2011年10月4日 星期二






via iPhone History/ The Story So Far [INFOGRAPHIC]


i-Wireless手機販售網站出現「iPhone 5」與「iPhone 4S」的規格與售價?

內含惡意軟體(Windows專用)的「iPhone 5GS」假廣告信件!

Apple證實今年新款iPhone發表會「Let's talk iPhone.」將不會有官方現場即時轉播。


Rotor Digital Camera Concept, Replaces Buttons With Dials

Rotor Digital Camera Concept, Replaces Buttons With Dials:

An innovative concept camera design has been created by French designer Charlie Nghiem which has no buttons to navigate its features with but uses a stack of dials positioned on the right hand side to allow you to select the modes and features you would like to use.

When you spin any dial a settings menu appears on the LCD display screen on the back of the camera, providing easy reference and selection. The dial stack also provides an easy visual key so you can easily see exactly which modes you are using at any given time.

rotor camera

Original Story Rotor Digital Camera Concept, Replaces Buttons With Dials

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