2012年2月21日 星期二



Ipodtouch 4g


Dwight Eschliman,是拍攝了上面這張iPod touch產品照的專業攝影師。根據他的敘述……

The most challenging aspect of shooting store panels for Apple is the balance between the size of the file and the depth of field. Often the products small enough that our depth of field is very narrow. In order for the product to appear entirely in focus, we have to shoot a number of focus zones, which are stitched together in post. This video is a stop motion video made from all of the focus zones that were shot for this iPod Touch. The number in the corner is the number of the focus zone. In the video you can see the progression of the focus march from front to back. For this left iPod Touch, it took 54 frames just to get the product to appear completely in focus.


這部影片是使用所有為這台iPod touch所拍攝的不同焦點範圍相片,組合成的定格動畫。角落中的數字即為焦點範圍的數量,在影片中,您可以看到焦點從前到後漸漸地移動。

以這台iPod touch來說,使用了54張相片,僅僅是為了讓整個產品出現在焦點範圍裡。

via Dwight Eschliman Photography

