2013年5月2日 星期四

現實扭曲力場王者賈伯斯也完全沒轍的 Paul Rand

現實扭曲力場王者賈伯斯也完全沒轍的 Paul Rand:
蘋果創辦人 Steve Jobs 賈伯斯離開蘋果後所創立的 NeXT ,其知名的斜方塊標誌,乃是由設計大師 Paul Rand 保羅蘭德所設計。 Rand 曾設計出許多知名的企業標誌,在當年是設計業界的絕對首選,也曾幫老賈心中的勁敵 IBM 設計標誌;離開蘋果後一心想要再次攀巔峰的老賈,自然找到 Rand 來設計,期盼能夠創出國際級的大品牌形象;而 Rand 是他為了 NeXT 標誌,所唯一接觸的設計師。
當時 Rand 與 IBM 簽約,無法幫他人設計,老賈出手搞定了 IBM 那一邊,成功與年屆七十的 Rand 搭上線。
老賈由於開發機密,只能透露說新電腦是個黑色立方體,而這也成為 Rand 的設計靈感。而當年 Rand 開價十萬美元,而且只給一個設計,以大師的位階,拒絕一次推出幾款設計讓老賈去選,即便老賈當年是資訊產業金童,其知名度與身價也是不可一世,脾氣又是知名地暴躁,但也拿 Rand 沒轍,同意了 Rand 的條件。
賈伯斯後來回憶此事,提到當他那麼詢問 Rand 時, Rand 的答覆是老賈付錢,他就能幫忙解決問題,但老賈當然不見得要採用他的設計。但是如果老賈想要有更多的選擇,那就去找別人吧。 Rand 強調,他將以所長來提供最佳的設計,但用不用就要看老賈了,因為老賈是客戶,而客戶當然就得付錢。
「I asked him if he would come up with a few options. And he said, “No. I will solve your problem for you. And you will pay me. And you don’t have to use the solution. If you want options, go talk to other people. But I’ll solve your problem for you the best way I know how. And you use it or not. That’s up to you. You’re the client. But you pay me.」
老賈後來看了 Rand 所提供的設計,十分滿意,只要求把標誌裡的 e 的顏色,從較暗的黃色改成更亮的黃色,但 Rand 聽了很火大,用拳頭捶了桌子回嗆說,他在業界幹了五十年,知道他自己在做什麼;於是老賈讓步了。(編按:此段可參考《賈伯斯傳》 P313 - 315 )。後來,他把 Rand 為 NeXT 所設計的標誌說明書,大量翻印,廣為流傳。
來聽聽 1993 年受訪時,老賈怎麼說(可跳至 03:10 直接聽老賈陳述要多樣設計不成之事):
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MirrorCase A Horizontal Camera Case For iPad Hits Kickstarter (video)

MirrorCase A Horizontal Camera Case For iPad Hits Kickstarter (video):
A new style of iPad case has been designed by RHP Multimedia thats allows you to capture photos and video horizontally,allowing you to continue typing whilst capturing.
The MirrorCase has been specifically designed for 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation iPads and offers a very unique design to suit a specific purpose. Watch the video after the jump to learn more about the MirrorCase project and see it in action.
MirrorCase For iPad
Original Story MirrorCase A Horizontal Camera Case For iPad Hits Kickstarter (video)

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Opus XIII Watch By Harry Winston (video)

Opus XIII Watch By Harry Winston (video):
If you are looking for a unique watch then the new Opus XIII watch, which has a series of 59 moving ticks to represent the minutes and has been created by American watchmaker, Harry Winston.
The Opus XIII Watch is fitted with a HW4101 movement and its fitted with rhodium plated hands, including the triangular shaped hour hands. Watch the video after the jump to learn more about the Opus XIII watch and see it in action.
Opus XIII Watch
Original Story Opus XIII Watch By Harry Winston (video)

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Zoomboard Smartwatch Keyboard Makes Small Screen Typing Easy (video)

Zoomboard Smartwatch Keyboard Makes Small Screen Typing Easy (video):
With smart watches becoming ever more popular with manufacturers, and Apple, Microsoft, and Google all saying they are developing smartwatch solutions, plenty of new applications and services are sure to be released to run on them.
However one thing that is a little harder to accomplish on a small screen is typing, enter Zoomboard. Zoomboard is a solution specifically designed to make the task of typing on a smaller smartwatch screen easier.
Original Story Zoomboard Smartwatch Keyboard Makes Small Screen Typing Easy (video)

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PhysX Fluid Dynamics Demo Trailers Released (videos)

PhysX Fluid Dynamics Demo Trailers Released (videos):
A range of videos have been released showing PhysX fluid dynamics, as part of a recent paper published by Nvidia employees Miles Macklin and Matthias Muller, called “Position Based Fluids”.
The trailer show case new fluid simulation techniques, using a Position Based Dynamics approach, and the demo were all run in real time on a single GTX 580. Watch the videos after the jump to learn more about the PhysX Fluid Dynamics project and see it in action.
Original Story PhysX Fluid Dynamics Demo Trailers Released (videos)

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Ressence Type 3 Watch With Unique Liquid Filled Body

Ressence Type 3 Watch With Unique Liquid Filled Body:
If you are in the market for a unique styled watch, the new Ressence Type 3 watch might be worth a little more investigation, as its construction is very different.
The Ressence Type 3 watch mechanics are enclosed in a unique bubble which is filled with a naphtha-type liquid, which tricks the brain into seeing the dial in two-dimensions rather than three, say its creators.
Ressence Type 3 watch
Original Story Ressence Type 3 Watch With Unique Liquid Filled Body

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SandwichBike : Build It Yourself, Make It Your Own (video)

SandwichBike : Build It Yourself, Make It Your Own (video):
A new concept bike currently under development called the SandwichBike, provides cyclists with a unique way to build and customise their ride.
The SandwichBike has been created by Basten Leijh who had to rethink every aspect of the classic velocipede, to create a kit that can be shipped world wide and constructed with ease. Watch the video after the jump to learn more about the SandwichBike project and see it in action.
Original Story SandwichBike : Build It Yourself, Make It Your Own (video)

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3DS XL Circle Pad Pro Arrives In The US For $20

3DS XL Circle Pad Pro Arrives In The US For $20:
Nintendo has announced that their new 3DS XL Circle Pad Pro which has been exclusively available only in Japan since its launch, will now be arriving in the US tomorrow and will be available to purchase for $20.
The 3DS XL Circle Pad Pro is the second iteration of Nintendo’s supplemental analog stick, and follows on from the original GameStop-exclusive Circle Pad Pro made available alongside Resident Evil: Revelations.
3DS XL Circle Pad Pro
Original Story 3DS XL Circle Pad Pro Arrives In The US For $20

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CM Storm QuickFire Stealth Keyboard With Hidden Key Labels Unveiled

CM Storm QuickFire Stealth Keyboard With Hidden Key Labels Unveiled:
Cooler Master has this week unveiled a new addition to its range of gaming keyboards, with the launch of the new CM Storm QuickFire Stealth, which is equipped with mechanical CHERRY MX switches and guaranteed for 50 million keystrokes.
The CM Storm QuickFire Stealth is a compact keyboard with standard arrow and command key blocks, and the keyboard body has been finished in a rubber coating, with the key font printed on the key sides.
CM Storm QuickFire Stealth
Original Story CM Storm QuickFire Stealth Keyboard With Hidden Key Labels Unveiled

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Bang & Olufsen BeoPlay H3 and H6 Headphones Launch In Europe

Bang & Olufsen BeoPlay H3 and H6 Headphones Launch In Europe:
Bang & Olufsen have this week launched two new sets of headphones to their range, in the form of the B&O Play H6 and H3, with the BeoPlay H3 being an in-ear design and the BeoPlay H6 an over-ear headphone.
Bang & Olufsen Play has partnered with Danish industrial designer Jakob Wagner to design their new range of BeoPlay H3 and H6 headphones, which have been constructed from that are durable and long-lasting says Bang & Olufsen.
Bang & Olufsen
Original Story Bang & Olufsen BeoPlay H3 and H6 Headphones Launch In Europe

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Skydog Allows You To Take Your Home Network To The Next Level (video)

Skydog Allows You To Take Your Home Network To The Next Level (video):
A new project called Skydog has been launched on Kickstarter this week to help you customise your home network and take it to the next level of customisation.
Skydog comprises of a mobile application and Wi-Fi router that uses the cloud to provide real-time visibility into the Internet use in your home and control over your network. Watch the video after the jump to learn more about the Skydog project and see it in action.
Original Story Skydog Allows You To Take Your Home Network To The Next Level (video)

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