2012年4月21日 星期六


印度高中生為「iOS」開發出全新資訊安全系統、「WWDC」預計 6 月 11 日開幕?: 根據気になる、記になる…網站轉述 APPLE CORE 消息,一位名為 Rahul Agarwal 的印度高中生,稍早開發出一套能讓 Apple「iOS」作業系統無法被攻擊、突破的資訊安全機制,據了解 Apple 工程師除了表達謝意外,還致贈了美金兩千元、新一代「iPad」,以及邀請該名高中生參與今年「WWDC」盛會。 而今年「WWDC」的開幕時間似乎就在 6 月 11 日,這套由印度高中生開發的資訊安全機制,預期也將被 Apple 採用,進而搭載至下一代「iOS」作業系統。 延伸閱讀: - Apple「iPhone 5」將採液態合金、預計於六月 WWDC 會上發表? - 「WWDC 2012」可能將在 6 月 11 日~15 日期間登場? - Apple 正為「iOS 6」環境投入「iTunes 11」開發測試

全球首款個人化電腦「Apple II」已問世35週年

全球首款個人化電腦「Apple II」已問世 35 週年: 根據気になる、記になる…網站轉述 MacStories 消息,Apple 在 1977 年發表、專為個人使用者開發設計的電腦「Apple II」,在 4 月 16 日這天已問世滿 35 週年。

時速300公里撞毀的新BMW M5,車上2人1狗皆存活!

時速300公里撞毀的新BMW M5,車上2人1狗皆存活!:

一輛以時速約每小時300公里飛奔於德國無限速高速公路 Autobahn的2012 BMW M5高性能轎跑車為了要閃避前方突然切入公路的車輛,因而失控撞毀。

Barclaycard PayTag NFC Sticker Announced (video)

Barclaycard PayTag NFC Sticker Announced (video):
Today Barclaycard has unveiled their new NFC payment service called PayTag, which uses a sticky backed plastic square to provide you with the ability to pay for goods via Near Field Communication (NFC).
The new PayTag service has been created by barclaycard to bring the NFC technology and payments to the masses, by allowing them to transform any handset into a NFC device by simply applying the NFC sticker to the back of their smartphone. Watch the video after the jump to see PayTag in action.
Barclaycard PayTag
Original Story Barclaycard PayTag NFC Sticker Announced (video)

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012

Magic Mushroom USB Drive Costs $37,000

Magic Mushroom USB Drive Costs $37,000:
If you have money to burn, like forty-thousand dollars, this Shawish “Magic Mushroom” USB drive may be for you. It comes from the creators of the world’s first 150-carat diamond ring. It’s all mushroom and no storage. For that price you get just 32GB of storage.
Original Story Magic Mushroom USB Drive Costs $37,000

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012

iPhone Boom Mic

iPhone Boom Mic:
If you are looking to add a little more professional audio to your iPhone videos. You might be interested in this new Boom Mic which has been created specifically for Apple’s iPhone.
The Boom Mic measure just 4 inches long and is super lightweight. It attaches to the iPhone’s headphone jack and adjusts to hold on to the back of your iPhone, and can be used over a case if required.
iPhone Boom Mic
Original Story iPhone Boom Mic

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