2011年5月31日 星期二

Computex 2011: Netronix 的電容式觸控電子書

Computex 2011: Netronix 的電容式觸控電子書: "


生產電子書裝置的廠商滿街都是,這款由 Netronix (振曜)在前幾年(12)都有看過,這次展出的電子書比較特別的是支援電容式觸控,使用的是 E-ink (元太), Linux 為作業系統,1000mAh 電池容量(但無法得知續航力,在場人員才剛來一個月,問不出個所以然)。

不過這是OEM產品,而且還沒 Tune 好,未來會在歐美貼牌銷售。


The street is flooded with e-readers nowadays. This particular e-book by Netronix came out a few years ago, but now equipped with a capacitive touch screen using the E-ink technology. It runs Linux and has a 1000 mAh battery, but we are not sure how many hours of usage that translates to.

It is an OEM product and will likely come to North America and Europe with different name tags.

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