2011年7月14日 星期四


【Mr.6】「百萬員工」真的存在於世上嗎?: "

這星期看到一個新概念:「百萬員工」(Million Dollar













當然,這種有能力做「百萬員工」的上班族,第一件事就是要和老闆問:「show me the





Sony Launches One Piece Water Resistant Walkman

Sony Launches One Piece Water Resistant Walkman: "

Sony has this week unveiled it new line of one piece water resistant Walkman’s which have been specifically designed for the sport enthusiast. The new Sony Walkman NWZ-W260 comes with its own content transfer software which allows you to upload music and audio via drag and drop just like an additional hard drive.

One Piece Water Resistant Walkman

Original Story Sony Launches One Piece Water Resistant Walkman

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【爆八卦專欄】10個Google早期的趣味小故事: "Google第59號員工Doug Edwards新書「I'm feeling Lucky」已經在美國上市,裡面有許多關於Google早期的一些趣味小故事,有別於相關的科技新聞,這些小故事能讓人更明白Google擁有什麼樣的 文化,現在就讓我們來看看這10個小故事吧!

google, 小故事, 趣味, larry page, sergey brin, 創辦人

1. Google第六號員工Ray Sidney,曾經在監控的時候發現有人持續搜尋39,000次「This is CIA」,他原本以為這是哪個打算改變搜尋結果的自動程式,後來才知道只是一個CIA的職員不小心把書壓到Enter鍵上。

google, 小故事, 趣味, larry page, sergey brin, 創辦人

2. 創辦人Larry Page是有名的滴酒不沾,甚至曾經跟Google的大廚Charlie Ayers說:「我的腦子很值錢,酒精會把它害死。」但Google的員工旅遊常少不了酒以及一些古怪的玩意,有一年旅遊的時候,他們故意在Larry Page的房間旁邊舉行飲酒派對取笑他。

google, 小故事, 趣味, larry page, sergey brin, 創辦人

.3 Google的系統管理員Jim Reese在進入Google之前是個神經外科醫生,有次他協助擴建Google的Exodus資料中心,工作人員把一堵不需要的牆給移開,卻忘了把橫樑 鎖上螺絲,結果200磅的橫樑掉下來把Reese砸個正著,有個同事揶揄他:「你能自己把傷口縫合嗎?」

google, 小故事, 趣味, larry page, sergey brin, 創辦人

4. Google產品副總Jonathan Rosenberg有時會在記者來訪的時候人來瘋,搞出一些瘋狂的舉動,例如他會跳上摩托車,嘴巴邊發出「颼颼」的風聲邊說:「看,我在騎摩托車!」他認為記者把Google寫的越瘋狂,對Google本身的企業形象是件好事。

google, 小故事, 趣味, larry page, sergey brin, 創辦人

5. 大家都知道Google的中心信條是「不作惡 Don't be evil」,但Google也曾經考慮把廣告塞進搜尋結果中,不像現在是在側欄顯示廣告。當時他們在一個合作的網站測試廣告搜尋的結果,這個想法最後並沒 有實行在Google搜尋頁中。當時負責撰寫程式的設計師在代碼裡面寫:「這個作法實在太邪惡了,是他們(指上級)逼我做的。」

google, 小故事, 趣味, larry page, sergey brin, 創辦人

6. Google員工如果幫助其他部門,會獲得一筆1000美元的獎金,Doug Edwards本人曾在一件商標侵權的案子中,協助法律部門打贏侵犯Google商標的官司,獲得1000美元。(編按:聽起來像是從告贏的賠償金拿到的...。)

google, 小故事, 趣味, larry page, sergey brin, 創辦人

7. 兩位Google創辦人Larry Page以及Sergey Brin喜歡去連鎖餐廳慶祝事業成功,據說Google拿到第一筆創投資金時是去漢堡王,Google買下Youtube的時候是去丹尼餐廳(Denny's)。

google, 小故事, 趣味, larry page, sergey brin, 創辦人

8. 以前Google的廚師,都會叫一位名為Chad Lester的員工幫忙吃剩菜,有一次他整整吃了9塊豬排。

google, 小故事, 趣味, larry page, sergey brin, 創辦人

9. Google創辦人常常會有些瘋狂的主意,也啟發了Google員工的跳躍性思考。有次Sergey Brin就提議把Google的主頁面改成性感的粉紅色,以吸引更多的流量。

google, 小故事, 趣味, larry page, sergey brin, 創辦人

10. Google的按摩服務非常受歡迎,導致按摩卷在Google公司內部如同錢幣般在「黑市」中四處交易,有員工會拿按摩券賄賂其他部門換取技術協助,甚至拿來換公司內部派對的飲酒卷。

本篇圖文翻譯自:Business Insider


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Infographics: Anticipation Builds For New Visualization Tool & Community

Infographics: Anticipation Builds For New Visualization Tool & Community: "

visuallylogo.jpgPeople love data visualization; when done well, it communicates new knowledge about otherwise inaccessible information in new and pleasing ways. Good visualizations can be efficient and effective; bad visualizations can be seductive and deceptive. That's why visually designed data-based content, both good and bad, is so popular online. People love infographics.

Today a startup called Visually drew back the curtains a little bit further on its data visualization technology and community. The company unveiled an index of 2,000 data visualizations, a cute Twitter visualization creation tool and promises to help anyone create their own visualizations with a series of self-service tools to be released throughout the year. Interest in the service is so heated that the Visually website melted early this morning.


There are a number of services like this online already, but two things make Visually stand out. First, it appears that in the phrase data visualization, the company may focus more on the visualization than on the data. The gallery of infographics is beautiful. It appears heavy on color, text, fonts and design - more than being heavy on graphs or more complex ways of communicating deeply nuanced insights into information. That's what some other competitors focus on.

That's consistent with where the founders of the company came from: Mint.com. That wildly successful personal finance service gathered consumer finance data and then drew big picture conclusions about the state of the economy and consumer behavior. The resulting data visualizations were beautiful and a key part of driving consumer interest in the company's services. That consumer interest helped the company get acquired by finance giant Intuit in 2009.

Visually's co-founders are both from Mint; CEO Stew Langille was a marketing exec there, and Lee Sherman was the company blog's editor. (Disclosure: I actually recruited Sherman for that position as a part of the small consulting practice I do on the side, though before I was here at ReadWriteWeb.)

Mint reportedly didn't create its own infographics in-house; it gathered the data sets, then hired independent designers to visualize them. Then those infographics blew up on sites like then-hot social news site Digg and now-hot Reddit.

That strategy was parlayed into a great reputation for data visualization on the part of Langille and Sherman. Now they are working on a tool that will allow anyone to create such creative work for themselves. Visually also promises a search engine that will index 'all existing Web-based data visualizations' (how they will be ranked and sorted, we don't know) and data warehouse that will help seed the visualizations of their customers.

The company has told press that it will charge power users $100 to $300 per month to use its tool and has said that it could 'easily' be billing $300,000 per month just from client work it has secured, without launching any public tool at all.

If that's the case, it's not clear to me why the company is going to mess around with a long tail of customers at a low price point. Are there tens of thousands of organizations that are in a position to create valuable infographics, even with the help of the easy and effective tool that Visually is promising? I'm not sure. I'm also not sure that a demonstration app at launch that makes cute Twitter avatars based on the contents of your tweets are the most effective content marketing for a B2B service, but maybe it doesn't matter: the lust for infographic power is very, very strong.

As a result of that, there is no longer a shortage of other services online that promise to make it easy to create data visualizations. How Visually will stack up with ManyEyes or Tableau, much less visualization specialists for hire like JESS3 (apparently a Visually launch partner) or Bloom remains of course to be seen. Visually hasn't launched much so far, though 2,000 examples of infographic inspiration are certainly valuable.

It's widely believed that a tidal wave of value-laden data is just about to crash over the top of the Web and the world, though. As it does, huge pockets of opportunity should appear for new service providers to offer new forms of value. Data visualization is going to be a big area of opportunity for services like Visually and for their customers.



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