大人物網站前幾天才幫大家介紹了「十位紙藝家的極致藝術」,我們馬上又抓到了另一隻同樣「玩紙」玩得令人拍案叫絕的漏網之魚,特別的是這位紙藝藝術家Linus Hui,可是來自我們鄰近的香港,用一張張的彩色紙張創作出充滿幽默感與童趣的紙藝作品。
2011年10月17日 星期一
充滿古怪幽默感的香港紙藝家Linus Hui
用iPod Touch畫出水彩肖像畫的日本神人!
雖然說傳統繪畫是所有藝術的來源,在現今數位時代科技越來越普遍,許多畫作也開始轉向數 位化,而眾多繪圖軟體能夠提供的風格後製也十分豐富。這樣的繪圖軟體動輒一套數萬元台幣起跳,可不是每個人都能買得起。如果認為沒有錢買高貴軟體而畫不出 漂亮的圖畫,那麼小編介紹的這一篇可就沒有藉口囉。因為以下所有的圖畫通通都是用iPod Touch或是iPad繪製完成。
18TB Hard Drives Possible Using Table Salt
If you thought hard drive storage had maxed out at 3TB you might be interested to know that researchers at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) have developed a new production method which theoretically could take hard drive storage to 18 TB using plain old table salt or more specifically, sodium chloride within the manufacturing process.
The research team headed up by Dr Joel Yang has discovered a way to increase the data density of a drive to 3.3 Terabit/inch2, effectively meaning 18TB hard drives are possible. Data on a traditional hard drive is stored using nanoscopic magnetic grains. With several of these grains clustered together measuring around 7nm are then used to store one bit of information. Hence if you can pack them together more densely more storage is then possible within the same amount of space.
Original Story 18TB Hard Drives Possible Using Table Salt
© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011
Disney Research Create SideBySide Interactive Projectors, Bringing A New Twist To Multiplayer Gaming (video)
Disney Research have developed a new and innovative concept called SideBySide which provides a method for gamers to be able to interact with each other using projected characters. The SideBySide system projects images onto a surface which then become aware and responsive to other nearby projections.
Currently the system allows for interaction within games and also to allow enables applications to exchange data via a “dragging and dropping” method from one person’s projected image to another. Watch the video after the jump to see the new SideBySide Interactive Projectors in action.
Original Story Disney Research Create SideBySide Interactive Projectors, Bringing A New Twist To Multiplayer Gaming (video)
© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011
Apple在史丹佛大學紀念教堂中舉行Steve Jobs的追悼儀式。
Photo by Jill Clardy
在簡單的喪禮之後,Apple在10月16日舉辦了一場非公開的Steve Jobs追悼儀式。除了Apple現任的經營團隊之外,也邀請了許多各界的重要人士,以及Steve Jobs的好朋友等等。
- Tim Allen, actor
- Joan Baez, folksinger
- Bono, U2 frontman
- Jerry Brown, Governor of California
- Bill Campbell, chairman of Intuit
- Bill Clinton, former President
- Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State
- Ron Conway, founder of Angel Investors
- Tim Cook, Apple CEO
- Michael Dell, CEO of Dell
- Rahm Emanuel, mayor of Chicago
- Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle
- Scott Forstall, Apple senior vice president
- Stephen Fry, actor
- Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft
- Julius Genachowski, chairman of the FCC
- Chuck Geschke, Adobe co-founder
- Al Gore, former Vice President
- Jonathan Ives, Apple’s senior vice president for design
- Laurene Powell Jobs, widow
- John Lasseter, chief creative officer of Pixar
- Lee Jae-yong, COO of Samsung
- Yo Yo Ma, cellist
- Jon Miller, chief technical officer of News Corp.
- Rupert Murdoch, CEO of News Corp.
- Larry Page, CEO of Google
- Maria Shriver, former first lady of California
- Mona Simpson, novelist
- Larry Sonsini, chairman of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
- John Warnock, Adobe co-founder
- 孫正義(SoftBank社長)
via Fortune
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紀念Steve Jobs,德國Apple Store出現由4,001張便利貼拼成的大型Steve Jobs壁畫! |
Apple Japan的Steve Jobs追悼網頁。 |
Apple創辦人Steve Jobs逝世。 |
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紀念Steve Jobs,德國Apple Store出現由4,001張便利貼拼成的大型Steve Jobs壁畫!
在德國慕尼黑的Apple Store,出現了一幅用來紀念Steve Jobs,由4,001張便利貼、400公尺的膠帶以及6個小時的工時完成的巨大壁畫。
Apple Store的經理並不反對這一票人在店面的玻璃上狂貼便利貼,還歡迎其他人也一起參與。
via Steve Jobs – Post it and ApfelTech
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Apple創辦人Steve Jobs逝世。 |
給Steve Jobs的便條紙。 |
Apple Japan的Steve Jobs追悼網頁。 |
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