2011年6月18日 星期六
The Internet Of Things Is Coming Sooner Than You Think
So soon, in fact, that a team of Norwegian scientists are hard at work on a common platform called ISIS. What ISIS does is allow users to create and harmonize apps for all their connected items. This useful feature’s value is in keeping the multiplicity of things organized. That’s what lies at the heart of the internet of things—everything is connected.
Original Story The Internet Of Things Is Coming Sooner Than You Think
© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011
Modern Wedding Invitations from Ink + Wit
Tara from Ink + Wit sent me a note to let me know about some beautiful new designs that she recently added to her wedding collection. Tara is known for her unique and modern botanical illustrations, and these new invitations are no exception. And I love, love the combination of blind impressions with the delicate botanical elements – so pretty!
Birch Tree + Berries
The next design features some romantic swirls with modern blind impression stripes all in a crisp black and white color palette – so pretty!
Custom New York Highline Invitation
You can check out the full collection over at Ink + Wit. Thanks Tara!
Photo Credits: Ink + Wit
*Ink + Wit is a sponsor of Oh So Beautiful Paper. For more on my editorial policies, please click here.
© 2008 — 2011, Oh So Beautiful Paper
Royal Dutch Mint Releases Coins With QR Codes
QR Codes are becoming more and more popular, and have started to pop up everywhere, now the Royal Dutch Mint has released some new coins with QR codes built in, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Mint in Utrecht.
The mint will be releasing a limited run of these coins in both gold with will cost 10 Euros and Silver which will cost 5 Euros, and if you scan the code on the coin it will your mobile phone it will take you to the Dutch Royal mints website.
Original Story Royal Dutch Mint Releases Coins With QR Codes
© Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2011
claude saos: jump lamp
resembling a hybrid animal, this lamp's long neck and flat foot render an animated lighting form.
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史上 最大數位相機:26億8千萬畫素拿來 拍星星
VST與OmegaCAM架設在位在帕瑞納(Paranal)天文台位在智利帕瑞納山上,在此之前,原已備有四台8.2m口徑的VLT超大望遠鏡、4m口徑的可見光和紅外巡天望遠鏡VISTA,現在更加入VST巡天望遠鏡一起捕捉星空,使得記錄鑑別天體作更顯如虎添冀。目前ESO已經使用VST與OmegaCAM將南半球的星空巡過一回,並在網站上首度公佈半人馬座星團(Omega Centauri)與Omega Nebula星團的影像作品。在下列的星空攝影作品中,每張都可透過點擊圖片看見官方釋出大尺寸的原始影像,若是這些浩翰星空的照片開啟你的好奇心,不妨到Los Cielos de América一解你對奇幻星空之迷哦!
▲半人馬座星團(Omega Centauri)裡有30億顆星星,這張照片的檔案約530MB。(圖片來源:ESO)
▲VST與OmegaCAM拍攝的第一張星空作品:Omega Nebula星團,又稱M17或天鵝星團Swan Nebula。(圖片來源:ESO)
"The home of Erik Spiekermann & Susanna Dulkinys
As I would have suspected, the master typographer Erik Spiekermann, has a deluxe, modern house in Berlin. Some features include a full Bulthaup kitchen, a bookshelf that requires a hoisting harness to peruse it, and prismatic windows that allow warmth from the sun to pass through only when hit at a low angle. Sold yet?
On the fifth floor is the office of Spiekermann and his wife Susanna Dulkinys—a designer. The sixth floor is the kitchen and living area while the seventh floor is the bedroom. All of the surfaces of the house are painted a shade of light grey. It keeps the interior bright and cool but not cold.
Susanna Dulkinys on keeping the house’s interior free from clutter:
It’s like creating white space so you can free your mind and be creative.
Found on Dwell
Related posts:
- Blue Sky Prototype Home
- Allandale House: A Creative Getaway
- Jonathan Segal Architecture + The Prospect
- Ribbon House by G2 Estudio
Panasonic 第四季推出 Android 強書平板,掛車上可當防彈裝甲板(誤)
可惜除了知道它將在第四季推出之外,我們沒有任何價格或準確的上市時間資訊,不過想要一台夠 man 的平板的朋友,可以準備存錢啦!
知名衛星導航品牌 - TomTom,最近從自己的資料庫中、抓出8兆筆即時路況的數據資料來分析,歸納出了2011年歐洲最擁擠的50個城市;這些數據資料是由使用TomTom系統的3000萬歐洲用戶,所回饋而來的。(點擊上圖可放大)
Foxconn巴西iPad 2生產工廠啟用時間將延後到八月末~九月初?
根據G1的報導,巴西科學技術部部長Aloizio Mercadante表示原訂在今年七月開始運作的Foxconn巴西iPad 2生產工廠,目前已經延後到八月末~九月初。
延後的主要原因是廠房施工延誤,以及缺乏工程師人才等。另外,根據報導,新的工廠將可節省消費者40%的成本(註:應該是對巴西消費者而言)。並不是由於iPad 2變便宜,而是因為巴西政府並不對國內生產的牲品徵收稅金。