The use of character illustration in web design is a great and easy way to increase the amount of visual appeal your website has. Not only does it brighten things up and make your site a bit more captivating, but it also, if pulled off well, helps your visitors remember your design. Although your website’s content is extremely important, a beautiful and engaging design helps to bring everything together.
In today’s post, i will showcase beautiful and stunning websites that are using character inspiration.
1. Meomi
2. Francesco Mugnai
3. Octwelve
4. VG Design
5. SketchBlog
6. Benilyn
7. Photoshop Lady
8. Tom Cash
9. Twisted Maestro
10. Piipeonline
11. Justin Bird
12. Blog What? Design
13. Veboo Labs
14. iwit
15. Old Loft
16. Nybble Tech
17. Gertis PC-Tipps
18. Lionite Internet Ventures
19. Haafe
20. Think Orange
21. Small White Bear
22. Carbonmade
23. i Avion
24. Agencia Mobi
25. CreamScoop
26. BlackMoon Design
27. MplusZ
28. FreelanceSwitch
29. Studio E-space
30. TestLab2
31. Storific
32. Smack a Gopher
33. The Great Bearded Reef
34. Portfolio de Guillaume
35. Moshi Monsters
36. Silverback
37. Toctoc
38. Matt Hamm
39. Formee
40. Stone Skipper
41. Late Night with Jimmy’s Intern
42. Cornerd
43. Lady In Green
44. Haunted Cathouse
45. McMillers Sweets
46. Barber Shop
47. Cheeky Monkey Media
48. HTML5 Lab
49. Inspiredology
50. sr28
Author : Dustin
Dustin Betonio begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting is a Translation Management graduate at University of Mindanao. His earlier career was devoted on customer service outside the information highway. Currently studying Law in the same University.