NASA Inventing A Quiet Supersonic Aircraft:
The expected “level of acceptance” of a sonic boom by the general public is 70 decibels.
Original Story NASA Inventing A Quiet Supersonic Aircraft
© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012
2012年4月6日 星期五
Slingshot iPhone Video Stabiliser (video)
Slingshot iPhone Video Stabiliser (video):
If you find holding your iPhone while taking video a little tricky and awkward for long periods. This new Slingshot stabiliser might be worth more investigation.The Slingshot has been designed by Charles Waugh to help assist iPhone users whilst recording video footage.
Its constructed from injection moulded acetal resin, trade name: Delrin. Which is the same plastic used to create industrial gears and other tough products and is able to twist and bends, without breaking.
Original Story Slingshot iPhone Video Stabiliser (video)
© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012
If you find holding your iPhone while taking video a little tricky and awkward for long periods. This new Slingshot stabiliser might be worth more investigation.The Slingshot has been designed by Charles Waugh to help assist iPhone users whilst recording video footage.
Its constructed from injection moulded acetal resin, trade name: Delrin. Which is the same plastic used to create industrial gears and other tough products and is able to twist and bends, without breaking.
Original Story Slingshot iPhone Video Stabiliser (video)
© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012
Thinklabs Wrap Up, Looks After Your Mac Power Cables (video)
Thinklabs Wrap Up, Looks After Your Mac Power Cables (video):
A new concept over on the Kickstarter website has been developed to provide a little more care and connivence for your Mac Book power cables. Allowing you to easy wrap up and store your cables without them becoming tangled or damaged. Watch the video after the jump to see the Thinklabs Wrap Up designers take you through their idea.
Original Story Thinklabs Wrap Up, Looks After Your Mac Power Cables (video)
© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012
A new concept over on the Kickstarter website has been developed to provide a little more care and connivence for your Mac Book power cables. Allowing you to easy wrap up and store your cables without them becoming tangled or damaged. Watch the video after the jump to see the Thinklabs Wrap Up designers take you through their idea.
Original Story Thinklabs Wrap Up, Looks After Your Mac Power Cables (video)
© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012
[教學] Mac也能直接光纖輸出聲音訊號
[教學] Mac 也能直接光纖輸出聲音訊號:
Mac Pro 後面有標準的光纖接孔
就在你最常用的那個 3.5mm 的耳機接孔,以及 3.5mm 的麥克風接孔裡面...
這條線挺方便的就是它兩端都是這樣的 minijack 接頭
而你有一端要接標準的光纖接孔時,可以把 adapter 拿掉,就變成標準版的光纖接頭啦
拔掉 adapter 之後,就可以接到具備光纖輸入的擴大器,或是 D/A 轉換器甚至是 Zeppelin Air 的喇叭上啦
就是那台沒有麥克風輸入接孔的.... MBA (冏)
MBP、iMac、Mac mini、Mac Pro 都有喔~
Mac Pro 後面有標準的光纖接孔
就在你最常用的那個 3.5mm 的耳機接孔,以及 3.5mm 的麥克風接孔裡面...
這條線挺方便的就是它兩端都是這樣的 minijack 接頭
而你有一端要接標準的光纖接孔時,可以把 adapter 拿掉,就變成標準版的光纖接頭啦
拔掉 adapter 之後,就可以接到具備光纖輸入的擴大器,或是 D/A 轉換器甚至是 Zeppelin Air 的喇叭上啦
就是那台沒有麥克風輸入接孔的.... MBA (冏)
MBP、iMac、Mac mini、Mac Pro 都有喔~
史丹佛與開放大學 iTunes U 下載次數均達五千萬次里程碑
史丹佛與開放大學 iTunes U 下載次數均達五千萬次里程碑:
蘋果公司 iTunes U 日前又步入新的里程碑,美國史丹佛大學 Stanford University 與英國開放大學 Open University 分別宣布,該校在 iTunes U 上的下載次數均超過 5 千萬次,這不僅是兩所大學的成功,也同時意味著蘋果 iTunes U 的成功。
蘋果 iTunes U 是在今年一月正式成為獨立的 app 軟體,也真正成為一種全新的學習方式與工具。就如同 App Store 所創造的良性循環一樣,隨著各大學院校所提供的內容越來越多, iTunes U 的使用者也會越來越多。這樣一來,只會讓蘋果在這方面的應用模式更加強大,讓蘋果硬體設備擁有更堅強的後盾。目前 iTunes U 上提供包括史丹佛大學與開放大學在內一千多所院校所提供的各式課程與講座視訊檔案、書籍與相關資料等。
蘋果公司 iTunes U 日前又步入新的里程碑,美國史丹佛大學 Stanford University 與英國開放大學 Open University 分別宣布,該校在 iTunes U 上的下載次數均超過 5 千萬次,這不僅是兩所大學的成功,也同時意味著蘋果 iTunes U 的成功。
蘋果 iTunes U 是在今年一月正式成為獨立的 app 軟體,也真正成為一種全新的學習方式與工具。就如同 App Store 所創造的良性循環一樣,隨著各大學院校所提供的內容越來越多, iTunes U 的使用者也會越來越多。這樣一來,只會讓蘋果在這方面的應用模式更加強大,讓蘋果硬體設備擁有更堅強的後盾。目前 iTunes U 上提供包括史丹佛大學與開放大學在內一千多所院校所提供的各式課程與講座視訊檔案、書籍與相關資料等。
Pad & Quill 讓 iPod nano 都有古典書保護套可用
Pad & Quill 讓 iPod nano 都有古典書保護套可用:
Pad & Quill 是一家專門為蘋果 i 設備製作古典書皮式保護套公司,其產品針對 iPad 、 iPhone 、 iPod touch 乃至於其他公司的類似設備,如 Kindle 或 Nook 等,都有推出相搭配的款式。日前 Pad & Quill 推出讓人意想不到的最新產品 -- 為 iPod nano 所設計的 The Littlest Black Case for iPod nano 。
與其他 Pad & Quill 產品相同, The Littlest Black Case for iPod nano 雖然小巧,但依然以精緻的裝訂與手工來完成這個小巧的產品,除了賞心悅目並呈現優雅外觀外,更有防撞防摔的功能,在一片果凍套與表帶保護殼之外,另闢蹊徑,給使用者帶來不一樣的美好選擇。
以下是 Pad & Quill 原創者夫婦的訪談,與產品介紹影片:
Pad & Quill 是一家專門為蘋果 i 設備製作古典書皮式保護套公司,其產品針對 iPad 、 iPhone 、 iPod touch 乃至於其他公司的類似設備,如 Kindle 或 Nook 等,都有推出相搭配的款式。日前 Pad & Quill 推出讓人意想不到的最新產品 -- 為 iPod nano 所設計的 The Littlest Black Case for iPod nano 。
與其他 Pad & Quill 產品相同, The Littlest Black Case for iPod nano 雖然小巧,但依然以精緻的裝訂與手工來完成這個小巧的產品,除了賞心悅目並呈現優雅外觀外,更有防撞防摔的功能,在一片果凍套與表帶保護殼之外,另闢蹊徑,給使用者帶來不一樣的美好選擇。
以下是 Pad & Quill 原創者夫婦的訪談,與產品介紹影片:
緬懷蘋果老賈的朋友,現在有個精神寄託所在了!根據網友 Intersect 在高雄甲仙中正路「慈恩堂」參拜時,赫然發現該宮廟內二殿竟然供奉著老賈神像,名為「愛蘋祖師」;整個神像並不大,看似是把老賈公仔的頭直接安到神像上而成。
Intersect 訪問廟祝甄義賈老先生,據稱乃是在去年十二月中根據老賈托夢,自稱「愛蘋祖師」,與該宮廟有緣,所以要求為其塑成金身,並稱會庇佑前來參拜的有緣人離苦得樂。由於上個月才登上冰果室總編老蔡部落格, Intersect 得知目前已經有少數圈內人士前來參拜,包括燦哥、超哥與白叔等人,據說仍有宗教不同的網友到場以不執香但行禮的方式致敬,感謝老賈的恩德。
目前該廟已經提供籤詩讓參拜者使用,並從今年二月廿四日起,每個月五日晚上八時開壇起乩,提供問答解惑的服務。甄義賈透露還會提供更多的 i 設備方面的服務,目前由業界名人傳瑞德負責規劃建置中。
緬懷蘋果老賈的朋友,現在有個精神寄託所在了!根據網友 Intersect 在高雄甲仙中正路「慈恩堂」參拜時,赫然發現該宮廟內二殿竟然供奉著老賈神像,名為「愛蘋祖師」;整個神像並不大,看似是把老賈公仔的頭直接安到神像上而成。
Intersect 訪問廟祝甄義賈老先生,據稱乃是在去年十二月中根據老賈托夢,自稱「愛蘋祖師」,與該宮廟有緣,所以要求為其塑成金身,並稱會庇佑前來參拜的有緣人離苦得樂。由於上個月才登上冰果室總編老蔡部落格, Intersect 得知目前已經有少數圈內人士前來參拜,包括燦哥、超哥與白叔等人,據說仍有宗教不同的網友到場以不執香但行禮的方式致敬,感謝老賈的恩德。
目前該廟已經提供籤詩讓參拜者使用,並從今年二月廿四日起,每個月五日晚上八時開壇起乩,提供問答解惑的服務。甄義賈透露還會提供更多的 i 設備方面的服務,目前由業界名人傳瑞德負責規劃建置中。
■ 延伸閱讀:過去老地方冰果室所推出的愚人節新聞
蘋果公司在多點觸控方面的專利已經讓競爭對手感到無比壓力,而日前美國專利商標局又宣布蘋果獲得「多點觸控皮」(Multi-Touch Skin)技術方面的專利,讓蘋果在多點觸控方面的專利繼續領先群雄。
相關專利文件顯示,只要將這種多點觸控皮覆蓋在某個物體上,使用者就可以對該物體進行多點觸控的操作,就不必受限於表象的按鈕或者在設備正面操作,而且將操作領域從平面深化,進入立體的 3D 層次。
這項專利是在 2007 年由 Steve Hotelling 與 Wayne Carl Westerman 具名提出;那年正是蘋果才剛推出 iPhone 的時候。
蘋果公司在多點觸控方面的專利已經讓競爭對手感到無比壓力,而日前美國專利商標局又宣布蘋果獲得「多點觸控皮」(Multi-Touch Skin)技術方面的專利,讓蘋果在多點觸控方面的專利繼續領先群雄。
相關專利文件顯示,只要將這種多點觸控皮覆蓋在某個物體上,使用者就可以對該物體進行多點觸控的操作,就不必受限於表象的按鈕或者在設備正面操作,而且將操作領域從平面深化,進入立體的 3D 層次。
這項專利是在 2007 年由 Steve Hotelling 與 Wayne Carl Westerman 具名提出;那年正是蘋果才剛推出 iPhone 的時候。
非 Apple 官方的軟體商店「HackStore」即將運作: 根據気になる、記になる…網站轉述 Cult of Mac 消息,一個由俄羅斯使用者 Andrey Fedotov 規劃的軟體商店平台「HackStore」,據了解將於近期公開運作。所謂的「HackStore」形式,有些類似 iOS 裝置越獄商店「Cydia」的概念,整體介面規劃近似 Apple 官方「Mac App Store」,提供排行榜、類別、搜尋、評價等機制,藉此將彙整一些未能通過 Apple 官方審核的軟體,初期主要以免費資源為主,未來則將評估付費版軟體的上架。 延伸閱讀 - 「Mac App Store」全球市場下載數突破一億次
Apple Releases Second Update to Java in Two Days
Apple Releases Second Update to Java in Two Days: Apple has released its second update in two days to the OS X implementation of Java. The first update closed a vulnerability that has led to the infection of more than 600,000 Macs via a trojan horse. The infections have received increased media attention in the past day, including a splashed headline on the Drudge Report.
While yesterday's Java for OS X Lion 2012-001 update closed the vulnerability in Java 1.6.0_29, there's no indication what the new update -- called Java for OS X 2012-002 -- fixes. The update notes link to the same support document as update 2012-001.
Last year, Apple introduced a security update to OS X that would automatically remove malicious software from OS X installations. It isn't clear if the infected machines can be fixed via the internal OS X security mechanisms.
In OS X Mountain Lion, the next version of the OS X software that will be released this summer, Apple will include a feature called Gatekeeper. The new system relies not only on Mac App Store distribution as means of vetting apps, but also on a new "identified developer" program under which developers distributing their applications outside of the Mac App Store can register with Apple and receive a personalized certificate they can use to sign their applications. Apple can then use that system to track developers and disable their certificates if malicious activity is detected.
While yesterday's Java for OS X Lion 2012-001 update closed the vulnerability in Java 1.6.0_29, there's no indication what the new update -- called Java for OS X 2012-002 -- fixes. The update notes link to the same support document as update 2012-001.
Last year, Apple introduced a security update to OS X that would automatically remove malicious software from OS X installations. It isn't clear if the infected machines can be fixed via the internal OS X security mechanisms.
In OS X Mountain Lion, the next version of the OS X software that will be released this summer, Apple will include a feature called Gatekeeper. The new system relies not only on Mac App Store distribution as means of vetting apps, but also on a new "identified developer" program under which developers distributing their applications outside of the Mac App Store can register with Apple and receive a personalized certificate they can use to sign their applications. Apple can then use that system to track developers and disable their certificates if malicious activity is detected.
Asus Transformer Prime TF201 Owners To Get GPS Dongle?
Asus Transformer Prime TF201 Owners To Get GPS Dongle?:
The Asus Transfomer Prime TF201 tablet has had a GPS issue that has been reported by many users ever since the tablet was released, Asus released a software update but that didn’t fix the problem for everyone.
Now it would appear that Asus has another solution in the works, according to a leaked email which appeared on the XDA developers, Asus will be giving owners of the device a GPS dongle for free to fix the issue.
Original Story Asus Transformer Prime TF201 Owners To Get GPS Dongle?
© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012
The Asus Transfomer Prime TF201 tablet has had a GPS issue that has been reported by many users ever since the tablet was released, Asus released a software update but that didn’t fix the problem for everyone.
Now it would appear that Asus has another solution in the works, according to a leaked email which appeared on the XDA developers, Asus will be giving owners of the device a GPS dongle for free to fix the issue.
Original Story Asus Transformer Prime TF201 Owners To Get GPS Dongle?
© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012
安全至上,美國政府力挺 RIM
安全至上,美國政府力挺 RIM:
如今 RIM 在世界範圍內都可以稱得上是「節節敗退」,但惟獨在華盛頓特區時間卻仿佛靜止了一般,在這裡你依然可以看到許多政府工作人員正在使用著 BlackBerry 手機。而根據華盛頓郵報報導,這樣的情況還會繼續的保持下去。日前美國總務署(General Services Administration)CIO Casey Coleman 表示,雖然之前採購了一些 iPhone 和 Android 手機,但 BlackBerry 目前仍是政府部門最主流的手機。這其中最主要的原因就是 RIM 在安全性上所付出的努力,Coleman 甚至將 BlackBerry 稱為「最適合政府部門使用」的手機。不過她也表示現在 iOS 和 Android 的安全性同樣在不斷提升,未來不排除他們會取代 BlackBerry 的可能。但不管怎樣,對正在努力奪回企業用戶的 RIM 來說,總務署的表態可以說為他們接下來要走的路開了個好頭,希望這位昔日的智慧型手機強者能快點重回正軌吧。
如今 RIM 在世界範圍內都可以稱得上是「節節敗退」,但惟獨在華盛頓特區時間卻仿佛靜止了一般,在這裡你依然可以看到許多政府工作人員正在使用著 BlackBerry 手機。而根據華盛頓郵報報導,這樣的情況還會繼續的保持下去。日前美國總務署(General Services Administration)CIO Casey Coleman 表示,雖然之前採購了一些 iPhone 和 Android 手機,但 BlackBerry 目前仍是政府部門最主流的手機。這其中最主要的原因就是 RIM 在安全性上所付出的努力,Coleman 甚至將 BlackBerry 稱為「最適合政府部門使用」的手機。不過她也表示現在 iOS 和 Android 的安全性同樣在不斷提升,未來不排除他們會取代 BlackBerry 的可能。但不管怎樣,對正在努力奪回企業用戶的 RIM 來說,總務署的表態可以說為他們接下來要走的路開了個好頭,希望這位昔日的智慧型手機強者能快點重回正軌吧。
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