那些年我們開始練習從1數到10的數字遊戲,口中還發出臭奶呆的中文發音,而做爸媽的為了騙引誘小朋友能一邊玩樂,一邊學習數字的奧妙,還花心思買了好幾本數字連連看的童書。不管你連的是小美人魚、汽車還是米老鼠,只要按照順序將點點一個個連起來,就可以順利的連成簡單的圖案。至於要連成一幅達文西名畫「蒙娜麗莎」需要幾個點呢 ? 答案就是6,239個點 !
2011年9月7日 星期三
前幾天大人物才介紹完西班牙 招喚獸大師 設計師Maximo Riera很有造型的「犀牛椅」,大家應該還印象深刻吧,其實Maximo Riera除了設計了犀牛跟章魚造型的沙發之外,還設計了一系列以野生動物為主題的造型椅,這回就連有著長長獠牙的海象都被搬上檯面,推出這款同樣很威風的「海象椅」。
嗯…怎麼搞得呢?鬼門都已經關好幾天、鑰匙也早就已經收起來藏到寶貝袋了,怎麼還有一隻hold在那裡!!守門員該抓起來打屁股啊。這隻被困在伏特加酒瓶裡的鬼很顯然的是回不去了,因為它被冰封在Frozen Ghost Vodka裡當作活招牌,變成酒瓶設計上的酒促小姐鬼。
Sony MDR-NC200D Noise-Cancelling Headphones
Sony has this week introduced a new pair of noise cancelling headphones to its range in the form of the new Sony MDR-NC200D. The new headphones are equipped with 40mm drivers and Sony’s own digital cancelling technology.
The headphones are fitted with three noise-cancelling modes for use in three acoustically different environments : Airplane, Bus and office, and powered by the Sony S-Master Full Digital amplifier.
Original Story Sony MDR-NC200D Noise-Cancelling Headphones
© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011
Photojojo Releases Limited Edition Polaroid SX-70 Camera
If your a fan of retro cameras then you will love this limited edition Polaroid SX-70 camera from the guys over at Photojojo, the Polaroid SX-70 last was on sale back in 1977 and now the guys from Photojojo have restored a number of the cameras and are selling them for $290 each.
Each one of the cameras has been full restored, and hand inspected to make sure that everything is working correctly, have a look at the photo gallery below.
Original Story Photojojo Releases Limited Edition Polaroid SX-70 Camera
© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011
法蘭克福車展預報:Citroen Tubik概念車
這次法蘭克福車展上,Citroen也將展出一部箱型概念車 - Tubik。這部車的外型精神是取材自家1939年推出的Tub箱型車,而它「豬鼻」的造型元素,就是延續自這部車在1948年改款時的Type H車款。