2011年6月14日 星期二

2012 Continental GT Speed曝光 最大馬力將突破6百匹!

2012 Continental GT Speed曝光 最大馬力將突破6百匹!: "

繼推出2012全新Continental GT豪華轎跑車後,Bentley(賓利)躍躍欲試的想推出更強的Continental GT Speed是必然的,而最新國外的間諜照攝影師剛好就捕捉到了正在進行測試的Continental GT Speed。



天文迷注意囉! 教你拍四年來一次的 月全食

天文迷注意囉! 教你拍四年來一次的 月全食: "睽違四年的月全食,將在6月16日凌晨2點33分登場,直到5點10分才結束,長達2個多小時讓喜愛記錄天文的朋友一次拍個夠。只是月亮要怎麼拍,相信在想挑戰的新手朋友們心中,這可是一門浩瀚艱深的學問啊!別怕,其實拍攝月亮最重要即是曝光和測光,雖然沒有大砲鏡頭可以相挺,但是APS-C或是4/3系列的幫助,也是能替大家省下荷包的。除此之外,拍攝月亮還有什麼注意事項呢?請見以下編輯部為各位整理的重點囉!



  1. 設定正確的光圈。拍攝月亮不能使用很多相機默認的最大光圈(F2.8或者F2.0),一般情況下應該使用F5.6或者更大的光圈,此時可以獲得清晰的月亮表面。

  2. 最好使用點測光,對著月亮最亮的部分測光,這樣可以儘量得到正確的曝光係數。

  3. 拍攝月亮通常需要減少EV值,一般應該要減少1級或者2級。按照不同的光圈和EV值拍攝,馬上看照片預覽之後根據結果進行調整再進行拍攝。這些在數位相機上都很容易實現,使得拍攝的成功率大大提高。

  4. 還要考慮快門速度。如果光圈設定在F5.6左右,快門速度一般應該是1/125秒或者更快一點。除了防止曝光過度,使用高速快門還有一個很重要的原因,就是月亮作為一個天體,它是在不斷運動的,如果使用的快門速度太慢,會很容易拍模糊(任何事情都不是絕對的,也有人用比較低速的快門拍到比較清晰的月亮。這都是與當時的天氣和所使用的器材相關的)。

  5. 最後是ISO感光值和變焦的選擇。拍攝月亮一般選擇最小的感光值,ISO 50或者ISO 100都可以。ISO過高除了會使曝光過度也會使畫面變得粗糙。













拍出 荷花 的意境


生態攝影 閃光燈 的 使用時機

Wellcome Image : 醫學 和 生化影像 的龍頭網站

生態攝影 要用大 光圈 ? 淺景深 ?




Belarus: "Belarus"

This Other Wolrd... Photographer Camille Seaman

This Other Wolrd... Photographer Camille Seaman: "This Other Wolrd... Photographer Camille Seaman"

Dark Ice... Photographer Camille Seaman

Dark Ice... Photographer Camille Seaman: "Dark Ice... Photographer Camille Seaman"

Акварель Carolyn Blish

Акварель Carolyn Blish: "Акварель Carolyn Blish"

The Big Cloud... Photographer Camille Seaman

The Big Cloud... Photographer Camille Seaman: "The Big Cloud... Photographer Camille Seaman"

Old Armenian Doors... Photographer Suren Manvelyan

Old Armenian Doors... Photographer Suren Manvelyan: "Old Armenian Doors... Photographer Suren Manvelyan"

Black + White Wedding Invites for Tea & Danilo

Black + White Wedding Invites for Tea & Danilo: "

Black and White Wedding Invitations

If you love black and white invitations, then you’re going to go bonkers for this gorgeous custom wedding invitation suite by Valentina of CUTandPASTE. This project was one of Valentina’s favorites, and I can understand why.

Black and White Wedding Invitations

Black and White Wedding

Black and white is an unusual color palette for Italian weddings, and Valentina was incredibly excited to be able to work on this project for Tea and Danilo because she thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show Italian couples that a black and white palette could be an elegant and timeless solution. The resulting wedding suite undoubtedly embodies both elegance and timelessness and features a mix of stripe, dot, and heart patterns that, along with the sweet font used in the design, brings a bit of playfulness and fun to the whole package.

Parents Bride and Groom Invitations

The suite also features a special version of the invitations for the parents of the bride and groom. Included in this “kit” are the invitations, chocolates and macarones, all packaged in a white box with black tissue and finished with custom labels and black and white striped ribbon.

Wedding Paper Details

Valentina created many additional paper details for this very special occasion, including a large “welcome” print for the castle in which the wedding took place, as well as escort cards, table numbers, menus, a door hanger for tea, a custom guestbook area, and incredibly darling laser cut flags for the dessert buffet. Black and white heaven!

Cut and Paste Custom Invitations

Tea Door Hanger

images from CUTandPASTE


Sony PlayStation Vita 專屬的記憶卡規格

Sony PlayStation Vita 專屬的記憶卡規格: "

看過了 SONY PlayStation Vita 的規格價格等等資訊以後,有位眼尖的玩家突然發現:PlayStation Vita 記憶卡規格好像怪怪的?如上圖的四種容量記憶卡,大小與 SD 卡類似,但卻又長得不太一樣。天阿!不要再玩專屬規格這一套了吧?不是說要省錢嗎?


Mondo Bizarro

Mondo Bizarro: "

There is no more unfortunate creature under the sun than a fetishist who yearns for a woman's shoe and has to settle for the whole woman. (Karl Kraus)

Elene Usdin

Alva Bernadine

Peter Franck

 Chas Ray Krider

Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin

Nobuyoshi Araki

Nan Goldin

Paul Outerbridge

Madame Yevonde

Cindy Sherman

Youssef Nabil 

Pierre et Gilles

Didier Mignot

Jan Saudek

 Chas Ray Krider

Elene Usdin

Olaf Martens

David Lynch

David Lynch

Paul Outerbridge

Rancho is the new ankle pony boots style with well made wood wedge and original horse iron. 

Thomas Ruff

Olaf Martens

Stephane Lallemand

Ellen von Unwerth, Heidi, Kitzbühel, 2003

Ed Van Der Elsken

Ellen von Unwerth

Annie Leibovitz

Gregory Crewdson

Sandy Skoglund

David Lachapelle

Tim Burton

Richard Burbridge

Denise Bellon

Horst P. Horst

Hans Bellmer

Marc Lagrange

Robert Mapplethorpe  

Helmut Newton 

German "Vogue" Photoshot, October 2009 

Pierre Molinier

Thierry Le Gouès

Eric Kroll

Jeanloup Sieff

Eric Kroll

Elmer Batters

Jiri Ruzek

John A.S. Coutts

Joel Peter Witkin

Helmut Newton

Nobuyoshi Araki

Man Ray

Daido Moriyama

Annie Leibovitz
