2011年6月1日 星期三

Cornobi – If Cornholio was a Jedi

Cornobi – If Cornholio was a Jedi: "

If you were old enough to watch MTV in the 90′s you will know Beavis and Butthead. If you didn’t watch the cartoon show when it was new, you can catch a bunch of episodes on Hulu now so you can figure out who Cornholio is. That said if Cornholio ever turned to the force the Cornobi is what he would use to defend good and vanquish evil.


Read the rest of Cornobi – If Cornholio was a Jedi

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Congratulations Cards for Smarty Pants Graduates

Congratulations Cards for Smarty Pants Graduates: "

It’s June, and you know what this means — graduation party season is upon us! In honor of all of the smarty pants gals and guys out there, I’ve put together a roundup of rockin’ congratulations cards, and I hope that you’ll find just the right greeting for the new graduate(s) in your life amongst all of these fun designs.

Graduation Congratulations Cards

Above, clockwise from top left : You Shine by Smock Paper, Know It All Certificate by a.favorite, Composition Notebook letterpress card by Cotton Flower Press, Grad Test by Snow & Graham, Certificate of Appreciation by Oblation Papers, Congrats!!! by Nate Duval (printing by Linda & Harriett), Type(face) Congrats! by Hello! Lucky

Graduation Cards Letterpress

Make Your Own Toast by Chewing the Cud, Going Places by Egg Press, Graduatin’ by Dude and Chick, Happy Graduation by Oblation Papers, Hooray by Egg Press, Fish Graduate by Smock Paper, and Pencils by Snow & Graham

images from their respective owners


[外接盒陣列] Promise的ThunderBolt專用外接磁碟陣列

[外接盒陣列] Promise的ThunderBolt專用外接磁碟陣列: "

Promise的Pegasus R6磁碟外接陣列






這是他接在iMac27上,跑出來的數據… 暈了沒?

比我的MacPro還快三倍啊… 我好想哭喔…

為什麼沒有Mac Pro用的ThunderBolt卡呢?

再來是Pegasus R4 四顆硬碟的陣列









這個產品要阿婆公布後,定好了價格,放上了Apple online Store,才能正式開賣








能夠把Fiber Channel

轉成ThunderBolt進入你的「MacBook Pro」






也有這種NAS for SMB的小型工作室解決方案










ECS Tablet Dock Can Transform Your iOS, Android And WP7 Smartphone Into A Tablet

ECS Tablet Dock Can Transform Your iOS, Android And WP7 Smartphone Into A Tablet: "

An new innovative concept has been unveiled at Computex 2011 this week in the form of the EDS ICE smartphone tablet dock. Which allows you to dock your smartphone with a brainless tablet/screen device to then create a working tablet, using your smartphone for processing power.

The early prototype on show at Computex is demonstrated below using an iPhone 4 but the dock is capable of transforming iOS, Android or Windows Phone 7 mobile phones into tablets. Watch the video after the jump for a run through of the devices features.

EDS Tablet Dock

Read the rest of ECS Tablet Dock Can Transform Your iOS, Android And WP7 Smartphone Into A Tablet

© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | No comment | Add to del.icio.us
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Botanical Prints and Hand Lettering from Karolin Schnoor

Botanical Prints and Hand Lettering from Karolin Schnoor: "

Artist Karolin Schnoor recently updated her shop with a bunch of beautiful new screen printed cards, post cards, and art prints.  As usual, I’m loving the combination of Karolin’s illustrations, hand lettering, and botanical design elements.  So pretty!

Karolin Schnoor Screenprint Poster 500x374

Karolin Schnoor Botanical Postcard Set 500x375

Karolin Schnoor Dove Postcard 500x375

Karolin Schnoor Screenprint Moth Poster 500x375

Karolin Schnoor 500x375

You might recognize this set of letterpress note cards featuring Karolin’s illustrations and hand lettering – the cards were printed by Bison Bookbinding and Letterpress and made an appearance at the National Stationery Show!

Karolin Schnoor Hand Lettering Letterpress Cards4 500x375

Karolin Schnoor Hand Lettering Letterpress Cards5 300x400 Karolin Schnoor Hand Lettering Letterpress Cards7 300x399

Karolin Schnoor Hand Lettering Letterpress Cards3 500x375

Karolin Schnoor Hand Lettering Letterpress Cards6 300x400 Karolin Schnoor Hand Lettering Letterpress Cards2 300x400

Karolin Schnoor Hand Lettering Letterpress Cards 500x375

So beautiful!  You can check out the full selection of prints and note cards in Karolin’s shop right here!

Photo Credits: Karolin Schnoor


© 2008 — 2011, Oh So Beautiful Paper

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Father’s Day Cards for Awesome Dads, Part 2

Father’s Day Cards for Awesome Dads, Part 2: "

If you missed it, you can find oodles of Father’s Day Cards for Awesome Dads in part one of my roundup. And now it’s time for part two, featuring even more clever cards for dad’s big day!

Father's Day Cards 2011

Above, clockwise from top left : Father’s Day Lions and Father’s Day Stripes by Smock, Father’s Day Favorite by Wit & Whistle, Hardest Working Dad by Hammerpress, letterpress Father’s Day card by Impressed Design, Father’s Day Tie card by Love Citron, and Heart Ropes Father’s Day Card by Egg Press

Father's Day Greeting Cards

You’re the Best Dad Ever by Dutch Door Press, Father’s Day Fishing card by Freckle Paper, Marvellous Dad Father’s Day card by Doodlelove, Happy Father’s Day by Angie Allen, World’s Best Dad by Avie Designs (three additional Father’s Day designs available), Hey Pops by Constellation & Co.

images from their respective owners


T17 討論區 6月1日熱門 懶人包 !

T17 討論區 6月1日熱門 懶人包 !: "T17熱門懶人包出爐囉!今天是Computex 2011的第二天,我們現場不僅有小編深入採訪,還有SG特派員帶大家一起看正妹! XD 這款「Birzzle」小遊戲,不同於一般的寶石方塊,操作模式大大地不同,對於關卡的變化難度也恰到好處,好玩到整個部門同事都熬夜玩它,一起來玩吧!


  1. SG特派員:Computex 直擊!
    今天是去幫忙工作,因為4:30就下班了,所以才開始拍一些認識的Show Girl

  2. 讓小編熬夜不睡狂玩的遊戲 ─ Birzzle

  3. 這不是剝皮辣椒!是剝皮人偶......
    這是國外攝影師Taylor James的作品,他擅長運用電腦合成,製作一些很有趣的照片

  4. 史上玩家數最多的OLG,超越魔獸世界

TOP 10人氣話題

  1. 電腦升級

  2. 我用Dropbox出問題了


  4. Canon EOS 5D Mark II Ver. 2.0.9韌體更新

  5. Nikon「超越平凡角度」攝影比賽

  6. 我的手槍也可以拍照?

  7. 作品分享 - 日。象山。夜

  8. 溫馨的整人節目

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Lodsys:如果授權給蘋果的專利有罩到 iOS 開發者我就切...1,000 美元給每一位有收到通知的開發者...

Lodsys:如果授權給蘋果的專利有罩到 iOS 開發者我就切...1,000 美元給每一位有收到通知的開發者...: "

不久前 Lodsys 又在官方部落格上面開砲,同時還宣布了這場專利訴訟戰爭正式展開;他們說在蘋果的威脅下,為了保有自家在法律行動上的選擇,因此不得不提早對軟體開發者提出訴訟(先前那些都只是善意的警告),目前已知包括 Combay、Iconfactory、Illusion Labs、Shovelmate、Quickoffice、Richard Shinderman 以及 Wulven Game Studios 等,都名列這一波訴訟所要控告的對象。

而這一串 po 文中,最有趣的地方是 Lodsys 跟 iOS 軟體開發者打賭,說如果蘋果專利授權的部份真的有涵蓋到 iOS 軟體開發者,他們就會給曾經收到他們家通知警告的開發者,每家 / 人 1,000 美元作為補償,這賭很大,但是根據先前 EFF 對於 Lodsys 這家公司的分析,如果他最後『落跑』...嗯...不知道這回蘋果會怎樣回應呢?



Disparity series... Photographer Christopher Boffoli

Disparity series... Photographer Christopher Boffoli: "Disparity series... Photographer Christopher Boffoli"

Top 5 Online Business Apps Every IT Pro Can't Live Without

Top 5 Online Business Apps Every IT Pro Can't Live Without: "

sponsorseries_itapps_150x150.jpgIT professionals need to wear a lot of hats. It is not just enough to be the 'server expert' or the 'mobile expert.' IT departments are often stretched thin by the amount of work that is necessary to get every employee in the business working at optimum efficiency. That means being the server expert, mobile expert, cloud, virtualization, unified communications and applications expert, all rolled in to one person.

What are the applications that IT experts need to be able to function at optimum performance? The ability to streamline aspects of the business into one application is very useful. Here are five applications that help IT professionals do their jobs at peak efficiency.


This post is part of a series brought to you by GoToAssist.

XenApp by Citrix - When it comes to virtualization and scalability, Citrix and VMWare are the go-to choices for IT gurus. XenApp is an on-demand application delivery solution that can enable Windows applications to be virtualized and managed in the data center and then delivered to any employee, on any device. Citrix is always ahead of the game in terms of compatibility as well, working with original equipment manufacturers to make sure that XenApp and the Citrix Receiver are available as soon as the hottest new device comes out. (Disclosure: Citrix is a ReadWriteWeb sponsor.)


BoxTone - The 'Consumerization of IT' has become a nightmare for your tech guy. Everybody is now bringing in their own phones and tablets and wanting the tech department to make them work. It used to be so easy! Hand out BlackBerries to everyone and link them through the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. IT professionals now have to navigate through disparate platforms like Android, iOS, BlackBerry and Windows Phone (who did no help to IT departments by forking away from Windows CE compatibility).

BoxTone is mobile device management software. The software can help IT pros maintain and enforce security on personal and corporate and deploy over-the-air (OTA) updates to phones to patch security holes or set device permissions. It can leverage the best technology across iOS, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia and make scaling your workforce into a mobile machine easier.

Chatter - Salesforce.com Chatter is a great way to communicate in or out of the office. For IT professionals, communication on the go is a necessity when managing tickets across the business. Chatter works a lot like a private Twitter channel and is available for iOS, Android and BlackBerry. Chatter allows for file uploads, status updates, analytics dashboards and has notifications when you are not signed in to Chatter itself.


Microsoft Lync - On the topic of communications, Chatter may not be a robust enough solution for enterprise communications. That is where Microsoft and other enterprise communications providers like Cisco and Avaya step in. Lync is Microsoft's unified communications platform that integrates presence, security, chat, video and telephony into one location. Lync can be on-premises or hosted and with service options available from Microsoft, it can be easy to manage for IT professionals stretched for time.


Mozy - Online data backup is one of those things that you did not know you needed until there is a catastrophe at the server level and your company's data is literally melting on the floor at the data center. So, multiple backup options for data are preferable and Mozy is as good as any of them. Mozy can automatically backup data on a set schedule and delivers information to the data center on a 128-bit SSL encryption.

Photo by flaivoloka

