2011年5月25日 星期三

惡意軟體Mac Defender出現新變種「MacGuard」 ,不需使用者輸入密碼也可能會被安裝到系統內。

惡意軟體Mac Defender出現新變種「MacGuard」 ,不需使用者輸入密碼也可能會被安裝到系統內。: "

根據防毒軟體公司Intego的報告,目前惡意軟體Mac Defender已經出現了新變種「MacGuard」 ,與之前版本最大的不同是,MacGuard被分為兩部分,而且可能不需要使用者輸入密碼就會被安裝到系統內。


Safari downlad setting

而不同於之前的變種,如果使用者的帳號有管理者權限,或是Mac OS X中只有一個帳號時,avSetup.pkg這個程式不需要使用者輸入密碼也可以被安裝到系統內。而在安裝之後,原始的安裝檔案將會被自動刪除,所以使用者可能無法察覺有安裝過該程式。




在昨天Apple官方已經發佈了惡意軟體「Mac Defender」的手動移除指引,並且宣布將在未來幾天內釋出更新檔來自動搜尋與移除這類的惡意軟體。不過目前還不清楚Apple是否會在即將發佈的更新檔中包含「MacGuard」的對應對策。


via Intego


新手入門的必修學分:瞭解 感光元件 CCD / CMOS 特性

新手入門的必修學分:瞭解 感光元件 CCD / CMOS 特性: "CCD 和 CMOS 都深藏於相機內部,就算有機會看到它們的樣子,也很難進行區分,兩者的主要差異,主要是呈現在製作成本、解析度、耗電量與最終成像效果等各個方面。對於這兩個數位單眼相機歷史上最主要的感光元件,拍攝者應對其工作原理有所瞭解才是。



Super CCD EXR 改變色彩濾鏡陣列

隨著技術的不斷進步,富士公司生產的Super CCD也被改進成Super CCD EXR。Super CCD EXR以SuperCCD為基礎,改變了後者的色彩濾鏡陣列,並將顏色相同的兩個相鄰畫素組合在一起,合併為一個畫素的工作單元。


  • 「精細捕捉」實現了超高解析度,可表現出更多細節。

  • 提高「畫素」的技術實現了超高感光度和低噪點。

  • 「雙重曝光控制」呈現拍攝的高動態範圍。

Foveon X3 CMOS 百分百紀錄全彩色

Foveon X3 CMOS僅使用於Sigma數位單眼相機中,它被稱之為全彩色感光元件。最大的特色就是有3個感光層,使波長不同的原色光到達相應的感光層上,並且可被100%地記錄下來,拍攝者無須添加任何濾色片來做修正。雖然Foveon X3 CMOS可以提供色彩更為真實的影像,但由於成本高昂而未能普及。



▲(左)佳能第四代影像處理器DIGIC 4、(右)尼康影像處理器EXPEED。


SIGMA DP1x微幅改款上陣 羞到躲在角落裡?


走!挑台 專業隨身機 外拍人像 去

新手 用 Olympus XZ-1 火速上手 Q&A 集錦

攝影新手 基礎班:什麼是DSLR、EVIL、SLR-Like?



Photographer Klaus Kampert

Photographer Klaus Kampert: "Photographer Klaus Kampert"


五個你必須使用LinkedIn的理由: "




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That Should Be Me.

That Should Be Me.: "
via http://prettylittleunicorn.tumblr.com/
faved by bubble"

The Small Business and the Cloud [Infographic]

The Small Business and the Cloud [Infographic]: "

Happy Bokeh Christmas Eve!  Add your favorite Christmas Quotes!The small business owner is in that phase right now in which they are asking the young store clerk about all this cloud stuff.

It may be surprising but they are also asking about virtualization. Businesses are starting to understand that they can leapfrog into a new competitive world by using virtualization to use multiple operating systems and to keep apps partitioned and protected.


It's that security question that is one of most critical importance. The question: How can the small business compete in the global market but also keep from losing the store?

It points to why virtualization is on the rise. If you can simply call your desktop from the cloud then there is a degree of security that the apps can be simply turned off if the device goes astray.

David Linthicum makes this point on Focus.com:

Cloud providers will eventually get into desktop virtualization. It just seems to be the logical conclusion of where we're heading right now.

In other words, we're providing all these very heavy-duty IT services, such as database, OSs, and application servers on demand. It just makes sense that eventually we're going to provide complete desktop virtualization offerings that pop out of the cloud.

The beauty of that is that a small business, instead of having to maintain an IT staff, will just have to maintain a few clients. They log into a cloud account and the virtualized desktops come down.

It provides disaster recovery based on the architecture. It provides great scalability, because basically you're paying for each desktop instance and you're not paying for more or less than you need. So, you're not buying a data center or an inventory of computers and having to administer the users.

It has been noted recently that people are quite cavalier with their smartphones and other mobile devices. They just don't think about what can happen if they lose one. You can see from this infographic that small businesses are using apps of all varieties.

How will these kinds of apps be administered in the future? That's the big question.




Mo Data Mo Money: Open Source Business Models

Mo Data Mo Money: Open Source Business Models: "

RedMonk logo RedMonk co-founder and analyst Stephen O'Grady recently gave a talk at Open Source Business Conference. He's posted his notes and slides here. In the talk, he emphasized his idea that there are four generations of software companies, and that selling software is becoming harder and harder. O'Grady sees the way forward for open source companies is leveraging data.

According to O'Grady, the four generations are:


  • First Generation (IBM) 'The money is in the hardware, not the software'

  • Second Generation (MSFT) 'Actually, the money is in the software'

  • Third Generation (GOOG) 'The money is not in the software, but it is differentiating'

  • Fourth Generation (Facebook/Twitter) 'Software is not even differentiating, the value is the data'

O'Grady has some interesting insights into how this progression has worked. Here is his slidedeck from the presentation:

Open Source + Big Data = Big Money
View more presentations from sogrady

Making money from software is all well and good, but I can't help but worry about the privacy implications of a technology industry based entirely around selling or using data. Personal data isn't the only kind of valuable data, of course, but I can't help but wonder what a 'data economy' will look like.

The other problem is in actually extracting value from this data. Facebook has yet to turn its mountains of big data into a truly useful advertising platform, and it's not for lack of trying.

What do you think about the future of software companies?

See also: What Will This Bubble's Legacy Be? Open Source Big Data and Analytics Tools



Hasselblad Ships Hasselblad H4D-200MS

Hasselblad Ships Hasselblad H4D-200MS: "

News image

The Hasselblad H4D-200MS medium-format digital SLR camera, which is capable of creating 200-megapixel files thanks to its multi-shot technology, is now available.

Read more and comment »



.....: "
via http://pinterest.com/pin/26226705/
faved by CagesOrWings09"

YouTube Celebrates Its 6th Birthday With Over 3 Billion Views A Day

YouTube Celebrates Its 6th Birthday With Over 3 Billion Views A Day: "

This month YouTube celebrates its sixth birthday after being launched back in 2005 and will be celebrating even harder with the news that last weekend it passed the 3 billion views a day mark, a 50% increase over last year.

To put this in to some sort of perspective YouTube compares it to, “ the equivalent of nearly half the world’s population watching a YouTube video each day, or every U.S. resident watching at least nine videos a day.” Wow.. I wonder what the bandwidth bill is for that sort of traffic would be?

YouTube 6 Birthday

Read the rest of YouTube Celebrates Its 6th Birthday With Over 3 Billion Views A Day

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駭客:好無聊歐,再來駭駭Sony吧!這次試看看加拿大Sony Ericsson好了

駭客:好無聊歐,再來駭駭Sony吧!這次試看看加拿大Sony Ericsson好了: "

是因為Sony相關的網站太容易被駭嗎?還是真的像電腦安全公司Application Scurity Inc.的首席科技主任Josh Shaul說的一樣:'我是駭客,我好無聊,我們來駭駭看Sony。',總之又有一個Sony相關的網站被駭了!雖然Sony Ericsson屬於Sony與Ericsson的合資公司,但不全然代表Sony,不過加拿大的Sony Ericsson線上商店這下中槍了,這次有兩千多位使用者的資訊被竊取,不過慶幸的是,Sony Ericsson表示被竊走的資料是經過加密的,而且信用卡資料也沒有外洩。目前線上商店服務已經暫時被徹下。



Kate Hindley for Red Cap Cards

Kate Hindley for Red Cap Cards: "

Red Cap Cards Kate Hindley

Red Cap Cards has a brand spankin’ new website … and a bunch of awesome new cards to go with it, including this cutie patootie line of illustrated greetings from UK based illustrator, Kate Hindley. I’m such a Kate Hindley fangirl!

More illustrative eye candy from the Red Cap Cards / Kate Hindley collaboration:

Kate Hindley Illustration

Red Cap Cards

Kate Hindley Birthday Card

Cute Birthday Card

images from Red Cap Cards
