2011年5月31日 星期二

Intel Outlines 'Ivy Bridge' Roadmap as 1st Half 2012, and Previews MacBook Air-Like 'Ultrabook'

Intel Outlines 'Ivy Bridge' Roadmap as 1st Half 2012, and Previews MacBook Air-Like 'Ultrabook': "

At Computex, Intel updated the press about its roadmap for power efficient processors in the coming years. Engadget reprints the press release in which Intel predicts that a new class of laptops called 'Ultrabooks' could make up 40% of the consumer latop market by the end of 2012.
These computers will marry the performance and capabilities of today's laptops with tablet-like features and deliver a highly responsive and secure experience, in a thin, light and elegant design.
Intel describes this family of notebooks as "thin, light and beautiful designs that are less than 20mm (0.8 inch) thick, and mainstream price points under US $1,000." These "ultrabooks" already sound very similar to Apple's MacBook Air which we've already heard is evolving into a mainstream product.

MacBook Air

Intel describes the ultimate evolution to these ultra-thin laptops in a 3 step process. The first systems based on their current designs should be available this winter. Meanwhile, they plan on continuing to push processor power designs in the coming years to enable even more efficient designs.

The second step will be based on Intel's Ivy Bridge processor designs which were announced in May:
Laptops based on 'Ivy Bridge' will bring improved power efficiency, smart visual performance, increased responsiveness and enhanced security. 'Ivy Bridge' is the first high-volume chip based on Intel's 22 nanometer (nm) manufacturing technology that uses a revolutionary 3-D transistor design called Tri-Gate announced in May.
Finally, for the 3rd step, in 2013 processors codenamed 'Haswell' will reduce the microprocessor power to half of today's chips. Intel has been previously reported to be working aggressively on reducing power consumption on their processors.

Apple has a good relationship with Intel and will certainly benefit from these new processor designs. So, we should also see the first Macs based on the Ivy Bridge processors in the first half of 2012. The most recently leaked slides suggest a March-April timeframe for the chip release.


Computex 2011:Pixel Qi"氣"雙模顯示技術將在年底推出高解析度面板

Computex 2011:Pixel Qi"氣"雙模顯示技術將在年底推出高解析度面板: "


Pixel Qi雙模顯示技術已經介紹過多次,而在這次Computex除了展示已經出貨的面板外,也表示7吋1024 x 600以及10吋1280 x 800解析度的面板將在第三季以及第四季先後推出樣品,最快可能在歐美假期前就會看到終端商品。Pixel Qi採用的技術是基於標準LCD,即便在反射模式下,也能保有高動態的優勢,在背光模式下為彩色、反射模式下為黑白,在強光下畫面依舊清晰可見。

跳轉補充Pixel Qi目前的近況。


We have mentioned Pixel Qi Dual-Display technology for many times. Now they are about to come out with the samples for 7' (1024 x 600) and 10' (1280 x 800) panels in the 3rd and 4th quarters this year, respectively. Pixel Qi utilizes the standard technology and retains high dynamic contrast even in reflection mode. It shows full color when backlight is on, black and white in reflection mode, and with clearly visible screen even under intense light.

Click on to see more about Pixel Qi's latest information.

繼續閱讀全文 Computex 2011:Pixel Qi'氣'雙模顯示技術將在年底推出高解析度面板


Computex 2011:Intel 的概念 Cedar Trail 翻轉螢幕平板

Computex 2011:Intel 的概念 Cedar Trail 翻轉螢幕平板: "

Intel 最愛做的事情之一,就是端出各式各樣的概念產品(稱為參考設計),而且常常會讓人想「這如果能上市該有多好...」。今年自然也不例外,在一大排 Atom 產品之間就有這麼一台代號「Keeley Lake」的翻轉式平板,來展示 Cedar Trail 的潛力。Keeley Lake 以 Netbook 來說算是相當的薄(不過在昨天的華碩 X101 之後就遜了那麼點),只是畢竟是 12' 的大小,而且裡面有個鍵盤,真的翻過來變成平板了拿它還是有點重了。

不過 Intel 本來做這些筆電的目的就是炫耀技術多於想賣錢,所以真的上市的可能性並不大,只希望有能其他廠商能參考這個設計,給我們帶來超薄的翻轉 Cedar Trail 囉!

繼續閱讀全文 Computex 2011:Intel 的概念 Cedar Trail 翻轉螢幕平板


Computex 2011: Netronix 的電容式觸控電子書

Computex 2011: Netronix 的電容式觸控電子書: "


生產電子書裝置的廠商滿街都是,這款由 Netronix (振曜)在前幾年(12)都有看過,這次展出的電子書比較特別的是支援電容式觸控,使用的是 E-ink (元太), Linux 為作業系統,1000mAh 電池容量(但無法得知續航力,在場人員才剛來一個月,問不出個所以然)。

不過這是OEM產品,而且還沒 Tune 好,未來會在歐美貼牌銷售。


The street is flooded with e-readers nowadays. This particular e-book by Netronix came out a few years ago, but now equipped with a capacitive touch screen using the E-ink technology. It runs Linux and has a 1000 mAh battery, but we are not sure how many hours of usage that translates to.

It is an OEM product and will likely come to North America and Europe with different name tags.

繼續閱讀全文 Computex 2011: Netronix 的電容式觸控電子書


Apple發佈新版iOS用iWork系列軟體,並新增支援iPhone/iPod touch。

Apple發佈新版iOS用iWork系列軟體,並新增支援iPhone/iPod touch。: "

iPhone and iPad white with iWork Pages

Apple已經發佈了新版的iOS用iWork系列軟體,包含新版的PagesNumbers 與 Keynote。三套軟體除了支援iPad之外,新版也開始支援在iPhone與iPod touch上使用。

via Apple



Sony日本工廠全面復工: "



出自Financial Times




會賺更會省!Google五年合法避稅52億美元: "



Sunday Times) 的調查顯示,Google在2009年僅在英國繳稅300萬英鎊(約490萬美元)。






Google將在台設立Chrome OEM、ODM中心

Google將在台設立Chrome OEM、ODM中心: "

日前Google資深副總裁Sundar Pichai,才在一年一度的Google











超搶眼超卡哇依的VW木頭金龜車: "


來自波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納的53歲男子Momir Bojic,最喜歡開著金龜車在路上到處收集路人們羨慕又忌妒的眼光,原因無他,實在是他這台全木頭的金龜車真的太搶眼了!



構圖 怎麼學?從 黃金分割 開始練!

構圖 怎麼學?從 黃金分割 開始練!: "黃金分割比例(亦稱井字構圖法)是構圖的入門心法,也是初學者學習構圖的基本架構。什麼是黃金分割比例?其實就是將一張寬高比3:2影像,各邊分別等分為三等分,在畫面中央位置就會出現四個由等分線交叉構成的點,在這點上,就是一個視覺重點,而這四個視覺重點恰好形成一個黃金比例,也就是說,拍攝者只要在取景時將主體放在這四個點上,就可達到視覺強化目的,讓人一眼就能快速識別畫面焦點所在。


































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6 Stock Photography Services Compared

6 Stock Photography Services Compared: "

Searching for the right stock photo can sometimes be like looking for a needle in a haystack. As designers, we all need stock photographs from time to time, but how do you know which service to use? Which is the best?

To figure out the answer that would settle the question once and for all, I devised a test: the best search results in my quest for a brown rooster would win the shoot-out. Let’s see how six stock photo services fared.


My initial search for a rooster resulted in a massive 30,000 results. I narrowed this down to under 9,000 results by using the iStockphoto filtering interface. I found the photo above on the first page.

I quite like the filtering mechanisms offered by iStockphoto, allowing you to narrow the search based on variables such as color, file type and more.

The highest resolution of this photograph would run you 20 credits, with one credit equivalent to US$0.95.

Getty Images

My initial search for a rooster resulted in 1,200 finds. I added the term ‘brown’ to my search and found this photo on the first page. Like iStockphoto, Getty Images has other filtering methods that you can choose to narrow the search even more perhaps sharing the same codebase as iStockphoto is a Getty subsidiary.

Getty has a complicated pricing scheme, with the cost of the image dependent on your answers to a variety of questions, including the length of time you’ll need the license for not a great thing.


A friend of mine recommended this site: it’s the most popular free stock photo library on the Internet. It was acquired by Getty Images in recent history, though its library is its own.

Free photos has its price in diversity. My search turned up only three results, of which the image above was one.

There are different licensing schemes for each photo as determined by the copyright holder. Generally these fall into three categories: no restrictions, attribution, notification, or attribution and notification. The image above requires notifications so you need to let the author know if you’ve used the image in a public work.


Searching for a brown rooster resulted in almost 900 finds. This was the second image out of those. Prices are reasonably good on Shutterstock you can get five standard images for US$49. It’s also a good option if you have some sort of moral objection to using Getty Images-owned sites!

Big Stock Photo

Searching for a brown rooster resulted in 400 results, which isn’t huge, but isn’t bad for a smaller competitor in this space. You can purchase 5 credits for $17 AUD. The price will depend on the size of the photo you download.


Searching for a brown rooster resulted in 1,200 results. Flickr isn’t a stock marketplace, so you need to get in touch with authors and negotiate a price if you want to use their images. Some won’t be up for that, as Flickr is just a place for them to showcase. However, Flickr allows its users to license photos under a variety of Creative Commons licenses, and if you can find a photo that allows use in a commercial work, you won’t need to pay a thing.


There are so many stock photo sites out there; much more than I have covered here. If you do a search in Google for stock photos you will get many, many hits. Of course, the option I haven’t yet mentioned is to take a photograph yourself. You then own all the rights to the image! Unfortunately, I couldn’t get any willing chickens to model for me.

So who wins the shootout? That’s for you to decide. Let us know which stock photography web site you prefer in the comments.

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Hire James Turner, a freelance web and graphic designer from Australia.

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