2011年10月20日 星期四

Apple Store如何讓一位抱著零錢罐的十歲小女孩,成為Apple新顧客的故事。

Apple Store如何讓一位抱著零錢罐的十歲小女孩,成為Apple新顧客的故事。:

Apple Store

Apple Store直營店一直以服務優良聞名。以下是在昨天上午,Apple Store直營店經理在公司內部的Steve Jobs紀念活動時為了一位十歲小女孩破例,讓她進入店裡,成為Apple顧客的故事……

My daughter has been saving her birthday money and allowance for almost 9 months now so that she could afford an iPod touch with a camera in it.As of this morning, she had saved the amount needed and headed to the Apple Store in Utah with my wife. They arrived at 10:30am, not realizing that the store would be closed from 11am to 2pm today. As they approached the store, two friendly Apple employees greeted them and said that they were sorry, but they were closed.

My wife pointed to my daughter who had a mason jar full of cash in her arms and explained why they were there and also pointed out that is was not quite 11am yet. They again said they were sorry, but could not let them in. My wife and daughter were sad, but understood and made their way to another store in the mall.

About three stores down, an Apple employee raced after them and explained that the manager was going to make an exception and let them in. When they were let in the store, they were the only customers in the place and every one of the employees stopped what they were doing as my daughter approached the register.

As she took all of the cash out of the mason jar, one employee stepped forward and said, "I don’t mean to bother you, but I have to tell you that this made my day."

After the transaction had been made and my daughter and wife were on their way out, the store manager raised his voice and said to all of the employees, "Everyone, please give [redacted] a round of applause for saving her money and buying an iPod today."

My daughter was caught a little off guard by all of the attention and waved goodbye, then called me with the story.

Nice work Apple!

我的女兒一直將她的生日紅包與近9個月的零用錢存起來,好去買一台有相機的iPod touch。

在今天早上,她存到了需要的金額,並且與我的妻子一起到猶他州的Apple Store直營店。他們在上午10時30分抵達,不過他們並不知道今天Apple Store會在上午11時到下午2時之間關閉。當她們要走進Apple Store時,兩個友善的員工歡迎她們,不過同時向她們道歉,因為他們已經關門了。

我的妻子向他們說,我的女兒已經抱著存滿錢的瓶子,並且也同時說當時還沒有到11點。Apple Store的員工再次對她們說抱歉,但是還是沒辦法讓她們進去店裡。我的妻子與女兒很沮喪,不過也了解Apple Store的難處,同時開始走到商場中的另一家店。







via The Consumerist and Cult of Mac


紀念Steve Jobs,德國Apple Store出現由4,001張便利貼拼成的大型Steve Jobs壁畫!

白色版「iPod touch」目前已經在台灣Apple Online Store開放訂購,售價微幅調降。

請大家不用想太多的舊金山Apple Store直營店照片……


