2011年9月24日 星期六

Murata Outs Not Yet Officially Released Flexible Remote

Murata Outs Not Yet Officially Released Flexible Remote:

So instead of going clickity-click it’s bent this way and that to achieve the desired result. The result being a switch between channels and other TV functions. Being a Japanese gadget, it’s a collaboration between an established company (Murata) and high tech university labs. The result is what’s being marketed as the Leaf Grip Remote Controller. A bit off, if you ask us. Leaf grip? Oh well, you never really know what the Japanese are going to come up with next.

Leaf grip controller
Original Story Murata Outs Not Yet Officially Released Flexible Remote

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星際大戰風格的iOS、Android以及其他智慧型手機軟體商店大戰圖「APP STORE WARS」。

星際大戰風格的iOS、Android以及其他智慧型手機軟體商店大戰圖「APP STORE WARS」。:



  • 各平台的付費軟體比例為:App Store for iPhone:71%、Android Market:41%、Blackberry App World:75%。

  • 各平台的成長率:App Store for iPhone:111%、Android Market:544%、Blackberry App World:268%。

  • 每隻手機平均的軟體安裝數量:iPhone:48個、Android:35個、Blackberry:15個

  • 而各平台前100大付費軟體的平均售價為:iPhone:$2.15、Android:$4.57、Blackberry:$5.61。


Smartphone starwars Infographic

via WebpageFX


在App Store中唯一超過1,000,000人次評分的軟體是?

Apple正式宣佈「Mac App Store」將在2011年1月6日正式開始營運。



唯美人體與數位創作-Federico Bebber

唯美人體與數位創作-Federico Bebber: Federico Bebber這位藝術家出生於1974年在(Udine.義大利)。
就我們的印象,Federico Bebber非常喜歡驚悚、震撼的畫面,難得這一輯有唯美的表現!
自1998年以來,Federico Bebber一直專心於數位藝術的創作,在影像中,他所表現出一種的詭譎場景氣氛,將臉孔與煙霧和肢體的創作元素結合,發展出不同於一般人想像的視覺震撼與想像。


用相機快門聲來組合樂曲: Youtube頻道Shutterlog 收集了不同相機的快門聲,建構了一般以快門聲組合成的節奏音樂影片Shutterlog Remix,猶如樂團中鼓手的打擊樂曲一般!


荒木經惟-黑框拍立得攝影展: 荒木經惟,日本傳奇攝影大師,作品中充斥著情慾與裸露主題。此次的「BLACK FRAME 遺影」攝影展是繼1999年荒木經惟在台首度開展後,睽違12年的第二次攝影展,運用 IMPOSSIBLE Project的「PX600 UV+ Black Frame」黑框拍立得底片進行全新創作

老祖母與白貓 Miyoko Ihara (伊原美代子)

老祖母與白貓 Miyoko Ihara (伊原美代子): Miyoko Ihara (伊原美代子) 是一位日本的女攝影師,出生於西元1981年。在她作品中的《Missao and Fukumaru》,是她拍攝85歲的祖母Missao和她的貓Fukumaru,祖母曾對她的貓說,“我們永不分開”,表現出最直接的疼愛、依賴。直到今天,Missao和Fukumaru依舊一起在田間勞動,相互陪伴著...

Logo Design: Tips, Tutorials and Inspiration

Logo Design: Tips, Tutorials and Inspiration:

It doesn’t matter what type of business you run: a bakery from your home kitchen, a shoe shining stand on the street or a multi-million dollar corporation. All of these businesses have one essential thing in common and that is a Logo for the business to be known by. Logos are important for your business in order to be identified in the field. Most of the times a logo is all a customer has to see in order for them to decide if they will by buying the products or making use of your services.

That is why attention has to be garnered towards your businesses logo. The reason for this article is to push some tips, tutorials and inspiration your way in order for you to fully understand how vitally important a logo is to a business and that it isn’t just something you can rush. These things take time to perfect and with that creativity comes hand in hand as well. Let’s have a look at the main topics in this article.


Simple is sometimes better

A complex logo can be difficult to reproduce and more importantly, difficult to remember. Better to have a simple logo for your main design, and a souped-up version (like a beauty shot for example) when a more complex version is appropriate, and/or the reproduction medium allows. -source

Your logo is for your audience

Naturally, you want to like your logo (we’ve know lots of times were people are reluctant to use their logo as they no longer ‘like’ it). On the other hand, keep in mind that your logo is to appeal to your customers, and should be created with them in mind. You may be the most conservative person on the planet, but if you’re trying to market to the hip-hop crowd, your sensibilities are probably different than your ‘audience’. A logo that you ‘like’ probably won’t appeal to them. -source

Not every logo needs a symbol??

Sometimes a client just needs a professional wordmark to identify their business. Don’t be afraid to ask what they think. -source

A simple logo aids recognition??

Keeping the design simple allows for flexibility in size. Ideally, your design should work at a minimum of around one inch without loss of detail. Look at the logos of large corporations like Mitsubishi, Samsung, FedEx, BBC etc. Their logos look simple and are easier to recognize because of it. -source

Learn what a logo is and what it represents

Before you design one, you must understand what a logo is, what it represents and what it is supposed to do. A logo is not just a mark – it reflects a business’s commercial brand through the use of shape, fonts, color, and / or images.

A logo is for inspiring trust, recognition and admiration for a company or product and it is our job as designers to create an identity that will do its job. -source

Understand that your logo is just the beginning

True, it’s an important beginning, but a beginning never the less. Don’t expect your logo to single-handedly develop your company’s ‘brand’. Far from it. It is only by repeated use of your logo, combined with graphical elements (your marketing artwork, ads, etc) as well as the old-fashioned stuff (business ethic, customer service, etc) that will create your ‘brand’ or corporate image. Having said that, however, your new logo is the corner stone of these efforts, and its pretty important to get it right. -source


Dache: Logo Design Process – Web Designer Wall

Sikbox Logo Design Process – Abduzeedo

Logo Design Process and Walkthrough for Vivid Ways – Spoon Graphics

How to Design a Logotype from Conception to Completion – Spoon Graphics

Create a clean retro badge in Adobe Illustrator – Denis Designs

Use Illustrator to Create a Fun, 3D, Character Logo – Vector Tuts+

Obama Logo Tutorial – Click Pop Media

Create a Sewed Adidas Logo – VforVectors

Compiled Tutorial Lists on Other Blogs



I hope that you were able to draw some inspiration and understanding from this post and that you were able to find some new tutorials to keep yourself busy with. Remember to think outside the box! Good luck.

History of Photoshop: Journey from Photoshop 1.0 to Photoshop CS5

History of Photoshop: Journey from Photoshop 1.0 to Photoshop CS5:

‘Photoshop’, today is the most popular and profitable application that supports layers, filters, brushes, text, 3D objects, videos, etc. Photoshop is mainly used for bitmap image and to do image manipulation tasks effectively. At the beginning, Photoshop was known as “Display” to show grayscale images on a monochrome display.

In 1987, Thomas Knoll, a PhD student at the University of Michigan, found out that his new Mac Plus (third model of computer in Macintosh line) failed to display grayscale images on its 1-bit black and white display.

To crack this disadvantage of Mac Plus, Thomas began coding a program that could solve the problem.

Then his brother, John Knoll, who was in charge of the special effects department for Industrial Light and Magic on the 1st Star Wars movie showed interest in the project and recommended that it be developed into a full image editing program. Hence it was named ‘Display’. The Knoll brothers then renamed Display to Image-Pro. Image-Pro could be used for rack card printing too and that wasn’t the only thing it could do.

Image-Pro had many advanced features for displaying images so in the year 1988, Knoll brothers started to sell Image-Pro commercially. And for this purpose they renamed Image-Pro to “Photoshop”.

The Knoll brothers approached many companies, but none of them were ready to purchase Photoshop. In Sept. 1988, a deal was struck between the Knoll brothers and Adobe. All the wholesale rights of Photoshop were purchased by Adobe. The Knoll brothers started working on their product and released the first version Photoshop 1.0 in 1990.

So up to this, you have seen the development and Journey of “Display”-“Image-Pro” to “Photoshop.” Now you will see the development of Photoshop versions from the beginning.


Photoshop 1.0

Released in: February 1990


8 MHz, color screen and at least 2 MB RAM,

Mac System 6.0.3,

68000 processor,

Floppy drive


Color correction facility with balance, hue and saturation and Image Output Optimization was introduced also

Curves, Levels, and Clone tool were introduced in this version,

In this version they introduced rasterizer for Adobe Illustrator files.

Photoshop 2.0

Released in: June 1991.

Was named with the codeword “Fast Eddy”.


Mac System 6.0.7,


68020 Processor,

32-bit QuickDraw,

Floppy drive.


Slight changes like paths in which it furnishes with creation of line based drawings and thus it becomes easier in manipulating. And for this purpose Pen Tool was introduced,

CMYK color mode support,

Masking was introduced.

Photoshop 2.5

Released in: November 1992.

Was named with the codeword “Merlin Brimstone”.


Supported Microsoft Windows for the first time.

Also supports IRIX, Solaris.


Slight changes like Palettes were introduced and 16 bit channel support.

Photoshop 3.0

Photoshop 3.0 that supports Macintosh was launched In September 1994 and the same version that supported Windows, IRIX and Solaris was launched in November 1994.

Was named with the codeword “Tiger Mountain”.


Mac system 7.0,


68020 processor,

25MB hard drive capability,

Floppy drive.


Layers and Tabbed palettes were introduced in this version which became an easy process in manipulating images.

Photoshop 4.0

Released in: November 1996.

Was named with the codeword “Big Electric Cat”.


Mac System 7.1,

Mac system 7.1.2 for Power Macintosh,

16 MB RAM, 68030 processor,

25MB hard drive capability,

Color monitor with an 8-bit video card,

CD-ROM drive,

Supports Macintosh and Windows only.


Adjustment layers and macros were introduced in this version.

They designed interface as the same like other Adobe Products.

Photoshop 5.0

Released in: May 1998.

Was named with the codeword “Strange Cargo”.


Mac System 7.5.5,

32 MB RAM,

G3 processor,

60 MB hard drive capability,

Supports Macintosh and Windows only.


Undo command for multiple times,

Managing color and Magnetic Lasso was introduced in this version.

Photoshop 5.5

Released in: February 1999.

Was named with the codeword “Strange Cargo”.


Mac System 7.5.5,

32 MB RAM,

G3 processor,

60 MB hard drive capability,

Supports Macintosh and Windows only.


Supports Macintosh and Windows only.

Save Web feature was added and the extract feature was introduced in this version,

Image slicing property was first time introduced and added rollover effects.

Photoshop 6.0

Released in: September 2000.

Was named with the codeword “Venus in Furs


Mac OS 8.5,

64 MB RAM,

G3 processor,

125 MB hard drive capability,

Color display carrying 800 x 600 resolution and

8-bit color video card,

CD-ROM drive,

Supports Macintosh and Windows only.


Vector shapes,

Liquify Filter,

Layer styles,

Dialog box were added,

User Interface was updated.

Photoshop 7.0

Released in: March 2002.

Was named with the codeword “Liquid Sky”.


Mac OS 9.1 or Mac OS X 10.1.3,

128 MB RAM,

G3 processor,

320 MB hard drive capability,

Color display carrying 800 x 600 resolution and

16-bit color video card,

CD-ROM drive,

Supports Mac OS ‘Classic’/Mac OS X, Windows.


Healing Brush tool was introduced,

Designed Text in vector,

And Photoshop file browser was first time introduced.

Photoshop CS

Released in: October 2003.

Was named with the codeword “Dark Matter”.


Mac OS X 10.2.4,

192 MB RAM,

G3 processor,

320 MB hard drive capability,

Carrying 1024 x 768 resolution of monitor with 16-bit video card and

CD-ROM drive,

Supports Mac OS X only.


Camera RAW 2.x,

Highly modified “Slice Tool”,

Shadow/Highlight command,

Match Color command,

Lens Blur filter,

Smart Guides,

Real-Time Histogram was introduced in this version.

A feature that detects and ignores images of banknotes was added.

Photoshop CS2

Released in: April 2005.

Was named with the codeword “Space Monkey”.


Mac OS X 10.2.8,

320 MB RAM,

G3 processor,

750 MB available hard drive space,

Carrying1024 x 768 resolution of monitor with 16-bit video card and

CD-ROM drive,

Supports Mac OS X, Windows 2000 / XP.


Camera RAW 3.x,

Smart Objects,

Image Warp,

Spot healing brush,

Red-Eye tool,

Lens Correction filter,

Smart Sharpen,

Smart Guides,

Vanishing Point was introduced,

It furnished Memory management for 64-bit power PC G5s.

Photoshop CS3

Released in: April 2007.

Was named with the codeword “Red Pill”.


Mac OS X 10.4.8,

512 MB RAM,

G4 processor,

2 GB available hard drive space,

1024 x 768 monitor resolution with 16-bit video and

64 MB of VRAM, DVD-ROM drive,

Supports Mac OS X, Windows XP.


Black-and-white conversion adjustment,

Auto Align and Auto Blend,

Smart (non-destructive) Filters,

Mobile device graphic optimization was introduced in this version,

Furnishes native support for Intel base Macintosh platform and improved support for Windows Vista,

Revised user interface, alterations to Curves, Vanishing Point, Channel Mixer, Brightness and Contrast, and the Print dialog were also introduced.

Features like cloning and healing were improved.

Photoshop CS4

Released in: April 2008



1.8GHz or faster processor,

Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (Service Pack 3 recommended) or Windows Adobe Photoshop CS4 Vista Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (certified for 32-bit Windows XP and 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Vista),

512Mb of RAM (1Gb recommended),

1Gb of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on flash-based storage devices),

1024×768 display (1,280×800 recommended) with 16-bit video card,

Some GPU-accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0

DVD-ROM drive,

QuickTime 7.2 software required for multimedia features,

Broadband Internet connection required for online services


PowerPC G5 or multicore Intel processor,

Mac OS X v10.4.11-10.5.4,

512Mb of RAM (1Gb recommended),

2Gb of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on flash-based storage devices),

1024×768 display (1,280×800 recommended) with 16-bit video card,

Some GPU-accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0

DVD-ROM drive,

QuickTime 7.2 software required for multimedia features,

Broadband Internet connection required for online services.


New Adjustments window,

Use dodge/burn without affecting other areas,

Auto blend feature improved,

Content aware cropping,

Pixel grid for editing individual pixels,

New Adjustments panel,

New Masks panel,

Content aware scaling,

Extended depth of field ,

Fluid canvas rotation,

Smoother panning,

Smoother zooming,

Support for colour-blind,

3D object painting,

3D object/property editing,

3D animation,

2D conversions to 3D,

Volume rendering

Photoshop CS5

Released in: April 2010


Windows XP (Service pack 3) Vista Home, Business or Enterprise Edition, Windows 7 Mac,

Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor

Memory: 1GB RAM + 1Gb Hard-disk space

Monitor Resolution: 1024X768 (1280×800 recommended)

Windows Mac OS

OS X v10.5.7 or 10.6.3 or later,

Multicore Intel processor,

1GB RAM + 2Gb Hard-disk space


Content Aware Fill,

Intelligent selection technology,

Advanced HDR processing,

Improved raw processing,

Extended painting effects,

Localised Warp tool,

Auto lens correction,

Workspace management,

Advanced 3D options (CS5 Extended),

and 30 JDI (Just Do it) additions.

Thank you for reading this article. Let me know which version of Photoshop you started your career on?