story Equinox Modular Camera Concept Provides A Range Of Camera Options In One

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Mico Mind Controlled Headphones Play Music To Suit Your Mood (video)

Mico Mind Controlled Headphones Play Music To Suit Your Mood (video):
A new innovative pair of Mico mind controlled headphones have been created and showcased at SXSW this week, demonstrating how they can automatically change the music you are listening to to suit your mood.
The Mico mind controlled headphones have been designed to free the wearer from having to select music and allows them to listen to new music just by wearing the Mico mind controlled headphones. Watch the video after the jump to learn more about the Mico mind controlled headphones.
Mico mind controlled headphones
Original Story Mico Mind Controlled Headphones Play Music To Suit Your Mood (video)

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Ekso Bionics 的外骨骼機器套裝動手玩(影片)

Ekso Bionics 的外骨骼機器套裝動手玩(影片):

Ekso Bionic 去年的時候就發表了這款外骨骼設備,它也已經銷售了一年多。根據該公司行銷和公關總監 Allison Sojka 的說法,這種外骨骼機器套裝已經賣出去了 30 多套,即使要價高達 11 萬美金。另外,在一些醫療中心已經配備了這種裝置,大概説明 500 到 1,000 人實現了不同程度的康復。這種設備不但可以讓那些殘疾人重新站立和行走,同時還能讓那些患者重建信心,這也是輔助治療中最關鍵的一股力量。

Ekso Bionics 的外骨骼機器套裝在關鍵的部位採用了鋁合金、鈦合金、碳纖維,以確保穩固性同時又不失輕巧;另外,其還內建了感應器、馬達、關節,還有定制的電路板和軟體。採用鋰電池供電,標配了四組,每組可以提供 4-6 小時的電力。它提供了 3 種模式供使用者選擇,包括了 FirstStep(康復治療師輔助進行)、ActiveStep(使用者自主控制模式) 和 ProStep(自動感應用戶身體動作觸發每一步),使用者可以根據自身的情況和康復進度來選擇。另外,它還內置了語音系統,可以發聲來説明用戶調整正確姿勢;同時還能統計相關資料,以便醫療人員分析使用。6 月的時候,公司會發佈新的軟體可以讓患者貢獻從 0 到 100% 的設備行走電力,相關的價格資訊要到那時候才能知曉。跳轉有一段我們的實拍影片,我們希望未來這種設備能夠越來越便宜,給更多的患者帶來福音。

%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 Ekso Bionics 的外骨骼機器套裝動手玩(影片)

飛利浦 DesignLine TV 2013 -- 一部正面只有玻璃的電視(影片)

飛利浦 DesignLine TV 2013 -- 一部正面只有玻璃的電視(影片):

這款由飛利浦(Philips)所設計的電視真的給筆者留下很深的印象 -- 它是該公司 DesignLine TV Series 的 2013 年最新產品,其設計理念就是要打破統傳電視外型的框架,要以一片玻璃作為其主調,所有部件都被「隱藏」在這塊直立大玻璃的背後。基本規格方面,它有 46 吋和 55 吋兩款 16:9 LED 螢幕尺寸,解像度都是 1,920 x 1,080、雙核處理器、立體聲、支援 3D、4 個 HDMI、3 個 USB、Wi-Fi和乙太網絡。不過筆者留意到上圖電視背後是假牆來的,飛利浦將線材收到後面,以製造更精簡的效果,如果讀者家中沒有入牆線道的話,效果則不會這麼美觀。它將會在第二季在歐洲和俄國上市,但沒有價格資訊,完整的規格表和宣傳影片都可在繼續閱讀中找到。
%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 飛利浦 DesignLine TV 2013 -- 一部正面只有玻璃的電視(影片)

Engadget 專訪:Vertu 總裁 Perry Oosting 談手機規格與價值合理性

Engadget 專訪:Vertu 總裁 Perry Oosting 談手機規格與價值合理性:

「您好,我是 Richard Lai,雖然 Engadget 的風格可能不討你們喜歡,但...」

「不,我不討厭你們」現齡 52 歲的 Vertu 總裁兼 CEO Perry Oosting 帶著迷人的笑容,把手搭在我的肩上,向在場其他來賓解釋屬於我們圈內人的笑話,「因為他們是一群會研究規格,而且以規格先決的傢伙。」

當然這只是當晚採訪前的輕鬆玩笑話,但對自 2009 年 6 月就擔任 Vertu 總裁職務的 Perry Oosting 來說,顯然很了解許多人拿他們超級昂貴的手機來開玩笑。對他來說,過去擔任 Bulgari、Prada、Gucci 和 Escada 等名牌高階管理職位時也曾遇過類似問題,雖然沒有太多奢華的高科技產品,但相對來說這些品牌已經過長時間的淬鍊,並獲得一般大眾的認同。
%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 Engadget 專訪:Vertu 總裁 Perry Oosting 談手機規格與價值合理性