Flickr的使用者m-s-y最近丟出了一系列的最新款白色iPod touch與初代iPod的合照,照片很漂亮,相隔10年也有許多歷史意義存在。
via m-s-y / Flickr
Flickr的使用者m-s-y最近丟出了一系列的最新款白色iPod touch與初代iPod的合照,照片很漂亮,相隔10年也有許多歷史意義存在。
via m-s-y / Flickr
Mac並不是第一台捨棄文字介面,改而使用虛擬桌面、文件與檔案夾的電腦。每個業餘的技術史學家都知道,圖形介面的核心概念(包含圖示、游標與點陣圖)第一次出現是在1968年由Stanford Research Institute的Doug Engelbart所展示,其後被稱為「mother of all demos」。
這個由Engelbart所展示的革命性想法,之後由Xerox PARC更進一步地發展。在那邊,當時24歲的Steve Jobs在1979年的一次訪問中,讓他確信GUI就是大眾電腦的未來。
I thought it was the best thing I’d ever seen in my life. Within ten minutes, it was obvious to me that all computers would work like this someday.
Steve Jobs
之後,Steve Jobs迅速以Apple的部份股票取得了他在Xerox Alto上見到的GUI技術的授權。而接下來的事,就是矽谷的歷史了。
Steve Jobs, 1983, by Susan Kare
此後不久,Xerox將機會與資源押注在針對企業市場的Xerox Star。Xerox Star系統需要最低$75,000的安裝與外部檔案伺服器的網路建置,額外加上每台$16,000的工作站(大概是當時新車價格的兩倍)。這並不是為了大眾的數位革命。
Steve Jobs、Jef Raskin以及其他Mac團隊的天才們,了解到有廣大潛在市場的藝術家、音樂家、作家以及其他創意人士,他們可能永遠不會有足夠的關照,來讓他們掌握既艱澀又複雜難懂的文字指令介面,或是去使用笨重的數位工作站。
對於設計給「除了我們以外的其他人」的個人電腦來說,最大的挑戰並不是只有購買,而是讓大家瘋狂地迷上它。但是,這需要有一個在未來將會被說服去使用Mac的人加入。剛好,早期加入Mac團隊的人中就有一位年輕的藝術家──Susan Kare。
小時候就開始學習繪畫,之後在New York University取得美術學位後,Susan Kare搬到了Bay Area,並在舊金山Fine Arts Museums得到了一個管理工作。但是她很快就覺得自己走到了創意上錯誤的方向。
I’d go talk to artists in their studios for exhibitions, but I really wanted to be working in my studio.
Susan Kare
最後,Kare得到了一份在Arkansas博物館雕刻剃刀鯨豬的工作。這份工作是在Palo Alto的車庫中完成。同時,她也接到了來自她高中時代的朋友Andy Hertzfeld的電話。Andy Hertzfeld是Macintosh作業系統的首席軟體工程師,他提供了Kare一份工作。
Kare的第一個任務是開發Mac OS使用的字體。在當時,數位字體都是等寬的,這代表無論是本身比較窄的「I」與比較寬的「M」都會被放到等寬的點陣區域內。這與當時的打字機相比,是一種退化的象徵。Jobs決定要為了他的新機器,拿出比他在Reed College時由天主教修士Robert Palladino教授的字體學中所學到的,更好的東西來。
為了Mac,Kare設計了第一個按照比例間隔的數位字體家族,讓文字可以在Mac的白色螢幕上自然地呼吸,就像是印在紙上的書一樣。由Jobs獨特的眼光所取的字體名稱─從Rosemont 與 Ardmore等Philadelphia附近的車站名稱,到Geneva、Chicago或是New York等大都市。這些名稱,讓這些優雅的字體更上一層。
由於這次與軟體工程師共同合作的啟發,Kare接著便留在Apple,創作出了Mac圖形介面的各種導航元素。由於直接在螢幕上設計圖示的軟體還沒有被寫出來,她跑到在Palo Alto的University Art商店,挑了一本$2.50的素描簿後,開始構想並創作。
她用點陣畫出了一隻「手」,同時也是往後所有被用於Adobe Photoshop、Illustrator等軟體圖紙移動功能的手形圖標始祖。
代表「danger(危險)」的圖示。骷髏頭與交叉的骨頭是出自Steve Jobs對Mac團隊的那句:「It’s better to be a pirate than join the Navy.(能做海盜,為何要當海軍?)」。由Kare畫的海盜旗,也被掛在Mac團隊當時所在的Bandley 3外面。
Kare也畫了一些老實說有點蠢的東西,像是這個有點太過於用字面解釋的「auto indent」。
她的設計中有著無法用言語說明的無邪與安全的特質。就像那些謙虛的創作者們── 他們仍然每週有好幾天會到海邊去衝浪,並且散發出健康的波長。在80年代的那些革新者們,他們並沒有把自己當成電腦怪胎,而Kare的圖示彷彿也說著:「別再強調那些科技了!來吧!潛下去吧!」
而我們也真的就這樣潛下去了,大家都一樣。在WSJ最近的一篇報導中,由「Where Good Ideas Come From」作者Steven Johnson回憶他第一次考慮購買電腦時的情形……
One look at the Mac and you could tell something was different. The white screen alone seemed revolutionary, after years of reading green text on a black background. And there were typefaces! I had been obsessed with typography since my grade-school years; here was a computer that treated fonts as an art, not just a clump of pixels. The graphic interface made the screen feel like a space you wanted to inhabit, to make your own… The Mac was a machine you wanted to live in.
Steven Johnson
而對於Kare自己,在Apple的那些年僅僅只是她職業生涯中最初的里程碑。之後他陸續設計了Windows與IBM OS/2的圖示、Windows版本的接龍紙牌、製作開機的圖示、為New York’s Museum of Modern Art創作產品。她也製作了炸彈、手錶、油漆桶、以及曖昧不清,無法分類的「Dogcow」等許多集滿回憶的印刷版畫。
多年來,每天有上千名Facebook使用者交換著由Kare設計的生日蛋糕、訂婚戒指、玫瑰、舞廳燈球等等禮物。而他們從來都不知道,這些東西是由「Happy Mac」── 這個迎接著當時世代的人們進入新世界的圖示 ── 的同一位作者所創造出來的。
在今年的節日中,Kare自己出版了她的第一本書「Susan Kare Icons」,附有藝術家的親筆簽名並透過她的網站販售。這本書其實就是這篇文章修改後的版本,不過並不包含在這篇文章中所看到的手繪圖示。
You can set out to make a painting, but you can’t set out to make a great painting. If you look at that blank canvas and say, ‘Now I’m going to create a masterpiece’ — that’s just foolhardy. You just have to make the best painting you can, and if you’re lucky, people will get the message.
你可以計畫好並畫出一幅畫,但是你無法靠著計畫來畫出一幅偉大的畫作。如果你看著空白的畫布,並說著「現在,我要創作出一幅曠世巨作。」── 這樣只不過是無謀的作為。你只要盡全力畫出能力所及的最佳作品,加上如果運氣夠好,人們就會知道這個消息。
Susan Kare
"Susan Kare Icons," available at
via The Sketchbook of Susan Kare, the Artist Who Gave Computing a Human Face | NeuroTribes
本文作者為J.C. Penney新任CEO,同時也是前任Apple零售資深副總裁,並負責建立起Apple Store直營店體系的Ron Johnson。原文刊載於Harvard Business Review。
What I Learned Building the Apple Store
When I announced that I was leaving Apple to take the reins as CEO of J.C. Penney this month, the business press (and lots of others) began speculating about whether I could replicate the Apple Store’s success in such a dramatically different retail setting. One of the most common comments I heard was that the Apple Store succeeded because it carried Apple products and catered to the brand’s famously passionate customers. Well, yes, Apple products do pull people into stores. But you don’t need to stock iPads to create an irresistible retail environment. You have to create a store that’s more than a store to people.
當我宣布將離開Apple,並在這個月接下JC Penny的職位時,商業媒體(以及其他許多人)開始猜測我是否能夠在這如此不同的零售環境中,複製Apple Store的成功。我最常聽到的評論之一是,Apple Store的成功,是因為Apple本身的產品,以及品牌本身的熱情支持者。
Think about this: Any store has to provide products people want to buy. That’s a given. But if Apple products were the key to the Stores’ success, how do you explain the fact that people flock to the stores to buy Apple products at full price when Wal-Mart, Best-Buy, and Target carry most of them, often discounted in various ways, and Amazon carries them all — and doesn’t charge sales tax!
試著想想:任何商店都必須提提供人們想買的商品。這是一定的,不過如果Apple的產品是Apple Store成功的關鍵,那該如何解釋當Wal-Mart、Best-Buy與Target販售大部分的Apple產品並經常性地以各種方式打折,以及Amazon有著Apple全部產品而且不收稅的時候,人們仍然湧向Apple Store,並且以定價購買呢?
People come to the Apple Store for the experience — and they’re willing to pay a premium for that. There are lots of components to that experience, but maybe the most important — and this is something that can translate to any retailer — is that the staff isn’t focused on selling stuff, it’s focused on building relationships and trying to make people’s lives better. That may sound hokey, but it’s true. The staff is exceptionally well trained, and they’re not on commission, so it makes no difference to them if they sell you an expensive new computer or help you make your old one run better so you’re happy with it. Their job is to figure out what you need and help you get it, even if it’s a product Apple doesn’t carry. Compare that with other retailers where the emphasis is on cross-selling and upselling and, basically, encouraging customers to buy more, even if they don’t want or need it. That doesn’t enrich their lives, and it doesn’t deepen the retailer’s relationship with them. It just makes their wallets lighter.
人們到Apple Store是為了體驗──為此它們願意付多一點錢。有很多與體驗相關的部份,但是最重要的部分,並且是可以移用到任何零售商的部份是──員工並不是聚焦在販售商品,而是專注在與顧客建立關係,並且試著讓人們的生活更好。
So the challenge for retailers isn’t "how do we mimic the Apple Store" or any other store that seems like a good model. It’s a very different problem, one that’s conceptually similar to what Steve Jobs faced with the iPhone. He didn’t ask, "How do we build a phone that can achieve a two percent market share?" He asked, "How do we reinvent the telephone?" In the same way, retailers shouldn’t be asking, "How do we create a store that’s going to do $15 million a year?" They should be asking, "How do we reinvent the store to enrich our customers’ lives?"
所以,對於零售業的挑戰並不是「如何模仿Apple Store」或是任何其他看似有著良好運作模式的商店。這是一個非常不一樣的問題,這個問題的概念有點像是Steve Jobs在面對iPhone時一樣。他並不是說「我們要怎樣打造一支手機,可以讓我們吃下2%的市佔率?」,而是「我們該如何重新發明電話?」。
It’s not easy, of course. People forget that the Apple Store encountered some bumps along the way. No one came to the Genius Bar during the first years. We even had Evian water in refrigerators for customers to try to get them to sit down and spend time at the bar. But we stuck with it because we knew that face-to-face support was the very best way to help customers. Three years after the Genius Bar launched, it was so popular we had to set up a reservation system.
當然,這並不容易。人們已經忘記了Apple Store一路走來碰到的障礙。在第一年裡,沒有人會到Genius Bar。我們甚至準備了冰箱放著Evian礦泉水,試著讓顧客坐下來,並花些時間在Genius Bar。不過我們堅持了下來,因為我們知道,面對面的技術支援就是幫助顧客的最佳方式。
在Genius Bar推出後三年,這項服務已經變得非常受歡迎,讓我們不得不建立預約系統。
There isn’t one solution. Each retailer will need to find its own unique formula. But I can say with confidence that the retailers that win the future are the ones that start from scratch and figure out how to create fundamentally new types of value for customers.
via What I Learned Building the Apple Store – Ron Johnson – Harvard Business Review and photo from Ron Johnson Pictures – Apple Opens New Store In Chicago’s Lincoln Park Neighborhood – Zimbio
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© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011
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© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011
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