美國出版商協會於 6 月 15 日發表新的調查報告顯示,電子書的銷售額有史以來頭一遭打敗了實體書。從 2012 年起至今的六個半月,電子書銷售額共達 2 億 8,230 萬美元,而實體書銷售額為 2 億 2,960 萬美元。大約一年前,前者還只有 2 億 2,000 萬美元,而後者則高達 3 億 3,500 萬美元。
在實體書的部份,唯看到成長表現的是青少年/兒童類別。此類別實體書籍的銷售額成長至 1 億 8,770 美元,不過兒童圖書類電子書的銷售也從 2011 年的 390 萬美元大幅攀升至 6,430 萬美元。雖然青少年/兒童類別的實體書籍銷售額分別有 61.9% 及 68.9% 的成長,但由美國出版商協會的調查顯示,青少年/兒童類別的電子書由 2011 至 2012 年的成長更勝一籌,高達 475.1%。
部份出版商認為,如此巨幅的成長可歸功於市場上已有更多主打該年齡層的裝置供選擇,以及許多新推出的暢銷電子書著作。此外,美國出版商協會此次共針對 1,149 間出版商進行調查,結果發現他們的交易總收入在過去一年中減少了 27.1%。總體而言,電子書這回真的贏了!
2012年6月19日 星期二
Shaka iPhone Wind Meter And Companion App
Shaka iPhone Wind Meter And Companion App:
Shaka has developed a new gadget for Apple’s iPhone which will allow users to measure wind speed, direction and temperature, using a small portable wind meter and iOS app, to record measurement in real-time.
The new Shaka wind meter simply plugs into the 3.5 mm headphone jack on your iPhone, and then communicates the wind speed back to its companion application for you to view.
Original Story Shaka iPhone Wind Meter And Companion App
© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012
Shaka has developed a new gadget for Apple’s iPhone which will allow users to measure wind speed, direction and temperature, using a small portable wind meter and iOS app, to record measurement in real-time.
The new Shaka wind meter simply plugs into the 3.5 mm headphone jack on your iPhone, and then communicates the wind speed back to its companion application for you to view.
Original Story Shaka iPhone Wind Meter And Companion App
© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012
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