2012年3月29日 星期四

Google To Launch Tablet Store To Sell Android Tablets?

Google To Launch Tablet Store To Sell Android Tablets?:
We have been hearing rumors that Google is working on their own Android tablet, which is rumored to feature the Nexus branding and is expected to launch some time later this year.
Now according to a recent report by the WSJ, Google is apparently looking to open an online tablet store to sell a range of Android tablets, in an attempt to make the devices more popular.
Galaxy Tab 10.1(...)
Original Story Google To Launch Tablet Store To Sell Android Tablets?

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012

Dress Up With Dinner Necktie Napkins

Dress Up With Dinner Necktie Napkins:
For sure, no one likes to get dirty while eating especially during fine dines. Hence, napkins, however, are invented to stay away from your food’s hassle grease or unwanted splashes of soup.
Original Story Dress Up With Dinner Necktie Napkins

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Nikon lens thermos giveaway

Nikon lens thermos giveaway:
 Nikon lens thermos giveaway Nikon lens thermos giveaway
First, the winner of the last Nikon 1 V1 grip giveaway is Bill Pearce. Congratulations! If you did not win, here is another chance:
What can I win?
In this giveaway you can win a Nikon 70-200mm lens thermos.
How do I win?
The rules are simple: leave a comment to this blog post. That's all. One comment per person please. Don’t forget to add your email address in the provided field (it will not be visible to the public and it will only be used to notify you in case you are the winner). I will close all comments at the end of this week and will randomly pick the winner.

The best part?
This giveaway is open to anyone and is not restricted to US residents only, everyone is welcomed to participate. This giveaway is void where prohibited by law. All taxes are the responsibility of the winner. The price cannot be shipped to countries embargoed by the United States.
Good luck!

Posted by NikonRumors.com

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Recylced Vintage Camera iPhone Dock

Recylced Vintage Camera iPhone Dock:
If you are looking for somethign different to charge your iPhone or iPod with then you may want to have a look at these recycled vintage camera iPhone and iPod docks from Roberto Altieri.
There are a couple of different versions available made from a range of vintage Pentax and Minolta cameras and each one is unique and comes with a built in USB cable.
Recylced Vintage Camera iPhone Dock(...)
Original Story Recylced Vintage Camera iPhone Dock

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012

Swan Neck Pen: Makes You Write the Right Way

Swan Neck Pen: Makes You Write the Right Way:
When we talk about common school stuffs, they say, pencils are made for kids while pens are for adults.
Swan Neck Pen
Original Story Swan Neck Pen: Makes You Write the Right Way

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012

Poddities Adds A Money Clip To Your iPhone

Poddities Adds A Money Clip To Your iPhone:
We have features a number of different cases for the iPhone here at Geeky Gadgets that let you carry money or credit cards with your smartphone, but if you are looking for a simpler solution then it may be worth having a look at these Poddities add on clips for the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S.
The Poddities is a money clip that can be added to the back of your iPhone, and as you can see from the photo below it is screwed onto the bottom of your iPhone using the existing screws on the device.
Poddities Adds A Money Clip To Your iPhone(...)
Original Story Poddities Adds A Money Clip To Your iPhone

© Geeky Gadgets, 2012. | Permalink | Unauthorized duplication and or distribution of our content is strictly forbidden © Geeky Gadgets, 2012





蘋果公司創辦人賈伯斯 Steve Jobs 日前為美國加州庫培提諾商會(Cupertino Chamber of Commerce)頒予該會主席獎(President's Award),用以表彰其為團體提供的卓越服務與優異的領導統御。這項榮譽則由蘋果公司政府事務資深副總 Michael Foulkes 代表接受。

庫培提諾商會每年都會頒發一個為商會成員所公認深具成就與團體服務的最佳人選,授與獎項。今年則由 Steve Jobs 獲得,可說是實至名歸。

Foulkes 發表謝辭表示,老賈向來討厭被授與獎項,尤其是要頒給他個人的獎項,所以這個感言也應該要越短越好。他含淚說大家都十分懷念老賈,他將科技視為心靈上的自行車(編按:老賈這段的原文是「What a computer is to me is the most remarkable tool that we have ever come up with. It's the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.」),因為技術讓我們每個人變得更好。老賈一直遵循這個看法,蘋果也如此,希望這個觀點可以繼續流傳下去。

Foulkes 說道:「Steve 與我們同在,曾與其共事的人們深深懷念著他,他依然活在我們心中。現場來賓家中或口袋中有著那麼一台裝置,希望那是你的心靈自行車,並使你變得更好。」這段的原文是:「So Steve lives in all of us. Those who worked with him miss him dearly but he lives in our hearts. All of you who have a device at home or in your pockets, hopefully that is your mental bicycle and make you be a better person than you are.」

最後 Foulkes 提及即將建造的蘋果飛碟總部,宣稱那將會讓每個人為之欣喜,因為是世界級的建築工程奇蹟,也是老賈為蘋果所留下的遺產。

東京迪士尼樂園 2012年新廣告「夢がかなう場所」。

東京迪士尼樂園 2012 年新廣告「夢がかなう場所」。:

東京迪士尼自從 1983 年開幕以來,一直都是台灣民眾出國旅遊的熱門景點之一。特別是對日本有莫名其妙(?)好感的台灣來說,東京迪士尼的地位似乎還比加州的原版迪士尼樂園還要高……

總之,現在東京迪士尼又推出了新的廣告系列「夢がかなう場所」。整篇廣告採用大家熟悉的日式動畫風格製作,敘述的是女主角舞浜ゆめの在生命中與東京迪士尼樂園之間的各種故事,總之就是從小到大到結婚到變成老婆婆都會去迪士尼樂園。雖然就開園才 30 多年來說其實還來不及變成老婆婆,不過這只是廣告,不用想太多……
東京ディズニーリゾート 2012 CM「夢がかなう場所」 180東京ディズニーリゾート 2012 CM「夢がかなう場所」 255東京ディズニーリゾート 2012 CM「夢がかなう場所」 315 東京ディズニーリゾート 2012 CM「夢がかなう場所」 360東京ディズニーリゾート 2012 CM「夢がかなう場所」 390東京ディズニーリゾート 2012 CM「夢がかなう場所」 480 東京ディズニーリゾート 2012 CM「夢がかなう場所」 525東京ディズニーリゾート 2012 CM「夢がかなう場所」 630東京ディズニーリゾート 2012 CM「夢がかなう場所」 675 東京ディズニーリゾート 2012 CM「夢がかなう場所」 705東京ディズニーリゾート 2012 CM「夢がかなう場所」 840東京ディズニーリゾート 2012 CM「夢がかなう場所」 885

考慮到科技業的歷史長度已經可以讓年輕人變成老公公,加上現在出生的小朋友從小到大也許都會有一堆水果牌陪伴,再過個十年,Apple 也許也能這樣拍一支
廣告的動畫風格感覺還蠻像是今敏監督(合掌)的風格,不過到婚紗那段又有一點像某 IDOLM@STER 了。另外,其實這隻廣告的另一個目的是推在東京迪士尼樂園城堡裡結婚的服務「ディズニー・ロイヤルドリーム・ウェディング」。這場皇室級的婚禮服務將在今年九月開始,想必現在預約已經爆滿了……
via 東京ディズニーリゾートについて | 東京ディズニーリゾート

Panasonic 推出迪士尼 110 周年限定版 eneloop 充電電池套裝組!

[開箱] 無印良品 USB 讀卡機「MUJI CARD READER 」。

[開箱] 無印良品攜帶機器用充電托盤「MUJI CHARGER TRAY」。

看 iPad 如何幫助迪士尼打造新的幻想樂園。

[開箱] 支援多點觸控手勢的新款「Wacom Intuos5 touch」繪圖板。
